Korelacja fluktuacji pracy indykowanej z fluktuacjami prêdkooeci obrotowej wa³u korbowego i natê¿... more Korelacja fluktuacji pracy indykowanej z fluktuacjami prêdkooeci obrotowej wa³u korbowego i natê¿enia pr¹du generowanego w zespole pr¹dotwórczym W pracy przedstawiono wyniki wstêpnych badañ korelacji fluktuacji pracy indykowanej z fluktuacjami prêdkooeci obrotowej wa³u korbowego i natê¿enia pr¹du generowanego w zespole pr¹dotwórczym. W przypadku jednocylindrowego agregatu pr¹dotwórczego stwierdzono bardzo wyraŸny zwi¹zek miêdzy prac¹ indykowan¹ silnika spalinowego a energi¹ elektryczn¹ obliczon¹ w przedziale czasowym odpowiednio przesuniêtym k¹towo wzglêdem pocz¹tku cyklu silnika. Praca indykowana kolejnych cykli równie¿ dobrze koreluje z przyspieszeniem k¹towym wa³u korbowego w okreoelonej fazie cyklu. Nieco gorsza jest korelacja miêdzy amplitud¹ pr¹du elektrycznego i prac¹ indykowan¹. Stwierdzono równie¿ korelacjê energii elektrycznej mierzonej w 90 stopniowym oknie k¹towym i pracy indykowanej.
The paper presents the results of investigation into the relationship between the value of the in... more The paper presents the results of investigation into the relationship between the value of the indicated work of individual cylinders and variations in the momentary crankshaft rotational speed of a multi-cylinder engine in selected angular positions. A multi-mass dynamic model for torsional vibrations of the crankshaft of an engine furnished with a torsional vibration damper and flexibly coupled with a generator is developed. The results of measurement of pressure in the cylinders of an eight-cylinder industrial engine are used to calculate crankshaft and generator rotational speeds. The simulation results are compared with the speed measurements. A clear correlation between the indicated work of individual cylinders, as calculated in 90 degree angular intervals, and the crankshaft rotational speed is found to exist. The indicated work of individual cylinders shows a little poorer correlation with the generator rotational speed. The condition for the reliability of this method of e...
Investigation of a new type of fuel for the internal combustion engine, which can be successfully... more Investigation of a new type of fuel for the internal combustion engine, which can be successfully used in both the power generation and the automotive industries, is presented in this article. The proposed fuel is a blend of 75% n-butanol and 25% glycerol. The engine tests conducted with this glycerol–butanol blend were focused on the performance, combustion thermodynamics, and exhaust emissions of a spark-ignition engine. A comparative analysis was performed to find potential similarities and differences in the engine fueled with gasoline 95 and the proposed glycerol–butanol blend. As measured, CO exhaust emissions increased, NOx emissions decreased, and UHC emissions were unchanged for the glycerol–butanol blend when compared to the test with sole gasoline. As regards the engine performance and combustion progress, no significant differences were observed. Exhaust temperature remarkably decreased by 3.4%, which contributed to an increase in the indicated mean effective pressure by...
Alcohol fuels offer opportunities to reduce the use of fossil fuels in CI engines and to increase... more Alcohol fuels offer opportunities to reduce the use of fossil fuels in CI engines and to increase percentage of biofuels in the transport and energy sectors, where combustion engines are often used. This study presents experimental examinations of a stationary single-cylinder compression ignition dual-fuel engine based on cocombustion of diesel fuel with alcohols. The study evaluated the effect of addition of methanol, ethanol, 2propanol and 1-butanol to diesel fuel on the combustion process, performance and emissions from a research engine. Percentage of the energy supplied in the alcohol fuel was 15, 30, 45, 55 and 70% of total energy supplied with fuel to the engine. The results of the examinations were compared to the examinations for the engine fuelled with pure diesel fuel as a reference. Addition of alcohol to diesel fuel had a positive effect on the level of mean indicated pressure, thermal efficiency and stability of the research engine. The increase in energy percentage of each alcohol to 55% during co-combustion with diesel fuel led to the mean increase in indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) by 22%, mean increase of indicated thermal efficiency (ITE) by almost 13% and reduction in coefficient of variation COV IMEP by 52%. Of the alcohols analysed in the study, methanol was the most beneficial in terms of high indicated pressure and high efficiency, with maximal values of IMEP = 0.86 MPa and ITE = 35.3% at DM55. Addition and increase in percentage of each alcohol to 55% led to the increase in emissions of nitrogen oxides (by 139% on average), decline of carbon oxide emissions (by 45% on average) and increase in carbon dioxide emissions (by 17% on average). However, it did not lead to significant changes in emissions of hydrocarbons. The highest content of NO x , CO and CO 2 in engine exhaust were found for co-combustion of diesel fuel with addition of methanol.
