Papers by Madlazim Kasmolan

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2004
A new 1-D velocity model for Jamaica has been obtained from the simultaneous inversion of P-and S... more A new 1-D velocity model for Jamaica has been obtained from the simultaneous inversion of P-and S-wave travel times of well-solved local earthquakes. The crust is modelled as four flat uniform layers with compressional velocities of 5.15 km/s to 4.5 km depth, 6.30 km/s to 9.5 km, 6.60 km/s to 22.0 km and 7.11 km/s to 30.0 km. The upper mantle P-velocity is 7.81 km/s, which is consistent with upper mantle velocities found elsewhere in the Caribbean Basin. The new model reduces significantly the root mean square misfit of the selected data from 0.128 to 0.112 when compared to the best model previously used. In addition, the model solves events to more acceptable focal depths of 10 to 25 km. Station corrections of À 0.20 to + 0.06 for P and À 0.75 to 0.13 for S-waves relative to the reference station were obtained. The new model is expected to improve Jamaican earthquake locations particularly in obtaining more reliable focal depths, which in turn will enhance the interpretation and understanding of local seismicity and neotectonics.

Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 2018
The purpose of this study was to describe the validity of the project based laboratory learning (... more The purpose of this study was to describe the validity of the project based laboratory learning (PjBLL) model to increase science process skills and scientific creativity of students. Collecting data use preliminary research and validation phase of physics learning expert in the focus group discussion. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The tests have shown that there is conformance to requirements, design models meet the novelty scientific knowledge, and there is consistency between the components of internal models. The PjBLL model has valid can be used to improve the science process skills and scientific creativity of students. The PjBLL model has been able to support the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework Indonesia to results the competence of graduates of higher education of project based laboratory learning.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, menget... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, mengetahui kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran guna mendukung multimedia interaktif Fisitekh pada materi alat optik kelas VIII di SMPN 1 Prambon dan mengetahui keterlaksanaan perangkat yang meliputi hasil respon, ketuntasan hasil belajar, serta proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan perangkat yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini mengacu pada model 4-D yang dikemukakan Thiagarajan, yaitu 1) tahap pendefinisian (define), 2) tahap perencanaan (design), 3) tahap pengembangan (develop), 4) tahap penyebaran (disseminate). Namun penelitian ini hanya dibatasi sampai tahap pengembangan. Perangkat yang telah dikembangkan di validasi oleh 2 dosen Fisika UNESA dan guru IPA-Fisika SMPN 1 Prambon. Uji coba terbatas perangkat pembelajaran dilakukan pada 36 siswa SMPN 1 Prambon. Penilaian terhadap perangkat secara umum meliputi silabus, RPP, LKS, buku siswa dan lembar penilaian memperoleh skor prosentase kelayakan ...
Makara Journal of Science, 2013
The purpose of this research was to estimate the so urce parameters of a mainshock earthquake (Mw... more The purpose of this research was to estimate the so urce parameters of a mainshock earthquake (Mw=6.4) that occurred on 1 October 2009 in the Dikit major segment of the Sumatran Fault Zone (SFZ). The source parameters w re analyzed by the inversion of three-component local waveforms ecorded by the GEOFON broadband IA network. Momen t t sor of the event was determined using the Discrete Wave number method to calculate the Green function and t he iterative deconvolution method to invert the moment tensors. From the analysis, we obtained the fault parameters of the mainshock, which are strike=324°, dip= 80° and rake = -173°.

Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika, 2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, menget... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran, mengetahui kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran guna mendukung multimedia interaktif Fisitekh pada materi alat optik kelas VIII di SMPN 1 Prambon dan mengetahui keterlaksanaan perangkat yang meliputi hasil respon, ketuntasan hasil belajar, serta proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan perangkat yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini mengacu pada model 4-D yang dikemukakan Thiagarajan, yaitu 1) tahap pendefinisian (define), 2) tahap perencanaan (design), 3) tahap pengembangan (develop), 4) tahap penyebaran (disseminate). Namun penelitian ini hanya dibatasi sampai tahap pengembangan. Perangkat yang telah dikembangkan di validasi oleh 2 dosen Fisika UNESA dan guru IPA-Fisika SMPN 1 Prambon. Uji coba terbatas perangkat pembelajaran dilakukan pada 36 siswa SMPN 1 Prambon. Penilaian terhadap perangkat secara umum meliputi silabus, RPP, LKS, buku siswa dan lembar penilaian memperoleh skor prosentase kelayakan ...

Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika, 2013
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran untuk mendukung med... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran untuk mendukung media pembelajaran PhET Simulation pada materi Hukum Newton kelas X SMA dan mengetahui keterlaksanaan perangkat yang meliputi proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran, ketuntasan hasil belajar serta hasil respon berdasarkan perangkat yang dikembangkan. Perangkat yang telah dikembangkan ditelaah terlebih dahulu kemudian divalidasi oleh 2 dosen fisika UNESA dan guru SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Jombang. Uji coba terbatas perangkat pembelajaran dilakukan pada 20 siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Jombang. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan meliputi silabus, RPP, LKS, handout, lembar penilaian dan lembar pengamatan. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif untuk hasil telaah dan deskriptif kuantiatif untuk hasil validasi terhadap kelayakan perangkat pembelajara, hasil belajar siswa dan respon siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran untuk mendukung media pembelajaran PhET Simulation yang dikembangkan telah "layak" digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.

Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika, 2013
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan lab virtual PhET dal... more Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran dengan lab virtual PhET dalam pembelajaran fisika di MAN 2 GRESIK kelas XI IPA. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan, mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan perangkat pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran fisika di MAN 2 Gresik dan mendeskripsikan pengaruh penggunaan media lab virtual PhET terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Rancangan pengembangan pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini mengadaptasi penelitian pengembangan model 4D yang terdiri dari: tahap pendefenisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan secara keseluruhan berkategori baik dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika di MAN 2 Gresik; 2) Keterlaksaan pembelajaran fisika menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan secara keseluruhan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan efektif; 3) Pada kelas yang menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran yang bersinergi dengan media lab virtual PhET hasil belajar siswa lebih baik yaitu nilai pada posttest sebesar 82 apabila dibandingkan dengan siswa yang menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran yang bersinergi dengan lab riil, yaitu nilai posttest sebesar 75.

Inovasi Pendidikan Fisika, 2013
Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran, kete... more Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran, keterlaksanaan perangkat pembelajaran, hasil belajar, dan respon siswa terhadap perangkat pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA yang mengacu 4-D models tetapi hanya sampai pada tahap develop (pengembangan). Perangkat yang dikembangkan yakni silabus, RPP, Buku Siswa, LKS, dan lembar pengamatan. Tingkat kelayakan perangkat tersebut diketahui melalui validasi yang dilakukan oleh dua dosen ahli dan satu guru IPA. Tingkat keterlaksanaan diketahui melalui lembar keterlaksanaan RPP dan respons siswa. Untuk mengetahui pencapaian hasil belajar siswa digunakan metode post test yang diberikan pada akhir pembelajaran. Uji coba perangkat pembelajaran dilaksanakan di kelas VIII-F MTs Abu Darrin Bojonegoro terhadap 20 siswa. Hasil pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran menunjukkan bahwa kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran dari hasil validasi oleh dosen dan guru IPA MTs Abu Darrin Bojonegoro diperoleh hasil rata-rata persentase silabus 85,00 %, RPP 84,13%, LKS 87,04%, buku siswa 87,10% dan lembar penilaian 81,67% dengan kategori "sangat layak". Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan secara keseluruhan berkategori baik dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran; 2) Keterlaksaan pembelajaran IPA menggunakan perangkat pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan secara keseluruhan dapat berjalan dengan baik berdasarkan respon siswa, hasil belajar siswa, dan keterlaksanaan proses pembelajaran dengan perangkat yang dikembangkan; 3) Hasil belajar siswa terhadap penerapan perangkat pembelajaran pembelajaran yang dikembangkan tergolong baik.

Science of Tsunami Hazards
Indonesia has an Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (Ina-TEWS) since 2008. The Ina-TEWS has ... more Indonesia has an Indonesian Tsunami Early Warning System (Ina-TEWS) since 2008. The Ina-TEWS has used automatic processing on hypocenter; Mwp, Mw (mB) and Mj. If earthquake occurred in Ocean, depth < 70 km and magnitude > 7, then Ina-TEWS announce early warning that the earthquake can generate tsunami. However, the announcement of the Ina-TEWS is still not accuracy. Purpose of this study is to estimate earthquake rupture duration of large Indonesia earthquakes that occurred in Indian Ocean, Java, Timor Sea, Banda Sea, Arafura Sea and Pacific Ocean using a direct procedure and software developed Lomax and Michelini for rapid assessment of earthquake tsunami potential by deriving two simple measures from vertical component broadband P-wave velocity record. The first is the high-frequency apparent rupture duration, Tdur which may be related to can be related to the critical parameters rupture length (L), depth (z), and shear modulus (µ). The second is a confirmation of the earlier finding by Lomax and Michelini, namely that the rupture duration has a stronger influence to generate tsunami than Mw and Depth. We analyzed at least 510 vertical seismogram recorded by GEOFON-IA and IRIS-DMC networks. Our analysis shows that the seismic potency, LWD, which is more obviously related to capability to generate a tsunami than former. The larger Tdur the larger is the seismic potency LWD because Tdur is proportional to L/vr (with vrrupture velocity). We also suggest that tsunami potential is not directly related to the faulting type of source and for events that have rupture duration greater than 50 s, the earthquakes generated tsunami. With available real-time seismogram data, rapid calculation, rupture duration discriminant can be completed within 3 to 8 min after the P-onset.

