Aina López Montagut
2020: Doctor (PhD) in Hispanic Studies (Linguistics and Translation) at the Université Sorbonne Université. Specialized in Linguistics, Translation and Translation Studies in French, Italian, Spanish (and others romance languages).
2019- : Training Manager, HR, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission.
2020- : Professor on Spanish Literature and Civilisation (online courses) & Linguistic Mediation (Italian > Spanish). Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (SSML), Varese, Italy.
- 2018-2019: French Teacher at the Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy. + Online University French tests maker and proofreader. Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy.
- 2017-2019 : Director of Studies & Didactic / Language Courses and Exams Coordinator, British Institutes - Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission.
- 2016-2017: Spanish and Italian Teacher at Ecole de Management de Normandie, Paris, France.
- 2016: Visiting speaker and teacher at UNESCO Oficina Multipaís para Centroamérica y México & Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), San José, Costa Rica.
- 2015-2016: Visiting professor in Guadalajara, Mexico (UAG, UdG & SEP).
- 2012-2015: Spanish Teacher at the Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV, France.
Fluent (C2): French, Spanish, Italian, Catalan & English.
B2-C1: German, Greek (modern language), Japanese & Portuguese.
B1: Esperanto.
2019- : Training Manager, HR, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission.
2020- : Professor on Spanish Literature and Civilisation (online courses) & Linguistic Mediation (Italian > Spanish). Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici (SSML), Varese, Italy.
- 2018-2019: French Teacher at the Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy. + Online University French tests maker and proofreader. Università degli Studi di Pavia, Italy.
- 2017-2019 : Director of Studies & Didactic / Language Courses and Exams Coordinator, British Institutes - Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission.
- 2016-2017: Spanish and Italian Teacher at Ecole de Management de Normandie, Paris, France.
- 2016: Visiting speaker and teacher at UNESCO Oficina Multipaís para Centroamérica y México & Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), San José, Costa Rica.
- 2015-2016: Visiting professor in Guadalajara, Mexico (UAG, UdG & SEP).
- 2012-2015: Spanish Teacher at the Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV, France.
Fluent (C2): French, Spanish, Italian, Catalan & English.
B2-C1: German, Greek (modern language), Japanese & Portuguese.
B1: Esperanto.
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InterestsView All (56)
Past works by Aina López Montagut
In the Salomón Klein Orphanage (Cochabamba):
- taking care of abandoned newborn babies and young children.
- helping children build on their reading, writing, and comprehension abilities in Spanish.
In Centro María del Camino (Cochabamba):
- helping children build on their reading, writing, and comprehension abilities in Spanish.
- lessons to adults studying in the Centro María del Camino.
- French Teacher (e-learning). Centro Linguistico. Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy. ----------------------------------------------------
2017-2019: - French & Spanish Teacher in different private language schools. ----------------------------------------------------
2016-2017: Spanish and Italian Teacher at Ecole de Management de Normandie (Business School), Paris. ----------------------------------------------------
2012-2015: ATER (Lecturer) and Lecturer at the Department of Hispanic Studies of the Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV. Spanish grammar, translation (French > Spanish, Spanish > French), language, linguistics and translation studies lessons.----------------------------------------------------
2011-2013: - French teacher for adults. Associazione Culturale e Sportiva Il Cavedio and Varese Corsi. Varese, Italy.
- Spanish teacher for adults. Varese Corsi. Varese, Italy.
- Private French and Spanish lessons for adults. Varese, Italy.
- Volunteer for reading French and Spanish texts to children (5-12 years old) at Biblioteca dei Ragazzi, Comune di Varese. Varese, Italy.
- June 2013: Spanish lessons for teenagers. Sports Promotion (Sports & School). Dolomites, Italy.----------------------------------------------------
2007-2008: Private French lessons for adults and children. Valladolid, Spain.
Visiting Speaker at UNESCO Oficina Multipaís para Centroamérica y México, San José (Costa Rica).
Cf. section 'Talks & Conferences'.
2015-2016: Visiting Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG), Jalisco (Mexico).
Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Guadalajara (UdG), Jalisco (Mexico).
Invited speaker at the “Coordinación de Formación y Actualización Docente”, Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) of Jalisco (Mexico).
Cf. section 'Talks & Conferences'.
2012-2014: Translator for "Cinco décadas de cuento mexicano". I translated in French two stories: "Santa" (Carlos Chimal) and "Las madres" (Fabio Morábito).