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018
The effects of gasoline/diesel and ethanol/diesel on combustion, fuel economies and exhaust emiss... more The effects of gasoline/diesel and ethanol/diesel on combustion, fuel economies and exhaust emissions of dual fuel direct injection diesel engine were experimentally investigated. Tests were carried out based on a direct injection engine at a constant engine speed of 1500 rpm and full load. The results showed that with the fraction of gasoline and ethanol increasing, ignition delay was noticed. Operating parameters of dual fuel engine powered with gasoline were at the same level as for engine powered by pure diesel fuel. In case of powering by ethanol the values of thermal efficiency and indicated mean effective pressure increased (about 13 %) with increase of ethanol fraction up to 55 %. For maximal analyzed gasoline fraction specific NOx (nitrogen oxide) emission increased by 2.7 times, but for ethanol the increase was lower and it was by 2.5-times compared to reference values obtained for an engine powered by pure diesel fuel. Regarding THC (total hydrocarbons) emission up to 45 % of ethanol or gasoline energetic fraction no significant increase in specific THC emissions was noted. With the increase in ethanol and gasoline fraction in combustion process causes lower CO (carbon monoxide) emission. It turns out that it is possible to co-combustion of gasoline in a compression-ignition internal combustion engine.
The paper presents the results of investigation conducted by the Institute of Internal Combustion... more The paper presents the results of investigation conducted by the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Control Engineering under the research project R10 019 02 entitled “The internal combustion piston engine combined with the sewage sludge gasification system” sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Legal conditions concerning the storage and utilization of sewage sludge are outlined in the paper. The complete gasification system for power generation is discussed. Several issues concerning the gasification reactor, the gas treatment system, the power generator and the IC engine are described. The results of tests carried out on both the gasification reactor and the engine fueled with the obtained producer gas are also reported.
The paper presents the effect of the accuracy of digital recording of indicated pressure variatio... more The paper presents the effect of the accuracy of digital recording of indicated pressure variation on the results ofthe analysis of enginecycle indicatedparameters, and particularly on the accuracy of calculation of indicated work, the heat release process, combustion angles, and working medium temperature in the combustion-gas zone and in the non-combusted charge zone. The analysis allows for the effect of sampling density, the effect of the accuracy of IDC (Inner Dead Centre) angle determination, the effect of NC converter resolution and the accuracy of determination of engine compression ratio and cylinder pressure corresponding to the ambient pressure. The parameters of a system for recordinghigh voltage variations in the ignitionsystem have also been established.
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2013
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to describe studies of accidental ignition of fuel‐air mixtur... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to describe studies of accidental ignition of fuel‐air mixture. Studies were carried out in a laboratory that contains the naturally aspirated aircraft engine LYCOMNIG 320B1A IO type used in the EM‐11C Orka aircraft and the intake system to determine its resilience to the effects of accidental ignition and the occurrence of a backfire.Design/methodology/approachTests were performed on a model under extreme conditions (with the intake system closed) and under conditions similar to normal operation using fuels of different combustion rates.FindingsIt was found that the positive pressure caused by such accidental ignition under normal operating conditions did not exceed 0.08 bar and did not pose any hazard of damaging the intake system of the IO‐320B1‐type LYCOMNIG naturally aspirated aircraft engine, as designed by the aircraft manufacturer.Practical implicationsThe positive results of the tests of the EM11C Orka aircraft intake system's resista...
Research of air-fuel mixture combustion in the intake port of the piston engine In the paper the ... more Research of air-fuel mixture combustion in the intake port of the piston engine In the paper the results of testing of the intake port of an IO-320B1A-type LYCOMNIG naturally aspirated aircraft engine used in the EM-11C-type Orka aircraft for the resistance to the effects of accidental ignition and the occurrence of a backfire have been presented. The tests were carried out under extreme conditions (with the intake system closed) and in conditions similar to normal operation using fuels with different combustion rates. It was found that the positive pressure caused by such accidental ignition under normal operating conditions did not exceed 0.08 bar and did not pose any hazard of damage to the intake port system of the IO-320B1-type TEX-TRON-LYCOMNIG naturally aspirated aircraft engine, as designed by the aircraft manufacturer.