Science of Tsunami Hazards
The purpose of the research was to estimate P-wave rupture durations (Tdur), dominant periods (Td... more The purpose of the research was to estimate P-wave rupture durations (Tdur), dominant periods (Td) and rupture durations greater than 50 seconds (T50Ex) for two large, shallow earthquakes, which occurred off the coast of Sumatra on 6 April and 25 October 2010. Although both earthquakes had similar parameters of magnitude and focal depth, the 25 October event (Mw=7.8) generated a tsunami while the 6 April event (Mw=7.8) did not. Analysis of the above stated parameters helped understand the mechanisms of tsunami generation of these two earthquakes. Measurements from vertical component broadband P-wave quake velocity records and determination of the above stated parameters could provide a direct procedure for assessing rapidly the potential for tsunami generation. The results of the present study and the analysis of the seismic parameters helped explain why one event generated a tsunami, while the other one did not.

MAKARA of Science Series, 2012
The 17/09/2008 22:04:80 UTC and 14/11/2008 00:27:31.70 earthquakes near Semangko fault were analy... more The 17/09/2008 22:04:80 UTC and 14/11/2008 00:27:31.70 earthquakes near Semangko fault were analyzed to identify the fault planes. The two events were relocated to assess physical insight against the hypocenter uncertainty. The data used to determine source parameters of both earthquakes was three components of local waveform recorded by Geofon broadband IA network stations, (MDSI, LWLI, BLSI and RBSI) for the event of 17/09/2008 and (MDSI, LWLI, BLSI and KSI) for the event of 14/11/2008. Distance from the epicenter to all station was less than 5°. Moment tensor solution of two events was simultaneously analyzed by determination of the centroid position. Simultaneous analysis covered hypocenter position, centroid position and nodal planes of two events indicated Semangko fault planes. Considering that the Semangko fault zone is a high seismicity area, the identification of the seismic fault is important for the seismic hazard investigation in the region.

Central European Journal of Geosciences, 2010
Fifteen earthquakes (Mw 4.1–6.4) occurring at ten major segments of the Sumatran Fault Zone (SFZ)... more Fifteen earthquakes (Mw 4.1–6.4) occurring at ten major segments of the Sumatran Fault Zone (SFZ) were analyzed to identify their respective fault planes. The events were relocated in order to assess hypocenter uncertainty. Earthquake source parameters were determined from three-component local waveforms recorded by IRIS-DMC and GEOFON broadband lA networks. Epicentral distances of all stations were less than 10°. Moment tensor solutions of the events were calculated, along with simultaneous determination of centroid position. Joint analysis of hypocenter position, centroid position, and nodal planes produced clear outlines of the Sumatran fault planes. The preferable seismotectonic interpretation is that the events activated the SFZ at a depth of approximately 14–210 km, corresponding to the interplate Sumatran fault boundary. The identification of this seismic fault zone is significant to the investigation of seismic hazards in the region.

ABSTRACT During the past decade remarkable progress has been made in studies related to fault int... more ABSTRACT During the past decade remarkable progress has been made in studies related to fault interactions and how the occurrence of an earthquake perturbs the stress field in its neighbourhood, which may trigger aftershocks and seismicity rate change. An earthquake event in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia on September 2nd, 2009 at 07:55:02.5 UTC (Universal Time Coordinate), has been investigated to estimate source parameters of the earthquake. Seismogram data was taken from five stations in the vicinity of the epicenter, which have distances less than 15�. All data analyzed are waveforms of three components. Method to estimate the source parameters is combination between iterative deconvolution and discrete wave number (DWN) for local data. The results show that variance reduction between the observed seismogram and the synthetic one and reduced variances for all stations is 61.66%. It indicates that results of the estimation (hypocenter, moment seismic, moment tensor and rupture direction) are suitable to describe source earthquake point. The source parameters of this event are hypocenter (-7.84o, 107.84o, 55 km), moment seismic is 4.001e+19 Nm, moment tensor and rupture direction that can describe the focal mechanism of the earthquake. By trial and error we find that a rupture area of 27.20 km x 15.5 km having updip and downdip edges at depths of 0 and 11.7 km respectively, provides a good correlation between zone of increasing Coulomb stress, the three aftershocks hypocentres and zone of increasing� seimicity rate.

