Papers by Tejashree Dabholkar
In India, dental profession is emerging as one of the top most profession. Changing trends in tec... more In India, dental profession is emerging as one of the top most profession. Changing trends in technology, dental practice, instruments, and expert dental professionals has made Indian dental practices more popular worldwide. Increase demand on these professionals makes them vulnerable for various cumulative trauma syndromes and MSD. Several studies are probing occupational health of dental professionals across the globe. Indian research and literature have shifted its attention to this since last few years. This study predominantly targets literature and studies put forward by Indian researchers. An Insight into which could help in raising important issues for better occupational health of dental professionals.

Ergonomics in Caring for People, 2017
To maintain the center of gravity within the base of support during pregnancy, postural changes o... more To maintain the center of gravity within the base of support during pregnancy, postural changes occur consequently affecting the thoracic spine. This study emphasizes the assessment of scapular stability in postpartum females and its impact on upper quadrant. Subjects (N = 38) were assessed immediately within the first week post-delivery and reassessed after 6 months. Strength testing of Trapezius, Serratus anterior and rhomboids with push–pull dynamometer along with pectoralis minor length, scapular index, lateral scapular slide test and yes/no test for scapular dyskinesis. Statistically significant change in scapular muscle strength and length was noted in females postpartum at the end of sixth month. Correlation was also found between personal characteristic of study population and scapular stability factors. Scapular stability factors shows significant changes in postpartum females.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2012

Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy - An International Journal, 2014
Background&Purpose of the Study : Flexor tendon injuries continue to be disabling diseases. N... more Background&Purpose of the Study : Flexor tendon injuries continue to be disabling diseases. New techniques such as closure of the tendon sheath and multiple strand repairs with early active mobilisation are thought to induce better results and should therefore be properly evaluated. However, despite many efforts to reach consensus, many different evaluation systems continue to be used, making any comparison between obtained results impossible. Thus, this study gives an insight into different evaluation outcomes in flexor tendon repair.c Material&Methodology : Patients with flexor tendon repair of different zones underwent supervised controlled active mobilisation were included. These patients were evaluated using Specific Outcome scales like Buck-Gramcko II, Strickland-Glogovac&American Society for Surgery of Hand (ASSH).Zone wise comparative analysis was done with respect to different outcome measures for the level of significance Results : Chi-square analysis showed statistically significant difference between Buck-Gramcko II&ASSH, ASSH&Strickland in all 5 zones, Buck-Gramcko II&Strickland-Glogovac in all zones except zone I. Conclusion : Outcome measure studied for flexor tendon repair show significant differences when compared zone wise

Medical Science, 2022
Study Design: Double-blinded Randomised Controlled Trial. Participants: 20 asymptomatic individua... more Study Design: Double-blinded Randomised Controlled Trial. Participants: 20 asymptomatic individuals with mean age of 23.60 ± 1.85 years (12males, 8 females) were included by random sampling into two groups, one was given visual feedback (experimental) & the other without feedback (control). Procedure was double-blinded in supine-hook lying (B-mode ultrasonography), transversus abdominis thickness (TrA) were measured during abdominal draw-in manoeuvre (ADIM). Intervention: Intervention for activation of the TrA was administered once/week for 6-weeks via ultrasonography. Outcome measures: Visual feedback via ultrasonography for measuring TrA thickness. Results: Repeated measures ANOVA analysis was run to determine any statistical difference between or within the groups. Logistic regression model was run to test association between age, gender, BMI (Body Mass Index) and desirable mean thickness of TrA. A multivariate logistic regression assessed influence of predictors from demographic variables (age, gender, BMI). RM-ANOVA indicate a statistically significant week-wise increase in thickness Wilk's lambda = 0.189, F = 12.03, p < 0.001. Follow-up comparisons indicated each pair (week-wise) difference was statistically significant, p < 0.001 with no significant difference between the groups (p = 0.617,> 0.05). Amongst the predictors BMI was found to be associated with increase activation of TrA. Conclusion: Visual biofeedback via ultrasonography increases muscle activation of TrA following a 6-week intervention. The MCID (Minimal Clinical Important Difference) defined by the improvement was able to account for progress in asymptomatic population of 20-30 years.