Results from experimental investigation on flame propagation in a pipeline filled with gaseous co... more Results from experimental investigation on flame propagation in a pipeline filled with gaseous combustible mixture consisted of hydrogen, methane or 20% hydrogen-methane is presented in the article. The mixture was prepared in separate cylinders and premixed before filling the pipeline. The tests were conducted under various relative equivalence ratio-lambda from 1.0 to 3.0 at pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 25ºC. Hydrogen and methane were selected because these gases are main combustible fractions in several gaseous engine fuels (e.g. natural gas, syngas, biogas). Additionally, the mixture 20% hydrogen and methane, as potential engine fuel, was also under investigation. Flame front was detected with aid of IR photodetectors. Hence, the flame speed was resulted from distance divided by time. As observed, the flame propagation speed was over 100 m/s for both hydrogen and methane premixed mixtures. It was several times higher if compared with the laminar flame speed for these gases. It can be explained by additional acoustic effects (standing waves) taking place inside the pipeline. Results from this investigation can be useful in design and construction of the gas feeding system in the gas fuelled internal combustion engine.
Paper presents experimental and numerical studies of thermodynamic loss angle (TLA), which as cor... more Paper presents experimental and numerical studies of thermodynamic loss angle (TLA), which as correction constant should be entered to the program for thermodynamic analysis of engine cycle. Obtained results differ at the level of 0.2 CAD. Taking into consideration that the measurement uncertainty is not less than 0.1 CAD, the observed differences support the thesis that the TLA is a characteristic value which should be evaluated individually for each measurement issue. One took into account the also unique method of marking TDC proposed by Tazerout, Le Corre, and Rousseau. A base to marking TDC is the displacement of the course of the pressure for 0, 45° left, with relation to of the position, wherein follows the disappearance on the graph T(S) of the characteristic loop.
Results from experimental investigation on flame propagation in a pipeline filled with gaseous co... more Results from experimental investigation on flame propagation in a pipeline filled with gaseous combustible mixture consisted of hydrogen, methane or 20% hydrogen-methane is presented in the article. The mixture was prepared in separate cylinders and premixed before filling the pipeline. The tests were conducted under various relative equivalence ratio – lambda from 1.0 to 3.0 at pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 25ºC. Hydrogen and methane were selected because these gases are main combustible fractions in several gaseous engine fuels (e.g. natural gas, syngas, biogas). Additionally, the mixture 20% hydrogen and methane, as potential engine fuel, was also under investigation. Flame front was detected with aid of IR photodetectors. Hence, the flame speed was resulted from distance divided by time. As observed, the flame propagation speed was over 100 m/s for both hydrogen and methane premixed mixtures. It was several times higher if compared with the laminar flame speed for these g...
The article presents the test results of the single cylinder compression ignition engine with com... more The article presents the test results of the single cylinder compression ignition engine with common rail injection system operating on biofuels and conventional diesel blends with hydrogen. Two types of liquid fuels were tested: blend of the 7% Rapeseed Methyl Ester (RME) with conventional diesel fuel and Neste Pro Diesel – blend of the 15% Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), produced by Neste Oil Corporation with conventional diesel fuel. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the influence of the hydrogen addition to biofuels and diesel blends on combustion phases, autoignition delay, engine performance efficiency and exhaust emissions. Hydrogen fraction was changed within the range from 0 to 43% by energy. Hydrogen was injected into the intake manifold, where it created homogeneous mixture with air. Tests were performed at both fixed and optimal injection timings at low, medium, and nominal engine load. After analysis of the engine bench tests and simulation with AVL BOO...
The paper presents the results of introductory investigation of the relationship between the valu... more The paper presents the results of introductory investigation of the relationship between the value of indicated work and variations of momentary crankshaft rotational speed and electric current from generating set. A clear correlation between engine indicated work and electric energy calculated in time interval angularly shifted regarding indicated work calculation range was stated. The indicated work of consecutive cycles also well correlates with amplitude of electric current. The correlation between crankshaft angular acceleration in determined cycle phase point and indicated work was also stated but it is less significant than it is in the previous cases. In particular Cylinder pressure courses and envelope of electric current, correlation between indicated work and transient electric current, electric energy, crankshaft mean angular acceleration, cylinder pressure, rotational speed and crankshaft angular acceleration courses, estimated values of relative indicated work on the b...
