SOW - volume 39 by Denis CERIĆ
Entrepreneurial human capital and entrepreneurship are crucial elements for the further developme... more Entrepreneurial human capital and entrepreneurship are crucial elements for the further development
of rural areas. In order to understand the role of rural enterprises it is essential to learn the characteristics
of successful companies in local economies. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate through the
introduction of the activity, everyday practice and production procedure how non-agricultural and non-tourism
enterprises can foster the development of rural and peripheral areas in the Visegrad countries. Nine local enterprises
of different size, profile and development pathway were examined in order to highlight main experiences
and lessons being vital for and adaptable in other disadvantaged areas. The results and company descriptions
provided in the article are based on in-depth interviews, online data collection and statistical analyses.
Papers by Denis CERIĆ

Przegląd Geograficzny
The article reports on work reviewing research into cross-border tourism space as this relates to... more The article reports on work reviewing research into cross-border tourism space as this relates to sea areas. In essence, the review made it clear that the matter in question only appears in the literature rather rarely, even as its underpinning concepts involving tourism space, borders, cross-border cooperation and international integration have been the subject of many studies. The Baltic Sea is no longer an area of separation, having become – more than ever – a meeting point of numerous political, economic and ecological interests. Within its basin (including adjacent areas of land and waters), cross-border tourism space is developing mainly as connections are formed between already-existing tourism space within given states – primarily coastal cities or regions. Connections via the sea confer physical shape upon maritime tourism space, by way of a banded pattern. In turn, cooperation between entities located on two (or more) sides of the maritime border plays a significant role i...

Przegląd Geograficzny
The article reports on work reviewing research into cross-border tourism space as this relates to... more The article reports on work reviewing research into cross-border tourism space as this relates to sea areas. In essence, the review made it clear that the matter in question only appears in the literature rather rarely, even as its underpinning concepts involving tourism space, borders, cross-border cooperation and international integration have been the subject of many studies. The Baltic Sea is no longer an area of separation, having become – more than ever – a meeting point of numerous political, economic and ecological interests. Within its basin (including adjacent areas of land and waters), cross-border tourism space is developing mainly as connections are formed between already-existing tourism space within given states – primarily coastal cities or regions. Connections via the sea confer physical shape upon maritime tourism space, by way of a banded pattern. In turn, cooperation between entities located on two (or more) sides of the maritime border plays a significant role i...

Przegląd Geograficzny, 2019
Zarys treści. W artykule dokonano przeglądu wyników badań dotyczących transgranicznej przestrzeni... more Zarys treści. W artykule dokonano przeglądu wyników badań dotyczących transgranicznej przestrzeni turystycznej. Niniejsza praca koncentruje się na kształtowaniu transgranicznej przestrzeni turystycznej powiązanej z akwenem Morza Bałtyckiego. Przeanalizowano dostępną literaturę przedmiotu oraz bazy danych. Przeprowadzony przegląd wykazał, że przedmiot badań, jaki stanowią transgraniczna morska i nadmorska przestrzeń turystyczna, jest rzadko opisywany w literaturze, jednakże oddzielne filary koncepcji transgranicznej przestrzeni turystycznej, takie jak np. przestrzeń turystyczna, granice, współpraca transgraniczna oraz integracja transgraniczna, są przedmiotem wielu opracowań. Dodanie do wymienionych powyżej pojęć "morza" jako miejsca realizacji tejże integracji, pozwoli sformułować koncepcję "morskiej transgranicznej przestrzeni turystycznej". Słowa kluczowe: morska przestrzeń turystyczna, nadmorska przestrzeń turystyczna, region Morza Bałtyckiego, współpraca transgraniczna, integracja transgraniczna.

The fragility of tourism sector could be observed in many parts of the world. Instability of natu... more The fragility of tourism sector could be observed in many parts of the world. Instability of natural environment can be determining factor in turning away potential tourists from tourism destinations – earthquakes, volcano eruptions or tsunamis, as well as visible climate changes certainly decrease tourist arrivals to the regions where they have been reported. However, economic and political instability seems to have larger effects on the sector. Eastern Mediterranean region’s political instability after 2005 affected negatively its countries in numerous ways, including tourism. Purpose of this paper is to measure the effect of crisis in Eastern Mediterranean region on international tourist arrivals to all Mediterranean countries. Research period 2005–2013 covers outbreaks of several huge crises in the region. The leading hypothesis is that international tourist flow has generally switched from Eastern to Western Mediterranean countries within the research period, meaning that the largest “benefiters” of the political crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean countries are Western European Mediterranean countries, including the ones which were not involved into Arab spring happenings. In order to test hypothesis the desk research is done by analyzing various reports on tourism in Mediterranean region prepared by United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Cruise industry is a supply based industry and the comparative advantage with any other type of t... more Cruise industry is a supply based industry and the comparative advantage with any other type of tourism is its possibility to rapidly converge potential demand by simply repositioning cruise vessels. Cruise companies are discovering new markets rapidly, involving every part of the world in cruise tourism and continually changing themselves in order to ensure growth. Therefore, the transition in cruise tourism can be observed from different points of view: clustering of the companies, gigantism in shipbuilding, models of repositioning vessels, cruising itineraries patterns, on-shore and off-shore products for tourists, cross-cultural sensitivity, target markets, environment friendly policy, various marketing ideas, human resources management, etc.
In the Mediterranean, within only four full years of operation – season 2011/’12 to 2015/’16, the numbers of cruise vessels present annually in the Mediterranean region, number of main embarkation ports, cruise trips (calls), sailing routes within itineraries, different sailing routes, total days in which the cruise vessels are present in the Mediterranean region, and average length of cruise decreased. Overall results testify the change of focus from the entire Mediterranean basin in 2012 to Western Mediterranean sub region in 2016.

