Papers by Dimitris Parsanoglou
DigiGen -working paper series -literature review ii The impact of technological transformations o... more DigiGen -working paper series -literature review ii The impact of technological transformations on the Digital Generation 870548 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement No. 870548. Neither the European Union nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for how the following information is used. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. DigiGen -working paper series No.2 -literature review DigiGen working package 2 -deliverable D2.1

IMISCOE research series, 2022
In this chapter I attempt to contextualise the so-called 'refugee crisis' within the European Uni... more In this chapter I attempt to contextualise the so-called 'refugee crisis' within the European Union (EU) border regime. It must be noted from the beginning that I put 'refugee crisis' in quotation marks because neither the number of refugees nor the challenges faced by the EU can justify the reactions of its member states (Spyropoulou & Christopoulos, 2016); not to mention that from a historical perspective the illustration of the 2014-2016 rise of asylum seekers as a 'perfect storm' cannot be justified by the facts, if compared with previous refugee and migrant 'crises' (Lucassen, 2018). The main objective of this chapter is to reflect upon the developments that occurred in Europe in 2015-2016 and have been included under the heading 'refugee crisis.' This reflection follows a twofold logic: on the one hand, I attempt a critical examination of the political responses to the 'crisis'; on the other hand, I attempt to disentangle and theorise the shifts that occurred within the management of the 'crisis,' both at the level of operationality and at the level of sovereignty. In order to do so, I focus on the specific case of Greece, since the country has been at the epicentre of the 'refugee crisis,' particularly during the period 2015-2016. In fact, crisis has for a long time been the defining term when describing any development in Greece. The dramatic increase of refugee inflows in the spring 2015 was approached from the very beginning in terms of crisis. It was also coupled with the sovereign debt crisis following the global financial crisis of 2007-2008 in two ways:
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 22, 2022
The impact of technological transformations on the Digital Generation 870548 This project has rec... more The impact of technological transformations on the Digital Generation 870548 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement No. 870548. Neither the European Union nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for how the following information is used. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. DigiGen-working paper series No.10-Beyond participation: Video workshops across Europe to engage in research with children and young people and teacher candidates as collaborators investigating ICT in education DigiGen working package 5
In this chapter we examine the context and particularly the content given by the member states an... more In this chapter we examine the context and particularly the content given by the member states and the ICEM overall to the concretisation of the notion of managing migration from Europe to overseas countries. Through the concretisation of the ICEM’s services, specific administrative and operational patterns were constructed shaping part of the Western world’s ideological apparatus within the Cold War. Finally, seen through the post-war international institutional building, implicit links of the ICEM with the European integration process are researched at the very initial stage of the European Economic Community.
Pluto Press eBooks, Mar 17, 2018

Springer eBooks, 2022
In this chapter I attempt to contextualise the so-called 'refugee crisis' within the European Uni... more In this chapter I attempt to contextualise the so-called 'refugee crisis' within the European Union (EU) border regime. It must be noted from the beginning that I put 'refugee crisis' in quotation marks because neither the number of refugees nor the challenges faced by the EU can justify the reactions of its member states (Spyropoulou & Christopoulos, 2016); not to mention that from a historical perspective the illustration of the 2014-2016 rise of asylum seekers as a 'perfect storm' cannot be justified by the facts, if compared with previous refugee and migrant 'crises' (Lucassen, 2018). The main objective of this chapter is to reflect upon the developments that occurred in Europe in 2015-2016 and have been included under the heading 'refugee crisis.' This reflection follows a twofold logic: on the one hand, I attempt a critical examination of the political responses to the 'crisis'; on the other hand, I attempt to disentangle and theorise the shifts that occurred within the management of the 'crisis,' both at the level of operationality and at the level of sovereignty. In order to do so, I focus on the specific case of Greece, since the country has been at the epicentre of the 'refugee crisis,' particularly during the period 2015-2016. In fact, crisis has for a long time been the defining term when describing any development in Greece. The dramatic increase of refugee inflows in the spring 2015 was approached from the very beginning in terms of crisis. It was also coupled with the sovereign debt crisis following the global financial crisis of 2007-2008 in two ways:
The Springer series on demographic methods and population analysis, 2023