Talks & Conferences by Aina López Montagut
L’alloglossie peut s’expliquer de différentes façons : que ce soit pour des raisons politiques (M. Kundera ou E. Manet), des raisons socio-culturelles (F. T. Marinetti ou M. da Canale), des raisons affectives (E. Canetti) ou autres, les auteurs concernés justifient tant bien que mal leurs choix linguistiques.
Qu’ils se contentent d’écrire dans la langue autre, ou qu’ils décident de créer un pont littéraire entre deux systèmes linguistiques, les écrits qu’ils produisent traduisent la volonté et parfois même la preuve d’une acquisition linguistique, ainsi qu’une grande intercompréhension entre
les langues romanes utilisées par ces auteurs.
Nous nous intéressons au cas de l’auteur italien Antonio Tabucchi, et tout particulièrement au roman 'Requiem' (2007), écrit en portugais. Ce cas est d’autant plus intéressant que l’auteur a refusé de s’auto-traduire en italien, laissant ainsi la traduction à un autre locuteur de sa langue maternelle. Tabucchi justifie très clairement le pourquoi de ce choix de langue
d’écriture, qui s’est imposé à lui comme une évidence. Cet écrivain qui est à la croisée des langues, jongle à la perfection entre l’italien et le portugais.
The paper will focus on the translator's role as a cultural mediator. Not only must he master two or more languages and make the author's style his own, but he is also a subject straddling the culture and country of the author and those of the reader of his own version of the text.
In the case of self-translators, who are absolute masters of their text, the role of cultural mediator takes on a yet more significant dimension in terms of their freedom in translating their original text. This explains why their translations are often rewritten versions in which the representation of social, political, cultural and linguistic reality can be cut short.
With an eye to both translation theory and practice, the paper will study concrete examples of authors who have chosen to translate their own works or to work with invented or artificial languages. It will demonstrate how the writer, as practitioner of his own oeuvre, uses the power of words to adapt to the culture and society of his readers in each language and constructs a role as mediator to avoid causing linguistic or cultural clashes.
4 November 2016
Se propone una presentación sobre la importancia del diálogo intercultural que representan una obra y su traducción. Efectivamente, el escritor y el traductor (e incluso el autotraductor) son unos mediadores. El traductor al traducir una obra, y el escritor al autotraducir la suya son unos mediadores lingüísticos (entre dos idiomas) y culturales. Este segundo punto es esencial, pues la mediación cultural es uno de los objetivos de cualquier traductor quien se encuentra entre dos culturas, dos lectores diferentes, dos sociedades. Todas estas características hacen que el (auto)traductor tenga que adaptar el texto original a las creencias, sean cuales sean, del futuro lector. Los impactos de un texto escrito pueden ser importantes y ese no se borra como las palabras orales. Entonces, como los casos que veremos, muchos escritores reescribieron partes de su obra al traducirla. Con unos ejemplos concretos de obras literarias que se irán presentando y comentando, veremos cómo el escritor, con el poder de las palabras, se adapta a la cultura y la sociedad de su lector en cada idioma.
I presented two oral critical abstracts of the conferences "Histoire de la phonétique expérimentale" (Leoni & Vaissière) and "Empiricité et langues en danger" (Gasquet-Cyrus, Voisin, Vittrant).
Agay, 3-7 Septembre 2012.
In the Salomón Klein Orphanage (Cochabamba):
- taking care of abandoned newborn babies and young children.
- helping children build on their reading, writing, and comprehension abilities in Spanish.
In Centro María del Camino (Cochabamba):
- helping children build on their reading, writing, and comprehension abilities in Spanish.
- lessons to adults studying in the Centro María del Camino.
- French Teacher (e-learning). Centro Linguistico. Università degli Studi di Pavia, Pavia, Italy. ----------------------------------------------------
2017-2019: - French & Spanish Teacher in different private language schools. ----------------------------------------------------
2016-2017: Spanish and Italian Teacher at Ecole de Management de Normandie (Business School), Paris. ----------------------------------------------------
2012-2015: ATER (Lecturer) and Lecturer at the Department of Hispanic Studies of the Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV. Spanish grammar, translation (French > Spanish, Spanish > French), language, linguistics and translation studies lessons.----------------------------------------------------
2011-2013: - French teacher for adults. Associazione Culturale e Sportiva Il Cavedio and Varese Corsi. Varese, Italy.
- Spanish teacher for adults. Varese Corsi. Varese, Italy.
- Private French and Spanish lessons for adults. Varese, Italy.
- Volunteer for reading French and Spanish texts to children (5-12 years old) at Biblioteca dei Ragazzi, Comune di Varese. Varese, Italy.
