Bullet Bra Pattern + Tutorial. - Pattern Source — LiveJournal
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Bullet Bra Pattern + Tutorial.

Posted by lauchlen on 2010.10.19 at 14:34
Current Mood: busy
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While searching Google Images I stumbled across an image of a bullet bra pattern. Clicked it and found out it's an actual large image accompanied with a full tutorial on how to put it all together.

The pattern is for a C cup so will have to be graded up or down accordingly.

The blog post is here.

Based on the image of the women on the pattern, I don't think it's from the 50s/early 60s, so it might not be an authentic bullet bra, but it's the closest I've found on the net in all my searching.

Have fun, everyone!


corsetrasewing at 2010-10-19 18:47 (UTC) (Link)
the hair style says more 80's to me.
and that website seems to only post patterns from books, or other websites, not original content.
sageincave at 2010-10-19 20:00 (UTC) (Link)
That's a great link - thanks!
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