Co-Edited Journals and Special Issues by Susan Pickford
Co-edited Book by Susan Pickford
Papers by Susan Pickford
Journal of Literature and Science, 2015
Book History, 2011
... For an account of the recent rise of the "sociological turn" in translation studies... more ... For an account of the recent rise of the "sociological turn" in translation studies, see Michaela Wolf, "The Emergence of a Sociology of Translation," in Constructing a Sociology of Translation, ed. Michaela Wolf and Alexandra Fukari (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2007), 1-38 ...
German Life and Letters, 2005
Eighteenth Century Fiction, 2007
Eighteenth-Century Fiction, 2008
Cahiers Du Monde Russe, Sep 1, 2012
Translation and Literature, 2007
... The Case of Delicacy is transposed from the Alpsto Brittany, and Frénais also tacks an innoce... more ... The Case of Delicacy is transposed from the Alpsto Brittany, and Frénais also tacks an innocent explanation onto the famously ambiguous concluding ... C'est le seul qu'on réimprime très-souvent, le seul qu'on aime à relire en entier.' 12 A Sentimental Journey's enduring ...
Issues published by Susan Pickford
Co-Edited Journals and Special Issues by Susan Pickford
Co-edited Book by Susan Pickford
Papers by Susan Pickford
Issues published by Susan Pickford