The authors present digital acquisition system, which enable one channel simultaneous recording o... more The authors present digital acquisition system, which enable one channel simultaneous recording of the cylinder pressure in internal combustion engine, pulse signal generated by electronic TDC detector and pulse signal initiated by spark discharge. One can record cylinder pressure with frequency of 20 MS/s in time domain (at 1000 RPM this respond measurement with resolution of 0,006CA) and analysis of expanded and closed indicator diagram. The obtained results were compared with standard indication system results, obtained by measurement with resolution of 1CA. SYNCHRONICZNA REJESTRACJA POŁOŻENIA ZZP W CZASIE INDYKOWANIA SILNIKA Streszczenie W pracy omówiono cyfrowy układ pomiarowy pozwalający zrealizować równoczesną jednokanałową rejestrację szybkozmiennego przebiegu ciśnienia w cylindrze silnika tłokowego i impulsowego sygnału wytwarzanego w elektronicznym detektorze położenia ZZP oraz impulsowego sygnału inicjującego wyładowanie iskrowe w instalacji zapłonowej. Układ ten pozwala ...
Investigation of a new type of fuel for the internal combustion engine, which can be successfully... more Investigation of a new type of fuel for the internal combustion engine, which can be successfully used in both the power generation and the automotive industries, is presented in this article. The proposed fuel is a blend of 75% n-butanol and 25% glycerol. The engine tests conducted with this glycerol–butanol blend were focused on the performance, combustion thermodynamics, and exhaust emissions of a spark-ignition engine. A comparative analysis was performed to find potential similarities and differences in the engine fueled with gasoline 95 and the proposed glycerol–butanol blend. As measured, CO exhaust emissions increased, NOx emissions decreased, and UHC emissions were unchanged for the glycerol–butanol blend when compared to the test with sole gasoline. As regards the engine performance and combustion progress, no significant differences were observed. Exhaust temperature remarkably decreased by 3.4%, which contributed to an increase in the indicated mean effective pressure by...
Korelacja fluktuacji pracy indykowanej z fluktuacjami prêdkooeci obrotowej wa³u korbowego i natê¿... more Korelacja fluktuacji pracy indykowanej z fluktuacjami prêdkooeci obrotowej wa³u korbowego i natê¿enia pr¹du generowanego w zespole pr¹dotwórczym W pracy przedstawiono wyniki wstêpnych badañ korelacji fluktuacji pracy indykowanej z fluktuacjami prêdkooeci obrotowej wa³u korbowego i natê¿enia pr¹du generowanego w zespole pr¹dotwórczym. W przypadku jednocylindrowego agregatu pr¹dotwórczego stwierdzono bardzo wyraŸny zwi¹zek miêdzy prac¹ indykowan¹ silnika spalinowego a energi¹ elektryczn¹ obliczon¹ w przedziale czasowym odpowiednio przesuniêtym k¹towo wzglêdem pocz¹tku cyklu silnika. Praca indykowana kolejnych cykli równie¿ dobrze koreluje z przyspieszeniem k¹towym wa³u korbowego w okreoelonej fazie cyklu. Nieco gorsza jest korelacja miêdzy amplitud¹ pr¹du elektrycznego i prac¹ indykowan¹. Stwierdzono równie¿ korelacjê energii elektrycznej mierzonej w 90 stopniowym oknie k¹towym i pracy indykowanej.
The paper presents the results of investigation into the relationship between the value of the in... more The paper presents the results of investigation into the relationship between the value of the indicated work of individual cylinders and variations in the momentary crankshaft rotational speed of a multi-cylinder engine in selected angular positions. A multi-mass dynamic model for torsional vibrations of the crankshaft of an engine furnished with a torsional vibration damper and flexibly coupled with a generator is developed. The results of measurement of pressure in the cylinders of an eight-cylinder industrial engine are used to calculate crankshaft and generator rotational speeds. The simulation results are compared with the speed measurements. A clear correlation between the indicated work of individual cylinders, as calculated in 90 degree angular intervals, and the crankshaft rotational speed is found to exist. The indicated work of individual cylinders shows a little poorer correlation with the generator rotational speed. The condition for the reliability of this method of e...