Physical activity (PA) is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle that require... more Physical activity (PA) is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle that required energy expenditure. A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle with little or no physical activity which include sitting or lying down (with the exception of sleeping), watching television, mobile and computer use. The study examined the sedentary time and low levels of daily lifestyle physical activity using validated Rapid Assessment Disuse Index (RADI) and identify the level of activity using International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short-form (IPAQ-SF). In the study conducted, out of 110 Sedentary Individuals; RADI shows that Male are more prone to sedentary lifestyle than Female and shows more inactivity risk as compared to female and IPAQ-SF shows that Male are more Physically active than Female. In both Men and Women have different level of physical activity. Therefore, present study shows that Male and Female have different perspective related to PA.

Musculoskeletal conditions are the most common cause of chronic disability around the world. The ... more Musculoskeletal conditions are the most common cause of chronic disability around the world. The importance of musculoskeletal conditions as a cause of mortality and morbidity has been recognized by the designation of 2000–10 as the Bone and Joint Decade by the United Nations [1], World Health Organization (WHO), and more than 60 countries around the world. WHO (2003,2004)[2,3] has highlighted the burden of musculoskeletal conditions. Estimates of the global burden of these conditions have increased 25% over the past decade (WHO 2000) [4] Osteoarthritis is increasing among the world's aging populations and is the sixth leading cause of years lost because of disability globally. It accounts for nearly 3% of the total global years lost to disability, and 10 % of men and 18% of women over the age of 60 have OA. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis and one of the leading causes of pain and disability worldwide (NICE, 2008; Reginster, 2002) [5,6]. It is characterised b...

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2015
Introduction: Dentistry is a profession which deals with skillful activity of hand in small workp... more Introduction: Dentistry is a profession which deals with skillful activity of hand in small workplace as patient mouth. Continuous static posturing can lead to involvement of hand & wrist very often. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a commonest musculoskeletal disorder seen in them. Literature has correlated anthropometric dimensions with involvement of CTS in various sports .hence this study aims at checking association of these parameters in dental profession. Methods: The study group was composed of 260 dental surgeons of whom 250 with positive signs related to CTS were included in the study. The age group between 25 to 40 years was considered. An anthropometre was used for hand anthropometric measurements and through clinical examination along with tests like phalen was done to assess them for CTS. During measurements values for hand with positive clinical signs were obtained. Eight parameters were evaluated. Statistical analyses done using spss 16 and Pearson correlation test wa...

Conservative Dentistry has the primary goal of the diagnosis and treatment of dental caries and i... more Conservative Dentistry has the primary goal of the diagnosis and treatment of dental caries and includes the techniques and procedures to restore the teeth to full function and appearance. There is paucity of literature available about the type of muscle work in dental procedure. Since dentists need good manual dexterity as well as hand skills, studying the muscle activity in the forearm during dexterity tasks would give us an idea about type of muscle work involve. Hence this study aims at doing electromyography analysis of the same. In this study design, postgraduate students and dental faculty of Conservative dentistry department were evaluated for muscle work of flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), flexor digitorum profundus (FDP), and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS). These muscle works were assessed while performing common dental procedures like drilling, pulp excavation, and filling. Surface electromyography was used for the study. Study sugg...

