years go by will i still be waiting
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years go by will i still be waiting [entries|friends|calendar]
My Scream Got Lost in a Paper Cup

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[08 Mar 2005|10:29pm]

this community is extreamly unactive. im going to leave. somebody message me fi things start to pick up
will i still be waiting

[19 Feb 2005|12:46pm]

okay so this is my third post in a row, but thats okay.

all is good with my matt. i told him last night, and he cried, and i cried, and i feel so much better.

his ex is calmed down a little, im not worried at all.

hope everyone is doing well <3
4years go bys | will i still be waiting

[13 Feb 2005|10:39am]

so my boyfriend has this insane ex . she wants him back, badly . last night, she broke into his house when he was with me, stole a picture of me from his wall, and stole my phone number, and to make things better, shes disappeared . so im half expecting a crazed lunatic (she spent 2 years in a pysch ward for stabbing his dad) to show up at my door any minute now ..

i probably should be alot more worried than I am.

anyone dealt with pyscho ex's before?
1years go by | will i still be waiting

[09 Feb 2005|10:04pm]

rawr. i hate introductions ;

Im Kayla. I'm almost 16 , I've been through alot since I was 12 and I want to get better.

Ive never asked for help, and have always thought of the rapes & abuse as "not a big deal" . I thought that it was normal, because the first one happened when I was 12 or 13.

My story isn't nearly as touching as many of yours, but I do want help. I want to confront my past, control it , and learn to forget. I have a boyfriend now; first one in a year, and I want to do this for the both of us . He only knows a bit, and he wants me to learn to forget so I can move on.

I joined this community to maybe learn how to deal with this. I have never told anybody what happened, and I refuse to tell any authorities. I wish that I could tell a doctor and be put on medication to ease the constant pain , but I just can't.

Hopefully I'll find somebody here that I can share with, and help them as well <3
6years go bys | will i still be waiting

Tori =) [18 Jan 2005|09:24pm]

will i still be waiting

[09 Nov 2004|09:42pm]

[ mood | sad ]

i am new i was raped and i am having a hard time healing. the boy who raped me got away with it and when i come home from school (i now am in college) i see him. i am not adjusting well to college because i feel that i have no one to turn to- everyone seems superficial- and i feel like i cannot trust anyone. when i do try to open up alot of "friends" turn to the i have a worse story and don't bother with listening to me or helping me cope. everyone is so self centered. i hope this community can help me - because i feel like i am dying.

will i still be waiting

--post may provoke-- [26 Feb 2004|08:26pm]

my deepest apologies if this upsets youCollapse )
1years go by | will i still be waiting

--May Trigger-- [29 Nov 2003|10:41pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]

--Post May Trigger--

I first joined this community under my other journal name, but since this is the one i write my ghosts in, i decided to join it under this name as well.

My story? heh, a long & phucked up one. I'll spare a lot of detail & sum it up:

i was molested by a neighbor/family friend when i was liek 4-5 yrs old. i don't remember very much about that, so that's not where all of my real issues lie (though granted, what he did was wrong & bad). When i was 12, my parents were killed in a car accident, and i was left under the care of my 21 yr old brother. My brother & i had never been very close for whatever reasons; our relationship had always been..erratic/odd, to say the least.

Fast forward a few years.

To sum up the gist of my teenage years, when i was around 14 my brother took his frustrations at the world out on me, in the form of mental, emotional, & physical abuse. Used to force me to drink & do drugs with he and his friends, & to do a variety of humiliating things in front of them. It turned sexual just before i turned 15. By the time i hit 16, the phucker was molesting and/or raping me on a nearly-nightly basis.

Fast forward a few more years.

I moved out of his place & in with my best friend when i was 18. When i was 19, i got involved with a guy & ended up falling head over heels in love with him. Started out great, but the relationship ended up to be just as abusive as the one i escaped with my brother. After about 1 1/2 years of his shite, i finally got the nerve to leave him.

The years that followed were your typical abuse-victim-story: too many drugs, way too much alcohol, several attempts at suicide. Ended up in therapy & on meds. Still doing both (therapy & meds, that is). Stopped drinking nearly two years ago, stopped doing drugs (other than meds) a year ago.

Started several online abuse survivor/support groups, and moderate a few that belong to soemone else.

Adopted a little girl 14 months ago, and she's the best thing that ever happened to me. My brother & i are still in contact with one another (my decision, though soemtimes i can't figure out why i'd do that) & our relationship is much more stable (and much safer) than what it used to be.

I guess it's safe to say i got most of my life pulled together, despite the fact that i'm still haunted by what happened to me, and i still have bad days where it all comes back to me.

i'm not sure what my point in all of this is, now that i've written it. i guess to show that there's always hope, despite every situation.

It takes a strong person to write out their past, when they've had bad things happen to them. I see soem strong people here, and in other groups i'm in, and that's to be admired. I wish much luck to everyone who's haunted by ghosts of their own.

will i still be waiting

[29 Nov 2003|10:11pm]

[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Hi all. I'm new here. My name's Jessica and I'm sixteen.

