This is a community for the (currently nonexistant) webcomic "The Pandora Files". Don't worry, it'll be much more interesting once I (twoscrewsloose) get into a schedule where I can work on it with some degree of regularity. And learn how to draw. *cough*
In the meantime, and afterward, this will be where the various main characters of said story will post their thoughts, musings, rants, and pretty much anything that comes to one of their minds via mine. As such, pretty much everything posted here will be IC unless stated otherwise. In other words, it's not real. If you feel obliged to respond to anyone, or, for some currently unfathomable reason, post something here yourself, please denote that if is OOC (Out Of Character), so that I can know whether you're talking to me, because otherwise I will assume that you're talking to one of the voices in my head. And if you don't, it just gets confusing, and the fourth wall starts to break.
And the existence of this community probably bends it, anyway.