The covid-19 pandemic prevention policy has the impact of reducing practicum programs that should... more The covid-19 pandemic prevention policy has the impact of reducing practicum programs that should be trained for students. In this paper, we show how a video tracker has been effective in achieving straight motion practicum and determining the moon gravity by using e-learning, group discussion, free fall motion video analysis on the moon's gravity acceleration. After the application of the video tracker, the results of quantitative and qualitative data analysis showed that the 2018 class students from physics science education of the State University of Surabaya had significant experiences and commented positively on their experiences. Students show that they are satisfied with the practicum environment by using a video tracker, and the application of a video tracker to determine the moon's gravitational acceleration to improve their skill proficiency in conducting an experiment. The straight motion practicum and the determination of the moon's gravity acceleration by us...

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to estimate P-wave rupture durations (Tdur), dominant perio... more ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to estimate P-wave rupture durations (Tdur), dominant periods (Td) and exceeds duration (T50Ex) simultaneously for local events, shallow earthquakes which occurred off the coast of Indonesia. Although the all earthquakes had parameters of magnitude more than 6,3 and depth less than 70 km, part of the earthquakes generated a tsunami while the other events (Mw=7.8) did not. Analysis using Joko Tingkir of the above stated parameters helped understand the tsunami generation of these earthquakes. Measurements from vertical component broadband P-wave quake velocity records and determination of the above stated parameters can provide a direct procedure for assessing rapidly the potential for tsunami generation. The results of the present study and the analysis of the seismic parameters helped explain why the events generated a tsunami, while the others did not. Keywords: P-wave; rupture duration; dominant period; exceeds duration ; simultaneously

Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengestimasi durasi rupture gempabumi yang terjadi di lautan Hin... more Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengestimasi durasi rupture gempabumi yang terjadi di lautan Hindia (Aceh, Mentawai dan Jawa) yang selama ini dikenal rawan terjadi tsunami yang diakibatkan gempabumi. Kedua, untuk mengestimasi arah rupture dan lokasi-lokasi terjadinya gempa susulan. Estimasi durasi rupture gempabumi dikerjakan dengan menggunakan prosedur langsung, yaitu (1) memfilter seismogram kecepatan komponen vertikal yang direkam oleh jaringan IRISDMC dengan menggunakan filter Butterworth pada frekuensi tinggi (1 sampai dengan 5 Hz), (2) melakukan picking waktu kedatangan gelombang P secara otomatis, (3) menentukan root mean square (RMS) dari amplitudo, (4) mengukur keterlambatan waktu kedatangan gelombang P pada 90% (T0,9), pada 80% (T0,8), pada 50% (T0,5) dan pada 20% amplitude (T0,2), dan (5) menghitung dan menampilkan hasil perhitungan durasi rupture secara cepat. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dalam riset ini dapat diketahui banwa durasi rupture gempabumi dapat diestimasi seca...

Central European Journal of Geosciences, 2010
Fifteen earthquakes (Mw 4.1–6.4) occurring at ten major segments of the Sumatran Fault Zone (SFZ)... more Fifteen earthquakes (Mw 4.1–6.4) occurring at ten major segments of the Sumatran Fault Zone (SFZ) were analyzed to identify their respective fault planes. The events were relocated in order to assess hypocenter uncertainty. Earthquake source parameters were determined from three-component local waveforms recorded by IRIS-DMC and GEOFON broadband lA networks. Epicentral distances of all stations were less than 10°. Moment tensor solutions of the events were calculated, along with simultaneous determination of centroid position. Joint analysis of hypocenter position, centroid position, and nodal planes produced clear outlines of the Sumatran fault planes. The preferable seismotectonic interpretation is that the events activated the SFZ at a depth of approximately 14–210 km, corresponding to the interplate Sumatran fault boundary. The identification of this seismic fault zone is significant to the investigation of seismic hazards in the region.
Papers by Madlazim Kasmolan