Journal of Medical Ultrasonics, 2021
We would like to thank Dr Chang and colleagues for their interest in our paper and their comments... more We would like to thank Dr Chang and colleagues for their interest in our paper and their comments on our systematic review and meta-analysis. In their letter to the editor, Dr Chang notes potential concerns regarding the inclusion criteria and analytic methods of the systematic review. We agree that the article does not focus on the work done by physical therapists alone; hence, we chose a broad yet specific title suitable to the eligibility criteria. As there are a limited number of studies performed by rehabilitation specialists and a radiologist, addition of keywords like ‘rehabilitation’ ‘biofeedback’ or ‘physical therapists’ for a matter of fact would have narrowed our inclusion criteria. We included all studies conducted by ‘non-physician rehabilitation providers’ including physiotherapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, and rehabilitation therapists. A scoping review by Roll published in 2015 is on similar lines, highlighting the clinical utility of this useful tool by non-radiologists [1]. Nevertheless, we did not completely exclude the work of radiologists. Note that 3 of the 16 studies included in our review were performed with a radiologist (Dabholkar [2], Harput [3], Chowdhury [4]). The objective was to present the scope or extent to which this tool is used in rehabilitation or intervention rather than only for diagnosis; hence, we did not include studies performed by radiologists alone. There has been a significant contribution from radiologists in diagnosing nerve entrapment, rotator cuff tendon injuries, and many other conditions, as mentioned by you, but their primary focus is on the diagnostic domain rather than rehabilitative along with exercise. Diagnosis of a condition is a key factor in enabling patient recovery, but what is the way ahead? How can the same tool be used and has been used to date from a rehabilitative perspective was our major concern? Hence, we also included studies on rotator cuff injuries (Cadogan [5], Dabholkar [2], Yang [6]), provided they satisfied our eligibility criteria. As it is correctly said, “If we cannot change our circumstances, we need to change our perspectives,” and that is precisely why we chose to include studies from a rehabilitation background as well as any work leading to rehabilitation methodology helps us progress in the same direction. The purpose of this study was to probe the rehabilitative aspect rather than the diagnostic perspective, which has been evaluated and re-evaluated to a greater extent already. The title was intentionally framed to focus on musculoskeletal studies, to narrow down the systematic review to achieve a narrower and a more stable base to work on the targeted meta-analysis (in case one comes out of it). Therefore, we thematically analysed the homogeneity amongst the 16 RCTs. Out of which, six studies reflected a common theme of evaluating contraction ratios. These studies were further categorised based on the population. To sum it up, the two meta-analyses described in the PRISMA flowchart are testing the same variables (i.e. TrA CR and IOEO CR) but in different populations (asymptomatic and low back pain). The aim of arriving at analysing these quantifiable variables was to synthesise values for thickness of transversus abdominis (TrA) and internal + external oblique (IOEO) combined thickness. The so-called ‘cut-off value’ provides This reply refers to the comment available online at doi. org/ 10. 1007/ s1039602101125-y.

Indian Journal of Pain, 2017
Introduction: Published studies reveal that incremental graded and short term anaerobic exercise ... more Introduction: Published studies reveal that incremental graded and short term anaerobic exercise lead to an increase in beta-endorphin levels, the extent correlating with the lactate concentration. Beta- endorphin can be released into the circulation from the pituitary gland or can project into areas of the brain through nerve fibers. Exercise of sufficient intensity and duration has been demonstrated to increase circulating Beta-endorphin levels. Thus, our study investigates the effect of anaerobic activity on pressure pain threshold (PPT) in normal individuals. Materials and Methods: Normal individuals (N = 30) between the age group of 20-30 years were recruited for this study. The subjects performed an anaerobic bout on Monark Wingate cycle egometer. A pre and post assessment of PPT was evaluated. Data Analysis: Graphpad Instat 3 software program was used for statistical analysis. A paired't' test was done to analyse the level of statistical significance between the pre and post PPT. Results: Study revealed that post anaerobic bout there was statistical significant difference between pre and post PPT in quadriceps, Mean 14.41,95% CI[12.95,15.87], Mean 16.73,95% CI[15.06,18.40] & (P value 0.0411) and gastrocnemius,Mean 13.56, 95% CI[12.18,14.93], Mean 15.55,95% CI[13.94,17.16] & (P value <0.0001). Conclusion: The study emphasizes the influence of pain modulation after an anaerobic bout.

