Papers by Ismail Nikoufar

Journal of Membrane and Separation Technology, 2012
Membrane separation processes have a wide application in liquid and gas purification industries. ... more Membrane separation processes have a wide application in liquid and gas purification industries. They enjoy advantages such as convenient processibility, easy and lower production and operational costs. Thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) process, due to its wide advantages, has won special attention in recent decades. In this process, a homogenous solution of polymer-diluent at a temperature above the polymer melting point is formed and the solution is then cast in the favorite shape. In order to create a porous structure, the diluent is extracted. In this work, microporous LLDPE membrane is fabricated and full factorial experimental design is used to evaluate the individual as well as mutual impacts of polymer concentration, membrane thickness and cooling bath temperature on the porosity and mechanical strength of the membrane. The results obtained from the analysis of variance of membrane porosity and mechanical strength, showed that the impact of cooling bath temperature is much more important than polymer concentration and membrane thickness. Higher cooling bath temperature, lower polymer concentration and membrane thickness result in higher porosity.
In this paper, we give the sharp and refined bounds for the Tsallis relative operator entropy by ... more In this paper, we give the sharp and refined bounds for the Tsallis relative operator entropy by using the improved Hermite-Hadamard inequality. As an application of our result, we give new bounds for the generalized relative operator entropy. We refine the bounds of the relative operator entropy announced by Fujii and Kamei and provide the precise and sharp bounds.
Miskolc Mathematical Notes
In this paper, we introduce the notion of conditional $h$-convex functions and we prove an operat... more In this paper, we introduce the notion of conditional $h$-convex functions and we prove an operator version of the Jensen inequality for conditional $h$-convex functions. Using this type of functions, we give some refinements for Ky-Fan's inequality, arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, Chrystal inequality, and Hölder-McCarthy inequality. Many of the other inequalities can be refined by applying this new notion.
In this paper, we prove an operator version of the Jensen's inequality and its converse for $... more In this paper, we prove an operator version of the Jensen's inequality and its converse for $h$-convex functions. We provide a refinement of the Jensen type inequality for $h$-convex functions. Moreover, we prove the Hermite-Hadamard's type inequality and a multiple operator version of the Jensen's inequality for $h$-convex functions. In particular, a result for convex, $P$-class, $s$-convex, Godunova-Levin, and $s$-Godunova-Levin functions can be deduced.
In this paper, we prove some operator inequalities associated with an extension of the Kantorovic... more In this paper, we prove some operator inequalities associated with an extension of the Kantorovich type inequality for s-convex function. We also give an application to the order preserving power inequality of three variables and find a better lower bound for the numerical radius of a positive operator under some conditions.
Filomat, 2020
In this paper, we present some inequalities for the generalized relative operator entropy accordi... more In this paper, we present some inequalities for the generalized relative operator entropy according to the generalized Tsallis relative operator entropy. Our results are generalizations of some existing inequalities.
In this paper, we investigate generalized Jordan derivations on Frechet algebras. Moreover, we pr... more In this paper, we investigate generalized Jordan derivations on Frechet algebras. Moreover, we prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability and superstability of generalized Jordan derivations on Frechet algebras. An important issue is so that we do not assume that the Frechet algebra is unital.
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2021
In this paper, we give a new characterization for the perspective of a continuous function under ... more In this paper, we give a new characterization for the perspective of a continuous function under certain assumptions. This result generalizes a non-commutative analogue of the arithmetic–geometric ...
In this paper, we prove that (θ, φ)∗-derivations on complex semi–prime ∗-algebras can be represen... more In this paper, we prove that (θ, φ)∗-derivations on complex semi–prime ∗-algebras can be represented by double (θ, φ)∗-centralizers. As an application, we prove a result in automatic continuity of (θ, φ)∗-derivations and α-derivations.
Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology, 2014
we can see: In a locally convex vector space E a barrel is defined to be an absolutely convex clo... more we can see: In a locally convex vector space E a barrel is defined to be an absolutely convex closed and absorbing subset A of E. The set U = {(a, b) ∈ E 2 , a − b ∈ A} then is seen to be a barrel in the sense of Roth's definition. With a counterexample, we show that it is not enough for U to be a barrel in the sense of Roth's definition. Then we correct this error with providing its converse and an application. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46A03.

The notion of entropy was introduced by Clausius in 1850, and some of the main steps towards the ... more The notion of entropy was introduced by Clausius in 1850, and some of the main steps towards the consolidation of the concept were taken by Boltzmann and Gibbs. Since then several extensions and reformulations have been developed in various disciplines with motivations and applications in different subjects, such as statistical mechanics, information theory, and dynamical systems. Fujii and Kamei introduced the notion of the relative operator entropy and Furuta introduced the notion of the parametric relative operator entropy as a generalization of the notion of the relative operator entropy. These concepts can be described by the notion of perspective of some elementary functions and this description makes simplifier their verification. The relative operator entropy is concave and the parametric relative operator entropy is also concave for some suitable parameters. In this paper, we study some properties of the parametric relative operator entropy including its bounds. These bound...
Stability of functional equations is a classical problem proposed by Ulam. Stability of some func... more Stability of functional equations is a classical problem proposed by Ulam. Stability of some functional equations are verified in Lipschitz and L spaces. In this paper, we prove stability of the n-quadratic functional equations in Lipschitz spaces. MSC 2010. 39B82, 39B52.
Communications in Mathematical Analysis, 2015
The stability problem of the functional equation was conjectured by Ulam and was solved by Hyers ... more The stability problem of the functional equation was conjectured by Ulam and was solved by Hyers in the case of additive mapping. Baker et al. investigated the superstability of the functional equation from a vector space to real numbers. In this paper, we exhibit the superstability of $m$-additive maps on complete non--Archimedean spaces via a fixed point method raised by Diaz and Margolis.
In this paper, we introduce the notion of multivariate generalized perspectives and verify the ne... more In this paper, we introduce the notion of multivariate generalized perspectives and verify the necessary and sufficient conditions for operator convexity (concavity) of this notion. We also establish the crossing of the multivariate generalized perspective of regular operator mappings under completely positive linear maps and partial traces.
Annales Henri Poincaré, 2021
Filomat, 2020
In this paper, we provide some inequalities for P-class functions and self-adjoint operators on a... more In this paper, we provide some inequalities for P-class functions and self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space including an operator version of the Jensen?s inequality and the Hermite-Hadamard?s type inequality. We improve the H?lder-MacCarthy inequality by providing an upper bound. Some refinements of the Jensen type inequality for P-class functions will be of interest.
Tbilisi Mathematical Journal, 2020
Contemporary Mathematics, 2020
Stability of functional equations is a classical problem proposed by Ulam. In this paper, we prov... more Stability of functional equations is a classical problem proposed by Ulam. In this paper, we prove the stability of the 3-quadratic functional equations in Lipschitz spaces.
Papers by Ismail Nikoufar