Investigation of a new type of fuel for the internal combustion engine, which can be successfully... more Investigation of a new type of fuel for the internal combustion engine, which can be successfully used in both the power generation and the automotive industries, is presented in this article. The proposed fuel is a blend of 75% n-butanol and 25% glycerol. The engine tests conducted with this glycerol–butanol blend were focused on the performance, combustion thermodynamics, and exhaust emissions of a spark-ignition engine. A comparative analysis was performed to find potential similarities and differences in the engine fueled with gasoline 95 and the proposed glycerol–butanol blend. As measured, CO exhaust emissions increased, NOx emissions decreased, and UHC emissions were unchanged for the glycerol–butanol blend when compared to the test with sole gasoline. As regards the engine performance and combustion progress, no significant differences were observed. Exhaust temperature remarkably decreased by 3.4%, which contributed to an increase in the indicated mean effective pressure by...
Alcohol fuels offer opportunities to reduce the use of fossil fuels in CI engines and to increase... more Alcohol fuels offer opportunities to reduce the use of fossil fuels in CI engines and to increase percentage of biofuels in the transport and energy sectors, where combustion engines are often used. This study presents experimental examinations of a stationary single-cylinder compression ignition dual-fuel engine based on cocombustion of diesel fuel with alcohols. The study evaluated the effect of addition of methanol, ethanol, 2propanol and 1-butanol to diesel fuel on the combustion process, performance and emissions from a research engine. Percentage of the energy supplied in the alcohol fuel was 15, 30, 45, 55 and 70% of total energy supplied with fuel to the engine. The results of the examinations were compared to the examinations for the engine fuelled with pure diesel fuel as a reference. Addition of alcohol to diesel fuel had a positive effect on the level of mean indicated pressure, thermal efficiency and stability of the research engine. The increase in energy percentage of each alcohol to 55% during co-combustion with diesel fuel led to the mean increase in indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) by 22%, mean increase of indicated thermal efficiency (ITE) by almost 13% and reduction in coefficient of variation COV IMEP by 52%. Of the alcohols analysed in the study, methanol was the most beneficial in terms of high indicated pressure and high efficiency, with maximal values of IMEP = 0.86 MPa and ITE = 35.3% at DM55. Addition and increase in percentage of each alcohol to 55% led to the increase in emissions of nitrogen oxides (by 139% on average), decline of carbon oxide emissions (by 45% on average) and increase in carbon dioxide emissions (by 17% on average). However, it did not lead to significant changes in emissions of hydrocarbons. The highest content of NO x , CO and CO 2 in engine exhaust were found for co-combustion of diesel fuel with addition of methanol.
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018
The effects of gasoline/diesel and ethanol/diesel on combustion, fuel economies and exhaust emiss... more The effects of gasoline/diesel and ethanol/diesel on combustion, fuel economies and exhaust emissions of dual fuel direct injection diesel engine were experimentally investigated. Tests were carried out based on a direct injection engine at a constant engine speed of 1500 rpm and full load. The results showed that with the fraction of gasoline and ethanol increasing, ignition delay was noticed. Operating parameters of dual fuel engine powered with gasoline were at the same level as for engine powered by pure diesel fuel. In case of powering by ethanol the values of thermal efficiency and indicated mean effective pressure increased (about 13 %) with increase of ethanol fraction up to 55 %. For maximal analyzed gasoline fraction specific NOx (nitrogen oxide) emission increased by 2.7 times, but for ethanol the increase was lower and it was by 2.5-times compared to reference values obtained for an engine powered by pure diesel fuel. Regarding THC (total hydrocarbons) emission up to 45 % of ethanol or gasoline energetic fraction no significant increase in specific THC emissions was noted. With the increase in ethanol and gasoline fraction in combustion process causes lower CO (carbon monoxide) emission. It turns out that it is possible to co-combustion of gasoline in a compression-ignition internal combustion engine.
The paper presents the results of investigation conducted by the Institute of Internal Combustion... more The paper presents the results of investigation conducted by the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Control Engineering under the research project R10 019 02 entitled “The internal combustion piston engine combined with the sewage sludge gasification system” sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Legal conditions concerning the storage and utilization of sewage sludge are outlined in the paper. The complete gasification system for power generation is discussed. Several issues concerning the gasification reactor, the gas treatment system, the power generator and the IC engine are described. The results of tests carried out on both the gasification reactor and the engine fueled with the obtained producer gas are also reported.