International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research, 2016
Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease & the knee is the most common sit... more Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease & the knee is the most common site for OA. Literature suggests that lower extremity injuries may diminish core stability measures. In spite of many researches done on proximal stability training for prevention of lower extremity injuries and also studies done on deficits of neuromuscular control of the trunk to predict risks of knee injuries, there are no studies correlating the core and hip muscles strength as well as functional activity level influencing the most common musculoskeletal condition i.e. knee osteoarthritis. Objectives:1) To correlate core stability measures and hip strength in knee OA patients. 2)To correlate core stability measures with hip strength and functional activity level in patients with knee involvement. Methods: 19 patients with Osteoarthritis of knee (experimental group) as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected, where one lower extremity was considered as one single subject of the study population. The study consisted of 11 subjects with bilateral knee involvement (22 lower extremities) and 8 with unilateral involvement (8 lower extremities). As mentioned above the control group consisted of 15 normal subjects Patients were randomly selected for assessment techniques. Hip muscle strength assessment was done with the push pull dynamometer using the make test. Core muscle strength was assessed using a pressure biofeedback apparatus. Data thus obtained was statistically analyzed with respect to the subjects. Results: There is a significant correlation of the core stability measures with the hip abductor and external rotator strength as well as the functional activity level in knee osteoarthritis.

Journal of Dental and Allied Sciences, 2015
Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the occupational musculo-skeletal pro... more Aims and Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the occupational musculo-skeletal problems in dentists and to investigate the related risk factors. Biomechanical risk exposures measures are available as is various activity limitations. Activity limitation is specific for various cumulative trauma syndromes found in dental occupation. Hence, this study aims at correlating these two parameters. Study population involves private and institutionalized dentists. So study aims to do a comparison in between the groups also. Materials and Methods: 250 dentists working in Navi Mumbai and Mumbai were included in the study. Their mean ages were 30.15 5.70 years. The musculo-skeletal system problems, activity, limitations, pain levels, working posture are some of the factors investigated. Results: The biomechanical exposure analyzed (rapid upper limb assessment, occupational repetitive action) showed strong association with various cumulative trauma disorders assessed by (neck disability index, disabilities of arm, shoulder, hand, and carpal tunnel syndrome questionnaire). Conclusion: Musculo-skeletal problems existed due to the occupational working conditions and these problems caused activity limitation with varying degrees. Occupational risk factors in dentists make dentists conscious about this issue and also preventive rehabilitation programs have to be planned.
Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 2010
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative

International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health, 2018
Racquet sports have gained increasing popularity in Asia. In the current study performed on 25 di... more Racquet sports have gained increasing popularity in Asia. In the current study performed on 25 district level male badminton players aging between 18-25 years assessment of GIRD/GERG ratio, strength of internal, external rotators and of upper extremity stability was done on the dominant and non-dominant side. On statistical analysis using paired t-test.The internal and external rotators were stronger on dominant side when compared to the non-dominant side. The internal rotators were stronger than the external rotators on both dominant and non-dominant side. The external rotation range of motion was more than the internal range of motion on the dominant and non-dominant side. GIRD/GERG ratio was significant in badminton players (p>0.0001). Correlational statistics using Spearman's test showed that the strength of the dominant side external rotators correlated with the CKCUEST.The strength of the non-dominant side external rotators, both side internal rotators and GIRD/GERG ratio did not have any significant correlation with the CKCUEST.
Background: Stroke is the number two cause of death worldwide and may soon become the leading cau... more Background: Stroke is the number two cause of death worldwide and may soon become the leading cause of death worldwide. The occurrence of shoulder pain after stroke is quite common in hemiplegia with an estimated incidence between 16% and 84%.This so-called Post Stroke Shoulder Pain, or PSSP can impede rehabilitation and interfere with both function and quality of life. It may not only interfere with shoulder function, but also with balance, walking, transfers and performance of self-care activities. Alterations in shoulder kinematics could lead to shoulder instabilities which in turn could lead to shoulder pain.