- June 2013: Spanish lessons for teenagers. Sports Promotion (Sports & School). Dolomites, Italy.----------------------------------------------------
2007-2008: Private French lessons for adults and children. Valladolid, Spain.
Visiting Speaker at UNESCO Oficina Multipaís para Centroamérica y México, San José (Costa Rica).
Cf. section 'Talks & Conferences'.
2015-2016: Visiting Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG), Jalisco (Mexico).
Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Guadalajara (UdG), Jalisco (Mexico).
Invited speaker at the “Coordinación de Formación y Actualización Docente”, Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) of Jalisco (Mexico).
Cf. section 'Talks & Conferences'.
2012-2014: Translator for "Cinco décadas de cuento mexicano". I translated in French two stories: "Santa" (Carlos Chimal) and "Las madres" (Fabio Morábito).
L’alloglossie peut s’expliquer de différentes façons : que ce soit pour des raisons politiques (M. Kundera ou E. Manet), des raisons socio-culturelles (F. T. Marinetti ou M. da Canale), des raisons affectives (E. Canetti) ou autres, les auteurs concernés justifient tant bien que mal leurs choix linguistiques.
Qu’ils se contentent d’écrire dans la langue autre, ou qu’ils décident de créer un pont littéraire entre deux systèmes linguistiques, les écrits qu’ils produisent traduisent la volonté et parfois même la preuve d’une acquisition linguistique, ainsi qu’une grande intercompréhension entre
les langues romanes utilisées par ces auteurs.
Nous nous intéressons au cas de l’auteur italien Antonio Tabucchi, et tout particulièrement au roman 'Requiem' (2007), écrit en portugais. Ce cas est d’autant plus intéressant que l’auteur a refusé de s’auto-traduire en italien, laissant ainsi la traduction à un autre locuteur de sa langue maternelle. Tabucchi justifie très clairement le pourquoi de ce choix de langue
d’écriture, qui s’est imposé à lui comme une évidence. Cet écrivain qui est à la croisée des langues, jongle à la perfection entre l’italien et le portugais.
The paper will focus on the translator's role as a cultural mediator. Not only must he master two or more languages and make the author's style his own, but he is also a subject straddling the culture and country of the author and those of the reader of his own version of the text.
In the case of self-translators, who are absolute masters of their text, the role of cultural mediator takes on a yet more significant dimension in terms of their freedom in translating their original text. This explains why their translations are often rewritten versions in which the representation of social, political, cultural and linguistic reality can be cut short.
With an eye to both translation theory and practice, the paper will study concrete examples of authors who have chosen to translate their own works or to work with invented or artificial languages. It will demonstrate how the writer, as practitioner of his own oeuvre, uses the power of words to adapt to the culture and society of his readers in each language and constructs a role as mediator to avoid causing linguistic or cultural clashes.
4 November 2016
Se propone una presentación sobre la importancia del diálogo intercultural que representan una obra y su traducción. Efectivamente, el escritor y el traductor (e incluso el autotraductor) son unos mediadores. El traductor al traducir una obra, y el escritor al autotraducir la suya son unos mediadores lingüísticos (entre dos idiomas) y culturales. Este segundo punto es esencial, pues la mediación cultural es uno de los objetivos de cualquier traductor quien se encuentra entre dos culturas, dos lectores diferentes, dos sociedades. Todas estas características hacen que el (auto)traductor tenga que adaptar el texto original a las creencias, sean cuales sean, del futuro lector. Los impactos de un texto escrito pueden ser importantes y ese no se borra como las palabras orales. Entonces, como los casos que veremos, muchos escritores reescribieron partes de su obra al traducirla. Con unos ejemplos concretos de obras literarias que se irán presentando y comentando, veremos cómo el escritor, con el poder de las palabras, se adapta a la cultura y la sociedad de su lector en cada idioma.
I presented two oral critical abstracts of the conferences "Histoire de la phonétique expérimentale" (Leoni & Vaissière) and "Empiricité et langues en danger" (Gasquet-Cyrus, Voisin, Vittrant).
Agay, 3-7 Septembre 2012.
ISBN 978-2-343-13838-1.
ISBN 978-2-84974-211-2
In a second step, we study another very interesting case of a linguistic creation by Eco in the first pages of Baudolino. This second excerpt is even more fascinating as the manuscript shows the linguistic doubts of the main character through crossed out words and others with different written forms… In this second case, the language still keeps Latin forms but is strongly influenced and contaminated by the languages known by the main character.
Abstract of the VIth Symposium of the Associació Francesa de Catalanistes, Université Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV, October 2013.