The paper presents the effect of the accuracy of digital recording of indicated pressure variatio... more The paper presents the effect of the accuracy of digital recording of indicated pressure variation on the results ofthe analysis of enginecycle indicatedparameters, and particularly on the accuracy of calculation of indicated work, the heat release process, combustion angles, and working medium temperature in the combustion-gas zone and in the non-combusted charge zone. The analysis allows for the effect of sampling density, the effect of the accuracy of IDC (Inner Dead Centre) angle determination, the effect of NC converter resolution and the accuracy of determination of engine compression ratio and cylinder pressure corresponding to the ambient pressure. The parameters of a system for recordinghigh voltage variations in the ignitionsystem have also been established.
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2013
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to describe studies of accidental ignition of fuel‐air mixtur... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to describe studies of accidental ignition of fuel‐air mixture. Studies were carried out in a laboratory that contains the naturally aspirated aircraft engine LYCOMNIG 320B1A IO type used in the EM‐11C Orka aircraft and the intake system to determine its resilience to the effects of accidental ignition and the occurrence of a backfire.Design/methodology/approachTests were performed on a model under extreme conditions (with the intake system closed) and under conditions similar to normal operation using fuels of different combustion rates.FindingsIt was found that the positive pressure caused by such accidental ignition under normal operating conditions did not exceed 0.08 bar and did not pose any hazard of damaging the intake system of the IO‐320B1‐type LYCOMNIG naturally aspirated aircraft engine, as designed by the aircraft manufacturer.Practical implicationsThe positive results of the tests of the EM11C Orka aircraft intake system's resista...
Research of air-fuel mixture combustion in the intake port of the piston engine In the paper the ... more Research of air-fuel mixture combustion in the intake port of the piston engine In the paper the results of testing of the intake port of an IO-320B1A-type LYCOMNIG naturally aspirated aircraft engine used in the EM-11C-type Orka aircraft for the resistance to the effects of accidental ignition and the occurrence of a backfire have been presented. The tests were carried out under extreme conditions (with the intake system closed) and in conditions similar to normal operation using fuels with different combustion rates. It was found that the positive pressure caused by such accidental ignition under normal operating conditions did not exceed 0.08 bar and did not pose any hazard of damage to the intake port system of the IO-320B1-type TEX-TRON-LYCOMNIG naturally aspirated aircraft engine, as designed by the aircraft manufacturer.
Results from experimental investigation on flame propagation in a pipeline filled with gaseous co... more Results from experimental investigation on flame propagation in a pipeline filled with gaseous combustible mixture consisted of hydrogen, methane or 20% hydrogen-methane is presented in the article. The mixture was prepared in separate cylinders and premixed before filling the pipeline. The tests were conducted under various relative equivalence ratio-lambda from 1.0 to 3.0 at pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 25ºC. Hydrogen and methane were selected because these gases are main combustible fractions in several gaseous engine fuels (e.g. natural gas, syngas, biogas). Additionally, the mixture 20% hydrogen and methane, as potential engine fuel, was also under investigation. Flame front was detected with aid of IR photodetectors. Hence, the flame speed was resulted from distance divided by time. As observed, the flame propagation speed was over 100 m/s for both hydrogen and methane premixed mixtures. It was several times higher if compared with the laminar flame speed for these gases. It can be explained by additional acoustic effects (standing waves) taking place inside the pipeline. Results from this investigation can be useful in design and construction of the gas feeding system in the gas fuelled internal combustion engine.
Paper presents experimental and numerical studies of thermodynamic loss angle (TLA), which as cor... more Paper presents experimental and numerical studies of thermodynamic loss angle (TLA), which as correction constant should be entered to the program for thermodynamic analysis of engine cycle. Obtained results differ at the level of 0.2 CAD. Taking into consideration that the measurement uncertainty is not less than 0.1 CAD, the observed differences support the thesis that the TLA is a characteristic value which should be evaluated individually for each measurement issue. One took into account the also unique method of marking TDC proposed by Tazerout, Le Corre, and Rousseau. A base to marking TDC is the displacement of the course of the pressure for 0, 45° left, with relation to of the position, wherein follows the disappearance on the graph T(S) of the characteristic loop.
