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Cotehardie, Houppelande

Posted by caliginous on 2012.08.11 at 16:07
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Other stuff potentially if you dig around, layout is not my favorite.

sloper generators

Posted by caliginous on 2011.09.24 at 09:51
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Suckerpunch outfit...

Posted by miss_plastik on 2011.08.10 at 21:21
Hey everyone!

I've been asked to make my friend a costume and she is after the outfit from the Suckerpunch film

I've not got alot of time to make it so looking for something that is going to help me out loads!

Thanks x

Pumpkin pants pattern?

Posted by keirapop on 2011.05.22 at 13:15
I'm looking for a pattern for some pumpkin pants but I'm not having much luck. I kinda want them to look like this or this, preferably a free pattern.
Thanks for any help. >w<

Dress pattern generator

Posted by caliginous on 2011.05.05 at 09:31
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Full size basic dress pattern generator:
I haven't used it but it looks to print pattern pieces at size.

ringmaster tailcoat

Posted by suitetwentytwo on 2011.01.09 at 14:59
I'm looking for a pattern/tutorial for a ringmaster tailcoat, preferably something free. I want to make a loli ringmaster outfit and already have a skirt, just need to get the other outfit pieces together. So does anyone have a good tutorial/pattern or know of one? Thanks in advance!

capelet pattern

Posted by and_zero on 2010.11.23 at 01:27
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Hi there, I'm looking for a pattern for a capelet or shrug, preferably with a collar not a hood, but either is doable. :) If you have any questions, ask away. Thank you!

Ribbons, Wedding - Please Don&#39;t Take

Bullet Bra Pattern + Tutorial.

Posted by lauchlen on 2010.10.19 at 14:34
Current Mood: busy
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While searching Google Images I stumbled across an image of a bullet bra pattern. Clicked it and found out it's an actual large image accompanied with a full tutorial on how to put it all together.

The pattern is for a C cup so will have to be graded up or down accordingly.

The blog post is here.

Based on the image of the women on the pattern, I don't think it's from the 50s/early 60s, so it might not be an authentic bullet bra, but it's the closest I've found on the net in all my searching.

Have fun, everyone!

In desperate need of!

Posted by miss_plastik on 2010.10.15 at 16:29
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A kimono pattern, womens size 14/16

Thank you! x

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