Papers by khofidotur rofiah

International Journal of Emerging Research and Review, Nov 30, 2023
This research aims to analyze the profile of students' critical thinking abilities regarding the ... more This research aims to analyze the profile of students' critical thinking abilities regarding the implementation of STEAM-oriented science and science learning development in elementary schools. Method: This research is a preliminary study with a data collection technique in the form of a written test by analyzing the data results descriptively and qualitatively. This research was conducted on 7 students consisting of 3 female and 4 male students in elementary school. Results: This research can be concluded that: It was found that the criteria for students' critical thinking abilities were still very low with an average score of 51.76 or a completion percentage of around 36%. In this research, it is hoped that the application of STEAM-oriented learning can improve students' thinking abilities. So, the conclusion is that if students' critical thinking skills are still low, it is necessary to improve students' critical thinking skills, namely by implementing STEAM-oriented learning. Novelty: Development of learning tools oriented to the STEAM approach to improve the science and science critical thinking abilities of elementary school students in the independent curriculum, so that it will improve students' critical thinking skills in line with the demands of the 21st century.
Niepełnosprawność i Rehabilitacja, Jun 29, 2023

A large number of teachers have expressed concern about their ability to meet the educational nee... more A large number of teachers have expressed concern about their ability to meet the educational needs of students with disabilities in general education classes. For the time being, there is little evidence to support the divergent opinions on inclusive education held by general and special education teachers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude towards inclusive education held by general and special education teachers in Indonesia. Multidimensional Attitudes toward Inclusive Education Scales (MATIES) will be used to examine the attitudes about inclusive education. It consists of 18 items that are designed to test the emotive, cognitive, and behavioral elements of attitudes toward inclusion in an effective manner. Using Google Forms, the instruments were sent to participants through the internet survey platform. The T-Test and ANNOVA test was used to evaluate the data.

Wiele krajów świata wdraża edukację włączającą, a postawy nauczycieli odgrywają w tym procesie kl... more Wiele krajów świata wdraża edukację włączającą, a postawy nauczycieli odgrywają w tym procesie kluczową rolę. Dokonując analizy dotychczas opublikowanych w latach 2007-2021 badań, wykorzystano protokół PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review), którego celem było uchwycenie: r istotnych zasobów osobistych nauczycieli, które mogą implikować ich pozytywne postawy wobec edukacji włączającej uczniów z niepełnosprawnościami; r zmiennych demograficznych różnicujących natężenie postaw; r zmiennych związanych z praktyką edukacyjną. Zastosowana procedura pozwoliła na wyodrębnienie 15 badań, które spełniały zastosowane kryteria włączenia. Kluczowymi zmiennymi modyfikującymi postawy nauczycieli wobec inkluzji edukacyjnej są: zmienne demograficzne, poczucie własnej skuteczności oraz praktyczne działania zmierzające do inkluzji uczniów z niepełnosprawnościami. Wyniki pokazały, że postawy nauczycieli wobec włączania są powiązane z ich poczuciem własnej skuteczności oraz obawami dotyczącymi stosowanych przez nich odpowiednich praktyk w klasie szkolnej. Płeć nauczycieli nie jest jednoznacznym predyktorem postaw, natomiast ich pozytywne nastawienie, długość stażu pracy oraz stan cywilny w sposób istotny wzmacniają postawy wobec inkluzji szkolnej.

Special and Inclusive Education Journal, Jun 13, 2023
This study analyses how inclusive education is being implemented in Madrasah in Indonesia through... more This study analyses how inclusive education is being implemented in Madrasah in Indonesia through the "Merdeka Belajar" program. The research uses document and content analysis to examine the Decree of Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia about guidelines for the implementation of the "Merdeka Belajar" curriculum in madrasahs (KMA RI No. 347 of 2022) policy document as a means to comprehend the intricate essence and origin of the issue, particularly in relation to inclusive education. The study reveals that the policy document mentioned the term diversity, students with disabilities, and inclusive education, however, the terms are limited and still need more specific explanations about inclusive education. The result shows that the "Merdeka Belajar" program is an important initiative that seeks to create inclusive classrooms where all students can receive a quality education in Madrasah setting.
Routledge eBooks, Jul 19, 2023