I guess I should share my storyCollapse )

will i still be waiting

[29 Nov 2003|04:36pm]
[ mood | drained ]

Well, I'm kinda new to LJ and I might post what happened to me soon...I dunno yet...but it happened in August 2002 and I didn't even realise what he was doing till now.
I talked over it with my best friend on Thursday and since then I've not been able to stomach food and I keep drawing sick pictures in my diary and doing words and phrases in fancy writing. It's weird - I dunno what goes on in my head sometimes.

will i still be waiting

[16 Aug 2003|01:38am]

[ mood | content ]

Hi, I'm new.
I'll share my story sometime, but not tonight.
Instead, I would like to urge people to counteract some of the negative things people have been saying about the girl involved in the Kobe Bryant case. There are numerous sites that have been spawned due to the intense media frenzy, and some sites will acknowledge both the pro-Kobe e-mails (which they usually refer to as "the good") and e-mails regarding peoples' sympathy for the girl if indeed she was raped. I wrote a few e-mails just to let people know that just because someone is a celebrity does not mean that everyone wants to sleep with them.
Let 'em know what you think, and let 'em know that the appropriate term for someone accusing someone of rape is not "whore".

Thanks and goodnight. =)

will i still be waiting

[15 Aug 2003|10:13pm]

Question for all out there.

What movies can you think of that involve a rape scene or a triggering scene of some sort?

I am not aware of any, and I just want to know what to think about before a rent or see. Thanks. :)

5years go bys | will i still be waiting

My story... [28 Jun 2003|04:48am]

[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Um, hi...I'm not entirely new to the community but this is my first time posting...Just giving the cold hard facts...not looking for pity...just telling my story...any advise would be warmly welcomed...thanks in advance for any comments and/or support

My semi-cursed kinda lifeCollapse )

2years go bys | will i still be waiting

[22 May 2003|06:25pm]

[ mood | uncomfortable ]

I keep thinking about what he did to me when I was younger. Everytime I think about it I close my eyes tight and open them back up hoping the images will disappear. Sometimes I manage to stop thinking about it but other times I find myself closing my eyes more than twice.
I hate remembering the past. I wish I could just somehow forget everything.
At one point in time I did manage to forget a lot about my past because I was so into not even thinking or remembering it, it just kinda..faded. But now its back and once again, still haunting me.
Bah humbug.

2years go bys | will i still be waiting

[18 May 2003|05:12am]


My name is Kayla, and I'm 21. Though I lost my virginity to a situation that I did not choose or want, I am most sympathetic to these situations because of friends of mine.

An extremely close friend of mine, Christina, has suffered far more than her share of pain regarding sexuality. Her sadistic, drunkard father allowed his friends to molest her in many ways from age 8 on. At 12, she became pregnant and had a son at 13. Nothing was ever done to any of these men; on the contrary, the situation was covered up like an uncontrollable family secret. Christina's son, Noah, is known in the community as a miracle natural child of Christina's adoptive parents instead (her mother is infertile, thus every child in the family is adopted).

It's amazingly sad that these crimes are committed and sadder still that many predators remain unpunished. Also maddening are the people who cry wolf, which cheapens the situation for real victims. The biggest outrage, however, is a situation that keeps the crime from going completely my friend's. I'm concerned less for myself than I am for those who are in the direst need.

So, I offer my love and support to any of you who may need it. I have a great deal of respect for those who have survived such hell and wish to be of service in any way.
will i still be waiting

I'm new [17 May 2003|04:49pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]

Hi, I'm Tami, I'm 19 and I also just joined. I was raped 4 years ago by someone I was close with. It was a complicated situation, and I lived with the guilt of thinking it was just a stupid mistake I made, and I had to live with for the rest of my life. Less than a year ago, I started recognizing that in fact I was raped, after years of nightmares, flashbacks, inability to be intimate with anyone, anorexia, self-mutilation, etc. I'm in therapy now, and I am learning to love the body that I once felt (and sometimes still feel) betrayed me. I am learning to love myself, and honor where I am this very moment. It's so hard, and sometimes I just cry uncontrollably for hours, but I hope one day it gets better. I would rather be struggling to live than struggling to die. Add me to your friends list, if you want. I will gladly add you back .

will i still be waiting

Introduction... [16 May 2003|07:56pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Hello there. I just joined and thought I would introduce myself... I'm Diona, but everyone can call me Dee. :) I'm a 19 year old female from central california.


will i still be waiting

[16 May 2003|05:58pm]

[ mood | crappy ]

Hey, my names Kelly. I just joined. Im 17 and Im from SC.
::peoples voices:: "Hi Kelly"

2years go bys | will i still be waiting

[14 May 2003|10:04pm]

This community is to provide surivors with support and love. I hope everyone finds what they need here.

your mod
1years go by | will i still be waiting

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