Parenting Instincts
31st July, 2008. 9:09 pm.(princesshelli)
My 21 month old recently started grinding her teeth. Does anyone have any advice or ideas about this? The sound sends chills down my spine. I've tried offering her the binky when she starts grinding, but she'd rather chaw on her teeth. Its probably karma biting me in the ass for grinding my teeth my entire pregnancy. HELP!
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24th July, 2006. 11:06 pm. intro post(teddybear115)
X posted to all my parenting communities Hi! My name is Rachel and I am 21 yrs old. I have a bf and no babies yet but im really interested in learning all the tricks and rules and different ways of raising babies so that i dont make those mistakes when i do have children of my own. I have been around babies all my life and have alot of experience! my bfs cousin has a baby (my adopted nephew) and right now he is 10 days old and back in the hospital (diarea, blood in urine, early stages of pink eye) and so obviously im stressing now. I will help raise this baby since the mom is a year younger than I am. I hope this qualifies me to be a member of this community. I know several tricks that i have found to share if asked. Im just looking forward on learning about all the other ways of raising a baby and figuring out which one i want to follow or if i want to do a mix of them all!
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18th June, 2006. 2:05 pm. was started in early winter 2004 by four young mamas who needed a place where they belonged. Too young and alternative for babycenter and too old for the teen based online communities, they struck out to make a home for mamas who just didn’t fit in anywhere else. After a few nights of brainstorming and women sharing their talents, was born. Mamarevolution is a pro-choice, feminist community who seeks to support, encourage and educate young women and mothers from all backgrounds and cultures. Our goal is to provide the community and support that is so desperately needed as we fight for our rights as parents and women, and to defeat the social stereotypes that surround young or alternative parents. While we promote breastfeeding and natural parenting, we recognize that each family is unique and has their own set of needs and customs. We respect and support all families and their allies in their quest to raise strong, positive and socially conscious children.
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30th March, 2005. 2:30 am. Stop Domestic Abuse(twoparentheses)
First, I would like to apologize for disabling comments. The reason is that this banner links back to the entry where this banner originated, and there is a long essay there about my views on corporal punishment and child abuse, and I'd like to keep all discussion, comments, and questions in one place. Please understand that I do NOT consider corporal punishment and child abuse equivalent. But you can read about that in my journal, and comment there, too. The main message I am spreading is this: Domestic violence goes on far too much unchecked. "Corporal punishment", quite often (although not always, obviously), are simply words used to disguise domestic violence. Please. Let's put a stop to this. The home should be a safe place. And spread the word.crossposted everywhere.
4th March, 2005. 10:31 pm. "coporal punishy"(thong_lover)
Hi guys. First off, I have to admit that I am not a parent, but for 8 months out of the year I have to watch my neice. (Long story, will kindly spare you the details.) Anyway, I love my neice to death [explained later], but I will be honest and say that she is DEFINITELY the "b" word... you know, BRAT! Her mother and I were not raised in the best enviroment, so I am slightly confused on what to do when she misbehaves... Lately i've instilled what I like to refer to as "the dunking punishment." Depending on the severity of her actions, she can get anywhere from 1 to 3 dunks (3 dunks being the most severe, obviously). The dunking is just that, being dunked in a bathtub of water. I allow the water to be filled to right below the tub line (we have an old tub that doesn't have one of those safety drain thingies). She is 16 months old, and she is getting too big to be just laid in the tub. I have been holding her secure around the ankles and waist, and gently, but quickly, lowering her head into the water. She cries, of course, but that doesn't affect the number of dunkings she receives. Lately things have been scary... today, she started chewing on Gram's tablecloth, and since Gram is dead and the cloth is sentimental, she received 2 dunks. She started coughing really bad after the first dunk, and the second dunk there were all these bubbles coming up around her face. I took her out and she just started choking! I was sooooo scared, and she has been crying ever since. I finally just let her cry her self to sleep (she's still crying right now), but i'm scared... Here's the thing, right after that, she wet herself (I know, she's barely 2 years old, but her mother insists on the euro-method where 15 months they should at least hold their selves until we put them on a special "wetting cloth") the pushiment agreed on in the dunking book (i'm writing) says that is punishble by 1 dunk.... Should I do it? Thanks for helping an ol' guy out! LOL Brian
Current mood:  confused.
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22nd February, 2005. 2:57 pm. Hello!(our_choices)
Hi, I'm Katie...normally I'm quaintpassion BUT I created a journal for my "research" about all my (and my husband's) choices...we're due with our "first" at the beginning of June (I've had one miscarriage--that's why first is in quotations) and I'm LOVING looking things up instead of taking the "medical world's" word on everything. I just "finished" the mass majority of my research on VACCINATIONS...if you're interested--you can look around (and/or add new information that I don't have--I'd love new and more insight if you have it)! All my entries so far are just about I'm off to research about breastfeeding (exclusive, extended breastfeeding)...and other subjects in the future! Nice to meet you, and I look forward to getting to know you and sharing with you guys! :)
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3rd February, 2005. 4:26 pm.(wishfulstar)
alright mamas and mamas-to-be! i have a simple task for you.. in one of my womens studies classes.. we were talking about my pregnancy.. and one girl mentioned the fact that you learn all kinds of secrets when you become pregnant/have children. i told her it was much like joining a secret club! now.. my question for you is what was the one thing you learned about yourself and the world around you upon becoming pregnant and giving birth? thanks ladies! xposted everywhere ;P
Current mood:  busy.
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18th January, 2005. 3:14 pm. hey guys.(sueisfine109)
oookay. this is probably going to be a little weird, but i thought the "parenting instinct" community would be a good place to start with some of my questions. i'm not a parent, and i'm not planning on being one or anything, but i'm a 24-year-old adult child living at home with her parents, and i've been emotionally abused by my mother for the duration of my life thus far. i have a lot of concerns that i need to address, and i'm currently in therapy; however, my therapist has suggested that if i am interested in learning about parenting skills as they are today, that i should go ask some parents about what they think is the right thing to do. my first question, then, is this: why do parents feel the need to embarrass their children? where does that come from? while my mother insisted that it was harmless fun, i was increasingly humiliated in front of friends and family as i grew up. i told mom how i felt about it, and asked her to stop, but she just continued, telling me i needed to "grow up" and "get over it." (this from the time i was 7 or 8 years old, even.) i still remember some of these incidents and will gladly clarify if need be. please consider commenting; i'd appreciate it. thank you.
Current mood:  confused.
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12th January, 2005. 12:38 pm. weaning(dances4u)
what do you do when your one year old won't drink out of anything? How can I wean? I did it exclusively for one year and now I want to slowly wean, but he won't let me. Who has the control here? It's ridiculous. Hello, I'm new. I'm 21. I'm a student at DeVry. I don't know what else to say....he's a boy. Whatever.
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15th November, 2004. 1:35 am. A Question(dada_dance)
I'm curious, what do you think about a parent who takes his 3 year old kid to parties where ecstasy is being taken. I've been following amply_abundante's arguments in badparent and it's been an interesting experience. Loads of people gave the dude a good jumping on. I was inclined to reserve judgement, coz I don't know what like his parties were, nor whether his friends were good people and so forth. I'm of the opinion you shouldn't judge a man (or a woman) until you walk a mile in their moccasins, dig?
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