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Rajbanshis are one of the indigenous people in North Bengal. The study includes cultural and social aspect of Rajbangsi people. The paper emphasis to high light the primal social life of them and the changing scenario of it. It will... more
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There is a buzzword in the world about India’s being a spiritual leader. The patriot classical Hindu protagonists are advocating vehemently for (re)establishing its old and golden image to the people, especially the students and youths in... more
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Global empowerment of women is a new concept. Since the second half of the twentieth century, the issue of women's empowerment has gained importance among scholars of universities, and in national and international platforms. But the... more
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      Gender StudiesComparative PoliticsIndian studiesWomen's Empowerment
India, the largest democracy and the most populous country in the world, was once a very advanced civilization with a rich economy, trade and commerce, culture, and spirituality for thousands of years. Due to her vast fertile land,... more
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      Indian studiesIndian ancient historyIndiaIndian economy
Women and girls represent fifty percent population of the world. The progress and development of a country depend on the active participation of both genders in all spheres of activities. It is a fact that no country can survive, sustain,... more
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      Gender StudiesGender EqualityWomen and Gender StudiesGender Empowerment
At first, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Bimal Shankar Nanda and Professor Apurba Mohan Mukhopadhyay the President and the Secretary of the West Bengal Political Science Association for providing me with this... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityLocal Government and Local DevelopmentWomen
Women and girls represent fifty percent population of the world. The progress and development of a country depend on the active participation of both genders in all spheres of activities. It is a fact that no country can survive, sustain,... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's RightsGender and DevelopmentWomen's Empowerment