Indian Journal of Pain
Background: Chronic pain can provoke emotional reactions, such as fear or even terror, depending ... more Background: Chronic pain can provoke emotional reactions, such as fear or even terror, depending on what we believe about the pain signals. Chronic pain can be difficult to treat, affecting the patients psychologically causing fear avoidance in them. Patients with chronic condition often suffer catastrophizing pain and perceived harmfulness. Thus, assessing perceived harmfulness in chronic shoulder pain is utmost important. Methods: Patients (N = 48) with chronic shoulder pain (duration more than 3 months) were enrolled for the study. They were administered Photograph series of daily activities-upper extremity (PHODA-UE-110), Tampa scale of kinesiophobia (TSK-11), Pain catastrophizing scale (PCS-4), Shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI). Their responses were statistically analyzed using Pearson's co-efficient. Results: The mean scores of the outcome studied were, PHODA-UE scores were 42 ± 8.43, 95% CI [40.41, 45.32], TSK scores were 28.77 ± 3.70, 95% CI [27.69, 29.84], PCS scores were 8.39 ± 2.54, 95% CI [7.65, 9.13], SPADI (Pain) scores were 81 ± 9.5, 95% CI [78.22, 13.32] and SPADI (Disability) scores were 79 ± 13.32, 95% CI [75.12, 82.87]. Following correlations were found to be significant: PHODA-UE with TSK (r = −0.32, p = 0.02, 95% CI [−0.56, −0.04]), PHODA-UE with PCS (r = −0.49, p = <0.0003, 95% CI [−0.68, 0.24]), TSK with SPADI (Disability) (r = −0.41, p = 0.003, 95% CI [−0.62, 0.15]) and TSK with PCS (r = +0.40, p = 0.004, 95% CI [0.13, 0.61]). Conclusions: The present study reveals that the patients evaluated demonstrated low perceived harmfulness in spite of the chronic pain. Correlations between perceived harmfulness and psychological variables showed weak correlations.

Dental professionals are at the high risk of fatigue in upper quadrant area. Hence, this study ai... more Dental professionals are at the high risk of fatigue in upper quadrant area. Hence, this study aims at assessment of the muscle behaviour of dentists during isotonic postures while performing various dental procedures. Twenty dentists participated in the study. Assessment of hand parameters like grip, pinch strength and dexterity was done in the beginning and end of work day. Development of muscle fatigue was assessed by surface electromyography of two forearm muscles i.e. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU) and Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus (ECRL). Statistics done by spectral analysis (median frequency). It was found that the median frequency decreased significantly in the forearm muscle. Hand function namely, grip (P < 0.0001), pinch (P < 0.0001), dexterity (p < 0.0001) has also shown significant decline over a period of time. Study conclude that overuse of forearm muscle work had influenced hand function significantly.

International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health
Racquet sports have gained increasing popularity in Asia. In the current study performed on 25 di... more Racquet sports have gained increasing popularity in Asia. In the current study performed on 25 district level male badminton players aging between 18-25 years assessment of GIRD/GERG ratio, strength of internal, external rotators and of upper extremity stability was done on the dominant and non-dominant side. On statistical analysis using paired t-test.The internal and external rotators were stronger on dominant side when compared to the non-dominant side. The internal rotators were stronger than the external rotators on both dominant and non-dominant side. The external rotation range of motion was more than the internal range of motion on the dominant and non-dominant side. GIRD/GERG ratio was significant in badminton players (p>0.0001). Correlational statistics using Spearman's test showed that the strength of the dominant side external rotators correlated with the CKCUEST.The strength of the non-dominant side external rotators, both side internal rotators and GIRD/GERG ratio did not have any significant correlation with the CKCUEST.
Papers by Tejashree Dabholkar