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
A cross-cultural study has been performed for decades to enhance inclusive education across diver... more A cross-cultural study has been performed for decades to enhance inclusive education across diverse cultures and groups. However, even with instruments explicitly built for cross-cultural research, researchers encounter translation challenges from the source language to the target language. Thus, translation is critical in order to maintain conceptual, content, semantic, and construct equivalences between the two languages and cultures, which is necessary for the measurement results to be credible. This article aims to discuss the process by which the Multidimensional Attitudes towards Inclusive Education Scale (MATIES) was translated and cross-culturally adapted. It was translated into Bahasa Indonesia by using Guellimin's step. The difficulties associated with certain wordings and cultural variations encountered in daily life were identified and resolved, resulting in the development of an adequate version of the tool that is ready for further research with teachers in Indonesian inclusive education.

Hearing impairment has implications in learning due to the difficulty to hear and understand conv... more Hearing impairment has implications in learning due to the difficulty to hear and understand conversations. The purpose of this study was to describe learning for students with hearing impairments in inclusive class on Sensorimotor Development Course. This research was a qualitative research with a single case study research design. The study was conducted at Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Research subjects were student with hearing impairment, lecturer, volunteer, and classmate in inclusive class on Sensorimotor Development Course. Data collection techniques were in-depth interviews and observation. Data validity technique was triangulation. Data were analyzed based on the Miles & Huberman Flow Model which included three processes, namely data reduction, data display, and conclusions. The results showed that learning for students with hearing impairments in inclusive class on Sensorimotor Development Course needs to consider the following: (1) seating placement, (2) optimization of visual information, (3) modification of teaching, (4) volunteer support, and (5) teamwork.

Inclusive education approach is a new program and procedures which is required for supporting chi... more Inclusive education approach is a new program and procedures which is required for supporting children with disabilities (CwDs) in Indonesia. Utilizing ICT in inclusive classrooms has demonstrated to be helpful both in supporting and strengthening learning process. There are some evidences that prove the use of ICT in the classrooms is essential, particularly impacted the teacher's attitudes and beliefs. This paper examined the frames of mind on that approach based on semi-organized interview with 40 instructors in 16 schools in Surabaya and questionnaire responses from 100 educators and educational experts across Indonesia. Research findings recommend that teachers have comprehensive and inspirational attitudes for utilizing of ICT in their classrooms. Thus, These issues should be considered wilsely if the advancement of an Indonesian comprehensive methodology is continuing effectively.

JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi), Dec 7, 2020
Komunikasi digunakan seseorang untuk beradaptasi dan berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. Namun tid... more Komunikasi digunakan seseorang untuk beradaptasi dan berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. Namun tidak semua orang dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, beberapa mengalami gangguan berkomunikasi karena berbagai faktor. Beberapa anak berkebutuhan khusus juga mengalami hambatan dalam berkomunikasi, seperti anak tunarungu, anak tunagrahita, dan anak autis. Signalong Indonesia dapat dijadikan sebagai alternatif metode komunikasi yang dapat digunakan oleh siapapun, bukan hanya untuk anak berkebutuhan khusus. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian R&D (Research & Development) yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kamus digital Signalong Indonesia berbasis multimedia interaktif yang dibuat menggunakan software Adobe Flash Professional CS6 yang disesuaikan dengan kamus Signalong Indonesia yang sudah ada. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa angket untuk validasi materi dan media yang divalidasi oleh dosen ahli materi dan dosen ahli media. Hasil validasi dari ahli materi memperoleh persentase sebesar 93% dan hasil validasi media memperoleh persentase sebesar 81%. Berdasarkan hasil validasi materi dan media, kamus digital Signalong Indonesia masuk dalam kriteria sangat baik.

JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi), Apr 27, 2020
Komunikasi merupakan hal terpenting dalam interaksi sosial manusia. Begitupun bagi anak berkebutu... more Komunikasi merupakan hal terpenting dalam interaksi sosial manusia. Begitupun bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus. Keterlambatan komunikasi menjadikan anak berkebutuhan khusus terhambat dalam memahami lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media video animasi lagu anak berbasis Signalong Indonesia sebagai solusi bagi anak berkebutuhan khusus pada keterlambatan atau kendala komunikasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Research and Development dengan prosedur pengembangan sebagai berikut, (1) potensi masalah, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) desain produk, (4) validasi desain, (5) revisi desain, (6) ujicoba produk, (7) revisi produk, (8) ujicoba pemakaian, (9) revisi produk, Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan ini berupa prototype video animasi yang telah melalui uji kelayakan berupa, uji validasi ahli media dengan skor 94.5% dengan kategori baik dan layak digunakan, ahli materi dengan skor 98.5% dengan kategori sangat baik dan layak digunakan, dan uji coba produk dengan hasil 88% dengan kategori baik dan layak digunakan.

This research aims to produce a prototype of Signalong Indonesia based children's song animation ... more This research aims to produce a prototype of Signalong Indonesia based children's song animation video media for children with special needs as a solution for children with special needs in delays or communication constraints. Signalong media as a medium to facilitate the communication style of each individual. Moreover, Signalong Indonesia helps the understanding and interaction of children with special needs in communicating with others, teachers, parents or the surrounding community. Mr. Mustache and Friends this can provide effective and inclusive educational shows with animated videos for all people, especially Indonesian children. This study uses a Research and Development development model with the following development procedures. The results of this research and development are in the form of a prototype of an animated video media that has gone through a feasibility test in the form of a validation test, a media expert, a material expert, a product trial and a product revision stage so that the media is included in the appropriate category of use. Keywords-signalong Indonesia; mr mustache and friends; song animation video, childern with special seeds, inclusive school, R&D model 2 Manual Book 1. Guidelines for using media 2. Children's songs 3. Media care instructions
Hearing impairment in children may inhibit their language skill, which in turn disturbs their soc... more Hearing impairment in children may inhibit their language skill, which in turn disturbs their social interaction. Even though other potentialities in those children may be promising, such impairment may give difficulties in their improvement, a condition that is not in line with the objective of psychiatry. This research was aimed to identify the influence of speech training with a communicative approach to language skill, I.e., in on word identification, speech reading and pronunciation, in preschool deaf children. This research used a quasiexperimental pretest-posttest control group design. Results showed that the paired t-test indicated the significant influence of speech training in both groups, whereas, the t-test showed that speech training given to experimental group had significant influence compared to that given to control group.

Jurnal Pena Indonesia, Feb 21, 2017
Keterampilan membaca dan menulis merupakan cakupan keterampilan berbahasa yang lebih kompleks dar... more Keterampilan membaca dan menulis merupakan cakupan keterampilan berbahasa yang lebih kompleks dari keterampilan menyimak dan berbicara. Untuk itu perlu adanya pendekatan yang tepat dalam mengembangkan keterampilan baca-tulis anak tunarungu. Dalam beberapa penelitian yang berfokus pada ketepatan sintaksis anak tunarungu, ditemukan bahwa mereka cenderung menggunakan banyak frase yang sama secara berulang-ulang dalam kalimat sederhana, lebih sedikit kalimat majemuk, dan membuat banyak kesalahan kecil dalam penggunaan struktur kalimat, kata bilangan, penggunaan kata ganti dan kata penunjuk, dan sebagainya. Melalui perbandingan beberapa pendekatan yag ditawarkan oleh para peneliti, terdapat beberapa pendekatan yang dominan menemui ketepatan dalam pemerolehan kebahasaan secara baik. Tulisan ini mendiskusikan beberapa pilihan pendekatan dalam mengajarkan keterampilan baca-tulis anak tunarungu, yaitu (1) percakapan dari hati ke hati (perdati) , (2) membaca ideovisual (percami), (3) membaca reseptif, (4) latihan reflektif, dan (5) percakapan linguistik atau percakapan tata bahasa atau disebut juga percakapan tata bahasa reflektif.

