Sugata Sen
Stood first class first in Economics from University of North Bengal. Completed M.Phil in Ecpnomics from Jadavpur University. Done Ph.D in Economics from Vidyasagar University. Visited twenty six countries to deliver lectures at international conferences. Published many research articles in many reputed journals and books. Doing research in Computational Economics, social exclusion and vulnerability.
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Rural Development Academy, (RDA), Bogra
Papers by Sugata Sen
in India varies depending on the region and population. The study used a pre‑ and postcounseling cross‑sectional design, which involves
measuring outcomes before and after the intervention (genetic counseling). Objectives: Three hundred and eighty‑five respondents were
screened as thalassemia carriers, between a pool of 2985 participants to depict the quantitative prevalence of thalassemia. Two separate
qualitative cross‑sectional studies were conducted and compared to validate genetic counseling. The aims of the study are to contribute to the
understanding of thalassemia carrier frequency and to improve the education and awareness of college students regarding thalassemia. Materials
and Methods: Two different questionnaires were used with the same knowledge, attitude, and practice parameters, one before and one after
counseling. A two-sample t-test and an analysis of variance (ANOVA) F-test were used to compare the changes in knowledge, attitude, and
practice. Results: Using paired samples t‑test to compare the pre‑ and postcounseling outcome showed significant (P < 0.001) elevation in
terms of knowledge, attitude, social beliefs, social discomfort, and practice as a thalassemia carrier. Further, ANOVA F‑test demonstrates the
relationship between demography and the difference in parametric score of the pre‑ and postcounseling outcome. Conclusion: By improving
knowledge and attitudes, counseling can help individuals to better understand their condition and the importance of adhering to treatment
recommendations. This can lead to improved health outcomes and a better quality of life for affected individuals.
Methods: Here the growth rate of fatality has been used as an estimate of vulnerability while the efficacy of the community measures has been accepted as the level of resilience. To that respect this work has extensively used time series and cross section econometric tools. Level of vulnerability is assessed through measuring the daily average growth rate of incidence of fatality due to COVID 19. To judge the effectiveness of different social interventions multiple endogenous structural breaks in the country-wise growth rates of COVID 19 induced fatality rates have been determined. The estimated country-wise sub-period growth rates are regressed over corresponding institutional and socio-economic variables.
Result: Wide variation in country level growth in fatality rates has been observed. The efficacy of the stringency measures to control the growth of fatality also varied widely among different countries. Observed that the variations in vulnerability and resilience appeared due to variations in the country-wise socio-economic and institutional factors.
Conclusion: It is observed that affluence and modernization of human societies cannot minimize the vulnerability of human societies to unforeseen disasters. But possibly greater public spending on human resources, reduction in social inequality and more sustainable development policies can improve the resilience of the societies.
in India varies depending on the region and population. The study used a pre‑ and postcounseling cross‑sectional design, which involves
measuring outcomes before and after the intervention (genetic counseling). Objectives: Three hundred and eighty‑five respondents were
screened as thalassemia carriers, between a pool of 2985 participants to depict the quantitative prevalence of thalassemia. Two separate
qualitative cross‑sectional studies were conducted and compared to validate genetic counseling. The aims of the study are to contribute to the
understanding of thalassemia carrier frequency and to improve the education and awareness of college students regarding thalassemia. Materials
and Methods: Two different questionnaires were used with the same knowledge, attitude, and practice parameters, one before and one after
counseling. A two-sample t-test and an analysis of variance (ANOVA) F-test were used to compare the changes in knowledge, attitude, and
practice. Results: Using paired samples t‑test to compare the pre‑ and postcounseling outcome showed significant (P < 0.001) elevation in
terms of knowledge, attitude, social beliefs, social discomfort, and practice as a thalassemia carrier. Further, ANOVA F‑test demonstrates the
relationship between demography and the difference in parametric score of the pre‑ and postcounseling outcome. Conclusion: By improving
knowledge and attitudes, counseling can help individuals to better understand their condition and the importance of adhering to treatment
recommendations. This can lead to improved health outcomes and a better quality of life for affected individuals.
Methods: Here the growth rate of fatality has been used as an estimate of vulnerability while the efficacy of the community measures has been accepted as the level of resilience. To that respect this work has extensively used time series and cross section econometric tools. Level of vulnerability is assessed through measuring the daily average growth rate of incidence of fatality due to COVID 19. To judge the effectiveness of different social interventions multiple endogenous structural breaks in the country-wise growth rates of COVID 19 induced fatality rates have been determined. The estimated country-wise sub-period growth rates are regressed over corresponding institutional and socio-economic variables.
Result: Wide variation in country level growth in fatality rates has been observed. The efficacy of the stringency measures to control the growth of fatality also varied widely among different countries. Observed that the variations in vulnerability and resilience appeared due to variations in the country-wise socio-economic and institutional factors.
Conclusion: It is observed that affluence and modernization of human societies cannot minimize the vulnerability of human societies to unforeseen disasters. But possibly greater public spending on human resources, reduction in social inequality and more sustainable development policies can improve the resilience of the societies.
This work is based on secondary data published by reputed institutions like World Bank, UNDP etc. Sustainable livelihood is determined through the domains published by Department of Foreign and International Development, UK. The under-achievements in the livelihood are determined through radar presentations. Eventually the economies within the livelihood space are clustered on the basis of their under-achievement radars. These clusters are used to determine the intensities of spatial and histo-logical influences on the under-achievements of different economies. Statistical tools are used to trace the significance of different influencing variables and component variables. Finally the influence of different influencing factors on the clusters are determined and presented diagrammatically. The idea of Artificial Neural Network is used to come to the conclusion. The cyclical causal relationship between the influencing variables and contributing variables is also estimated.
It is found that the under achievement of the economies on sustainable livelihood varied largely. It is observed that the number of economies in a cluster is inversely related to the relative position of that cluster in the hierarchical distribution of clusters. A pictorial illustration of the cluster wise distribution of different economies though projected an interesting diagram but failed to depict any historical or geographical pattern. It is found through regression that adult female literacy rate, balance of payment, human rights and perceptions about corruption have significant effects on under achievement in sustainable livelihood. On the other hand cluster wise determination of influence of component variables on under achievement finds that human capital, social capital and natural capital simultaneously play an important role over almost all the clusters to sustain human livelihood. Simultaneous improvement of all these capitals is necessary for sustainability of livelihood. Finally and interestingly it is found that a push on any set of variables - influencing variables or contributing variables can create cyclical causal movements and create infinite loop of development to sustain human livelihood.
b) Also discuss the possible cyber-threats to this industry.
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