Hi! This community is basically here for people who have multiple intrests and love pretty, cute, quirky and sparkly things. FOTD/EOTD's etc are encouraged but please keep images behind the lj cut and tutorials are also allowed but again try to keep as much content cut to save friends pages. This applies to stories, personal writing, photos, images etc. Alot of things will be tolerated and encouraged BUT offensive, obscene conduct and images will not be and this includes explicit and pornographic material and images- anyone posting this will be banned. ISO and sale's posts can (within reason) be posted but include them in with another topic and if necessary behind the cut but mention in the header so that people can see them (please don't post more than 2 of these per month). Will sometimes post a theme, but this is merely to give inspiration, you don't have to stick to this theme if you don't want to, I really don't mind.
Okay, here's my attempt at posting an affiliates list: firefliesdance