The study investigated the emotion pattern in children with autism. Children with autism are cons... more The study investigated the emotion pattern in children with autism. Children with autism are considered to have disabilities in recognizing and expressing their emotion. Even though, latest studies show that actually, the children are able recognize and express basic emotions in their daily life. However, just a few in those studies explore emotional pattern in children with autism by look upon their behavioral responses. This is a qualitative research employed through observation with audiovisual records to explore three ten-year-age children with autism in Surabaya, Indonesia. The observation was conducted to observe emotional stimulus, responses of emotional stimulus in children with autism such as emotional reactions or emotional control in subject. The results found that human being, object, and condition could be stimuli that may cause emotional reactions. From the emotional reactions could be classified based on the subject's expressed emotions, namely positive emotions (i.e. happy, love, missing, and shy) and negative emotions (i.e. angry, scary, sad, and shocked). In addition, in terms of emotional control of the subject could be in the form of external and internal emotional controls

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020), 2020
The presence of the internet that invites as a medium that makes it easy to communicate, makes th... more The presence of the internet that invites as a medium that makes it easy to communicate, makes the deaf support in a container. Where in the container they exchanged information related to the development of assistive technology as well as health information. Utilization of the internet by people with hearing impairment in Indonesia has not been fully maximized, given the spread of the internet by them in Indonesia is also not evenly distributed, this is related to the use of the internet media itself. This study aims to map the patterns of the use of internet media by deaf people in East Java to find out patterns of protection of persons with disabilities in this case deaf in terms of information technology. Using the online survey method provided google form, the result seems people with hearing impairment in East Java prefer to browse information by utilizing digital technology, the Internet in many ways.
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi), May 14, 2019

JMSP (Jurnal Manajemen dan Supervisi Pendidikan), Aug 21, 2021
In this 21st-century era, the development of a management information system is one of the effort... more In this 21st-century era, the development of a management information system is one of the efforts that can be made to improve the quality of public services, both in general and in certain sectors, for example, education, where because of the effect of industrial revolution 4.0 and society 5.0, these days the community often to use the assistance of technology for their social activities. One of many ways that can be used to measure the success rate of a system is using usability measurement. The usability level of an information system shows whether the system is accepted by the user or not. This study aims to measure the usability level of the educational service in the Faculty of Education, State University of Surabaya (UNESA), using the USE Questionnaire. The data from this research are processed using a descriptive statistics method and then analyzed both for each aspect and the correlation of all aspects. The results of this study included; (1) the usefulness aspect got an eligibility percentage of 83,6%; (2) the ease of use aspect got an eligibility percentage of 81,7%; (3) the satisfaction aspect got eligibility percentage of 79,8%; (4) the result of calculation of all usability aspects are 81,9%, meaning that the E-Service Faculty of Education, Unisa very useful and worthy to be used.

Journal of Early Childhood Research
Indonesia is committed to creating an inclusive education system. Kindergartens have a key role t... more Indonesia is committed to creating an inclusive education system. Kindergartens have a key role to play in this endeavour. However, there are specific challenges that need to be addressed if this potential is to be fulfilled. It has been suggested that the use of keyword signs within Sign Supported Big Books (SSBB) as part of everyday story time activities might offer one way to begin to address some of these challenges. This research used a questionnaire method to evaluate the uptake and impact of SSBBs from 214 kindergartens across Indonesia. Analysis of teachers’ responses revealed the inclusive affordances of the approach. For the majority of teachers: the books were in regular use in their classrooms, teachers and children enjoyed using them, SSBBs made learning fun, the approach impacted positively on teachers’ classroom practice and they reported that it had benefits for children, including those with special educational needs. These results indicate that SSBBs can make a pos...
Papers by khofidotur rofiah