Results from experimental investigation on flame propagation in a pipeline filled with gaseous co... more Results from experimental investigation on flame propagation in a pipeline filled with gaseous combustible mixture consisted of hydrogen, methane or 20% hydrogen-methane is presented in the article. The mixture was prepared in separate cylinders and premixed before filling the pipeline. The tests were conducted under various relative equivalence ratio – lambda from 1.0 to 3.0 at pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 25ºC. Hydrogen and methane were selected because these gases are main combustible fractions in several gaseous engine fuels (e.g. natural gas, syngas, biogas). Additionally, the mixture 20% hydrogen and methane, as potential engine fuel, was also under investigation. Flame front was detected with aid of IR photodetectors. Hence, the flame speed was resulted from distance divided by time. As observed, the flame propagation speed was over 100 m/s for both hydrogen and methane premixed mixtures. It was several times higher if compared with the laminar flame speed for these g...
The article presents the test results of the single cylinder compression ignition engine with com... more The article presents the test results of the single cylinder compression ignition engine with common rail injection system operating on biofuels and conventional diesel blends with hydrogen. Two types of liquid fuels were tested: blend of the 7% Rapeseed Methyl Ester (RME) with conventional diesel fuel and Neste Pro Diesel – blend of the 15% Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), produced by Neste Oil Corporation with conventional diesel fuel. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the influence of the hydrogen addition to biofuels and diesel blends on combustion phases, autoignition delay, engine performance efficiency and exhaust emissions. Hydrogen fraction was changed within the range from 0 to 43% by energy. Hydrogen was injected into the intake manifold, where it created homogeneous mixture with air. Tests were performed at both fixed and optimal injection timings at low, medium, and nominal engine load. After analysis of the engine bench tests and simulation with AVL BOO...
The paper presents the results of introductory investigation of the relationship between the valu... more The paper presents the results of introductory investigation of the relationship between the value of indicated work and variations of momentary crankshaft rotational speed and electric current from generating set. A clear correlation between engine indicated work and electric energy calculated in time interval angularly shifted regarding indicated work calculation range was stated. The indicated work of consecutive cycles also well correlates with amplitude of electric current. The correlation between crankshaft angular acceleration in determined cycle phase point and indicated work was also stated but it is less significant than it is in the previous cases. In particular Cylinder pressure courses and envelope of electric current, correlation between indicated work and transient electric current, electric energy, crankshaft mean angular acceleration, cylinder pressure, rotational speed and crankshaft angular acceleration courses, estimated values of relative indicated work on the b...
The authors present digital acquisition system, which enable one channel simultaneous recording o... more The authors present digital acquisition system, which enable one channel simultaneous recording of the cylinder pressure in internal combustion engine, pulse signal generated by electronic TDC detector and pulse signal initiated by spark discharge. One can record cylinder pressure with frequency of 20 MS/s in time domain (at 1000 RPM this respond measurement with resolution of 0,006CA) and analysis of expanded and closed indicator diagram. The obtained results were compared with standard indication system results, obtained by measurement with resolution of 1CA. SYNCHRONICZNA REJESTRACJA POŁOŻENIA ZZP W CZASIE INDYKOWANIA SILNIKA Streszczenie W pracy omówiono cyfrowy układ pomiarowy pozwalający zrealizować równoczesną jednokanałową rejestrację szybkozmiennego przebiegu ciśnienia w cylindrze silnika tłokowego i impulsowego sygnału wytwarzanego w elektronicznym detektorze położenia ZZP oraz impulsowego sygnału inicjującego wyładowanie iskrowe w instalacji zapłonowej. Układ ten pozwala ...
Investigation of a new type of fuel for the internal combustion engine, which can be successfully... more Investigation of a new type of fuel for the internal combustion engine, which can be successfully used in both the power generation and the automotive industries, is presented in this article. The proposed fuel is a blend of 75% n-butanol and 25% glycerol. The engine tests conducted with this glycerol–butanol blend were focused on the performance, combustion thermodynamics, and exhaust emissions of a spark-ignition engine. A comparative analysis was performed to find potential similarities and differences in the engine fueled with gasoline 95 and the proposed glycerol–butanol blend. As measured, CO exhaust emissions increased, NOx emissions decreased, and UHC emissions were unchanged for the glycerol–butanol blend when compared to the test with sole gasoline. As regards the engine performance and combustion progress, no significant differences were observed. Exhaust temperature remarkably decreased by 3.4%, which contributed to an increase in the indicated mean effective pressure by...
Papers by Michal Gruca