Rural tourism is often found as a solution for all problems or difficulties for the structural pr... more Rural tourism is often found as a solution for all problems or difficulties for the structural problems of rural areas. Many local strategies of the rural areas have included development of tourism as one of their main
goals and as a result various financial programs were prepared and conducted in order to support development of tourism. Despite of some positive changes, the results in general are not satisfying.
Based on scientific literature and statistical data, the paper is critically examining the role of tourism in rural areas on the example of rural municipalities in selected EU NUT S-2 regions in Poland and Croatia. The role of tourism is researched through the change of the tourist density ratio and the tourist intensity rate indexes, which are calculated for every single municipality of the researched area for 2004 and 2013. Despite significant governmental and local initiatives, minor positive changes of measured tourist indexes that occurred in rural areas made the author argue how the potential socio-economic role of tourism in rural areas is fairly overestimated.
The purpose of this paper is to provoke scientific discussion on artificial developing of tourism in rural areas which are not pre-determined for tourism.

This case study considers the touristic characteristics of maritime borders on the Baltic Sea coa... more This case study considers the touristic characteristics of maritime borders on the Baltic Sea coast. A sequential model is proposed to describe cross-border tourism development, tourist flows and tourism partnerships, and takes account of the particularities of transnational tourism development on the Polish Baltic coast. The paper questions whether and how tourism contributes to transboundary integration and the movement of people in the southern Baltic from the perspective of border changes between Poland and its neighbors. The southern Baltic is a newly emerging space for cross-border tourism development that is undergoing various levels of integration thanks to the abolition of traditional border functions. The article tries to answer a question about tourism's role in the integration and the movement of people in the southern Baltic from the perspective of changes in border functions in Poland and its neighboring states.

Purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the size and importance of the growing Asian touris... more Purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the size and importance of the growing Asian tourism market and to stress fragility of Poland as a not yet prepared tourist destination for tourists from Asia. The research aim is to propose what Poland can do in order to attract more Asian tourists. The author tries to reach this aim by researching following objectives: (1) the change of Asian tourists flow in Europe between 2005 and 2013, with special attention on Poland and Polish competitors, (2) existing marketing approaches and the achievements of the Polish Tourism Organization towards attracting Asian tourist markets, (3) recommendations of experts toward Asian tourism markets, (4) Polish challenges in becoming more competitive in developing of travel and tourism sector, and (5) good practices of nowadays leading EU countries in attracting Asian tourists. Despite the important positive change of Polish tourism marketing strategy towards Asian market from 2012, there is still much to do in order to attract this growing international tourist market to Poland.
Economic climate, defined as a general characterization of the overall mood of economy which capt... more Economic climate, defined as a general characterization of the overall mood of economy which captures the status of the stock market, the perception of the economy by consumers, and the availability of jobs
and credit, is discussed in this paper. Since broad spectrum of key players in society associate economic development with entrepreneurship, the perception of individuals and entrepreneurs on latter within Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia is researched. Source data on entrepreneurial attitudes, perceptions, activities and
entrepreneurship framework conditions are taken from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2014, in order to conduct comparative analysis of mentioned four countries between themselves and in comparison with the EU averages. This analysis shows the overall economic climate for entrepreneurship on the country level.
Entrepreneurial human capital and entrepreneurship are crucial elements for the further developme... more Entrepreneurial human capital and entrepreneurship are crucial elements for the further development of rural areas. In order to understand the role of rural enterprises it is essential to learn the characteristics of successful companies in local economies. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate through the introduction of the activity, everyday practice and production procedure how non-agricultural and non-tourism enterprises can foster the development of rural and peripheral areas in the Visegrad countries. Nine local enterprises of different size, profile and development pathway were examined in order to highlight main experiences and lessons being vital for and adaptable in other disadvantaged areas. The results and company descriptions
provided in the article are based on in-depth interviews, online data collection and statistical analyses.
Tourism development is one of the priorities in majority of Lubelskie Voivodeship administrative ... more Tourism development is one of the priorities in majority of Lubelskie Voivodeship administrative districts' strategies. In order to determinate the current potential benefit of tourism for local population, the point valuation method is applied: the points are given to chosen calculated indicators of tourism activity and the results are summed up for each district. The results are confronted with experts' opinions on regional tourism potential and they agree on non-attractiveness of the region for tourism development in general, except for a few areas, places and objects. Attraction potential claimed as a base of strategic tourism development by many local governments is therefore overestimated and it is questionable whether strategic priorities of some administrative districts of the region are set well.