SN Social Sciences
Precarity has been established as a central theoretical issue in labour market research and numer... more Precarity has been established as a central theoretical issue in labour market research and numerous attempts have been made in the past to provide indicators that measure it. Precarity has also been present in political discourse and linked to specific new forms of employment (temporary, part-time, insecure, and atypical amongst others) and certain social groups often defined as vulnerable groups (youth, women, ethnic minorities). However, precarity still remains a phenomenon that needs to be quantified with the use of reliable data. The present paper aims at providing a methodology for measuring individuals that are in precarious employment with data drawn from the EU-Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS). Thus, it presents a way of identifying individuals in the core of precarity and others that belong to this set to a lesser degree. More specifically, four different levels of precarity are identified and the methodology is illustrated and tested for a specific case study, that of Greece....

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Statistics: Theory and Applications
The measurement of precarity and the identification of a set of indicators that can be used for i... more The measurement of precarity and the identification of a set of indicators that can be used for its assessment has been established as a key issue in Europe, central to the entire discipline of labour statistics, social policy, and sociology of work. Most recent studies agree upon the basic characteristics that a worker should have to be considered as precarious: insecurity, vulnerability, and no or limited entitlements. The present paper offers an innovative method that combines statistical analysis regarding the measurement of nine key indicators that are linked with precarity to a lesser or greater extend, with a rule-based expert system to rate each worker's precarity. Raw data are drawn from the EU-Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) for the case of Greece. However, the suggested method can be applied with minor modifications to the remainder thirty-four participating in the EU-LFS countries since a common questionnaire is used for all countries. The estimated indicators refer to three domains that are linked with precarity: labour market conditions and job insecurity, limited entitlements, and insufficient resources. Having estimated a precarious score for each worker, the socio-demographic characteristics of precarious workers are identified, extracting valuable knowledge on their profile.

International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science
In the present paper, the composite indicator of early employment security introduced in Symeonak... more In the present paper, the composite indicator of early employment security introduced in Symeonaki et al. (2022) is used to measure and monitor early employment security in Greece. The composite indicator is estimated for the year 2018 using raw data drawn from the European Union Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS) and is compared with its values for the years 2008 and 2016 which mark the beginning and the end of the economic crisis given in Symeonaki et al. (2022). More specifically, ten indicators are estimated to refer to three different domains capturing the entire procedure of the school-to-work transition of a young individual. The domains refer to the conditions that young individuals might face when entering the labor market, i.e., the labor market conditions, the quality of jobs that are accessible to them, and the transition smoothness when transferring from education and/or training to the labor market. The composite indicator synopsizes the many facets of school-to-work transit...

In an effort to broaden the understanding of how early job insecurity can affect an individual... more In an effort to broaden the understanding of how early job insecurity can affect an individual's future career from an employer's perspective, an employer-sided survey with an integrated multidimensional vignette experiment in Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland was fielded in 2016 as part of NEGOTIATE. This report documents the sampling strategy, the datacollection and the survey experiment design in the four countries. In addition, some basic descriptive results from the survey is presented. The unique data set is innovative in at least three regards: First, the results from the vignette experiment allow causal interpretation and provide high internal validity. Second, the respondents are real employers who were recruiting for real vacancies, which maximises the external validity. And third, the crossnational harmonised study facilitates direct country comparisons. For access to the data set, use the NSD application form:

SAGE Open, 2019
The present study proposes a meaningful multidimensional index of early job insecurity for Europe... more The present study proposes a meaningful multidimensional index of early job insecurity for European countries based on raw micro-data drawn from the European Union's Labor Force Survey (EU-LFS), and captures its evolution over time, before and during the years of the post-2008 economic crisis. More specifically, a number of different indicators capturing various domains of early job insecurity are estimated, utilizing the data behind the EU-LFS survey for all European Union (EU) member states. These indicators are then composed into a single indicator of early job insecurity, which is used to apprehend and compare the degree of early job insecurity in EU member states, during these years. The proposed indicator captures the whole range of early job insecurity aspects, such as labor market conditions, job quality, school-to-work transitions, and job security, in an overall measurement providing a way of estimating and comparing early job insecurity among different countries. The results uncover the considerable differences between EU countries when early job insecurity is considered. Moreover, countries are ranked according to the degrees of early job insecurity for the years 2008-2014.
L'Atelier du CRH, 2010
These soutenue le 4 mai 2009 Composition du Jury Marie - Claude Blanc - Chaleard, Maitre de confe... more These soutenue le 4 mai 2009 Composition du Jury Marie - Claude Blanc - Chaleard, Maitre de conferences a l’Universite Paris 1, Georges Dertilis, Directeur d'etudes a l’EHESS, Nancy Green, Directrice d'etudes a l’EHESS (direction de these), Pierre Sintes, Maitre de conferences a l’Universite de Provence, Maryse Tripier, Professeur emerite a l’Universite Paris 7. Resume Cette these se divise en trois parties relativement autonomes mais reliees. La premiere partie, intitulee « L’histoire migrat...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 22, 2022
The impact of technological transformations on the Digital Generation 870548 This project has rec... more The impact of technological transformations on the Digital Generation 870548 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement No. 870548. Neither the European Union nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for how the following information is used. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. DigiGen-working paper series No.10-Beyond participation: Video workshops across Europe to engage in research with children and young people and teacher candidates as collaborators investigating ICT in education DigiGen working package 5

Precarity has been consolidated as a central concept in theoretical and political discussions aro... more Precarity has been consolidated as a central concept in theoretical and political discussions around labour market(s) and labour relations and conditions. Moreover, it has strongly been linked with specific sociodemographic groups, prominently with youth. Both theory and empirical evidence have suggested that precarity functions as a necessary step towards integration in the labour market, as a kind of indispensable rite of passage to labour adulthood. Nevertheless, despite its resonance, precarity remains a fuzzy buzzword that needs to be further problematized and evidenced. Focusing on a specific case study, that of Greece, we try to unfold a two-fold approach: to define and measure precarious forms of labour at the level/scale of the labour market as a whole and to detect and disentangle the role of age in specific sectors of economic activity where precarious labour is more prominent than in others.

Praktyka Teoretyczna
This paper examines the effect of the pandemic in the generation of simultaneous global, regional... more This paper examines the effect of the pandemic in the generation of simultaneous global, regional, and local processes as they materialize in realities and the potential for post-pandemic mobile commons. The paper theorizes the matter drawing on studies in the triangle of Cyprus-Greece-Turkey i.e., the south-eastern border of Europe/EU. Mobile commons is theorized in the current context by locating these processes in the pandemic and post-pandemic era, even though the first empirical work was done during the pre-pandemic period. The pandemic brought about an abrupt interruption of what is at the core of global capitalism: mobility. During this period, regimes of exception, derogation and suspension of rights were introduced across all fields of the civic, social, and political life almost all over the world. The concept of mobile commons aims to capture dynamic processes, as an ensemble or matrix of care of the society on the move, generating reciprocity on the move and a sustainabi...
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 6, 2022
DigiGen-working paper series © canva stock image The impact of technological transformations on t... more DigiGen-working paper series © canva stock image The impact of technological transformations on the Digital Generation 870548 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement No. 870548. Neither the European Union nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for how the following information is used. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission. DigiGen-Working paper series No.11 Children and young people's narratives and perceptions of ICT in education in selected European countries complemented by perspectives of teachers and further relevant stakeholders in the educational context DigiGen working package 5

Diálogos Latinoamericanos
This article examines the birth and evolution of the idea of land settlement as a way to combine ... more This article examines the birth and evolution of the idea of land settlement as a way to combine and resolve two issues diachronically considered problematic: on the one hand, the underdevelopment in Latin America due to a certain extent to the lack of labour force that could exploit the immense lands available; on the other hand, the overpopulation in Europe accompanied by volatile problems such as unemployment, particularly in critical times such as between and after the two World Wars. Based on archival material retrieved from the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington D.C., the Archives of the FDR Presidential Library and Museum in New York, the Archives of the IOM Office in Athens and the São Paulo State Archive, we attempt to provide a genealogy of this idea since the Interwar period and the ways in which it has materialised by governments and international organisations, namely the ILO and the ICEM.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 26, 2022
The impact of technological transformations on the Digital Generation 870548 This project has rec... more The impact of technological transformations on the Digital Generation 870548 This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement No. 870548. Neither the European Union nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for how the following information is used. The views expressed in this publication are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.
Papers by Dimitris Parsanoglou