Source markets for cruise tourism have been largely concentrated in the advanced economies of Nor... more Source markets for cruise tourism have been largely concentrated in the advanced economies of North America and Europe. However, with rising levels of disposable income and other social-economic changes, many emerging economies have shown fast growth over recent years, especially in markets of Asia, Central and Eastern Europe. Since the cruise industry is fundamentally supply based industry, it is assumed how potential deferred demand for cruise tourism in Europe and Asia became larger than the effective one.
The objective of this paper is to measure the existing potential deferred demand for cruise tourism in European and Asian countries. The effective international outbound tourism demand and expenditures of the countries in which outbound cruise tourism has the highest penetration in a total population has been analyzed. The results are brought in correlation with international outbound tourism data of all European and Asian countries. Furthermore, social-economic determinants important in the theory of tourism demand are analyzed and discussed for selected countries.
The article is focused on changes in primary energy production in the
World between 1991 and 2010... more The article is focused on changes in primary energy production in the
World between 1991 and 2010. Special focus is on European and Asian
countries which were producing over 3 quadrillion Btu (British thermal
units) yearly at least once in the stated period. There are 20 countries
which satisfy criteria, 7 in Europe (Norway, United Kingdom, France,
Germany, Ukraine, Emirates, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Iraq, Japan,
Malaysia). Production of primary Netherlands, Poland), and 13 in Asia
(China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, Iran, Indonesia, United Arab energy
from renewable resources of those countries is taken into research by resource’s
groups. Commentary from geographical point of view is given for
chosen countries.
SOW - volume 39 by Denis CERIĆ
of rural areas. In order to understand the role of rural enterprises it is essential to learn the characteristics
of successful companies in local economies. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate through the
introduction of the activity, everyday practice and production procedure how non-agricultural and non-tourism
enterprises can foster the development of rural and peripheral areas in the Visegrad countries. Nine local enterprises
of different size, profile and development pathway were examined in order to highlight main experiences
and lessons being vital for and adaptable in other disadvantaged areas. The results and company descriptions
provided in the article are based on in-depth interviews, online data collection and statistical analyses.
Papers by Denis CERIĆ
In the Mediterranean, within only four full years of operation – season 2011/’12 to 2015/’16, the numbers of cruise vessels present annually in the Mediterranean region, number of main embarkation ports, cruise trips (calls), sailing routes within itineraries, different sailing routes, total days in which the cruise vessels are present in the Mediterranean region, and average length of cruise decreased. Overall results testify the change of focus from the entire Mediterranean basin in 2012 to Western Mediterranean sub region in 2016.
goals and as a result various financial programs were prepared and conducted in order to support development of tourism. Despite of some positive changes, the results in general are not satisfying.
Based on scientific literature and statistical data, the paper is critically examining the role of tourism in rural areas on the example of rural municipalities in selected EU NUT S-2 regions in Poland and Croatia. The role of tourism is researched through the change of the tourist density ratio and the tourist intensity rate indexes, which are calculated for every single municipality of the researched area for 2004 and 2013. Despite significant governmental and local initiatives, minor positive changes of measured tourist indexes that occurred in rural areas made the author argue how the potential socio-economic role of tourism in rural areas is fairly overestimated.
The purpose of this paper is to provoke scientific discussion on artificial developing of tourism in rural areas which are not pre-determined for tourism.
and credit, is discussed in this paper. Since broad spectrum of key players in society associate economic development with entrepreneurship, the perception of individuals and entrepreneurs on latter within Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia is researched. Source data on entrepreneurial attitudes, perceptions, activities and
entrepreneurship framework conditions are taken from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2014, in order to conduct comparative analysis of mentioned four countries between themselves and in comparison with the EU averages. This analysis shows the overall economic climate for entrepreneurship on the country level.
provided in the article are based on in-depth interviews, online data collection and statistical analyses.
The objective of this paper is to measure the existing potential deferred demand for cruise tourism in European and Asian countries. The effective international outbound tourism demand and expenditures of the countries in which outbound cruise tourism has the highest penetration in a total population has been analyzed. The results are brought in correlation with international outbound tourism data of all European and Asian countries. Furthermore, social-economic determinants important in the theory of tourism demand are analyzed and discussed for selected countries.
World between 1991 and 2010. Special focus is on European and Asian
countries which were producing over 3 quadrillion Btu (British thermal
units) yearly at least once in the stated period. There are 20 countries
which satisfy criteria, 7 in Europe (Norway, United Kingdom, France,
Germany, Ukraine, Emirates, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Iraq, Japan,
Malaysia). Production of primary Netherlands, Poland), and 13 in Asia
(China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, Iran, Indonesia, United Arab energy
from renewable resources of those countries is taken into research by resource’s
groups. Commentary from geographical point of view is given for
chosen countries.
of rural areas. In order to understand the role of rural enterprises it is essential to learn the characteristics
of successful companies in local economies. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate through the
introduction of the activity, everyday practice and production procedure how non-agricultural and non-tourism
enterprises can foster the development of rural and peripheral areas in the Visegrad countries. Nine local enterprises
of different size, profile and development pathway were examined in order to highlight main experiences
and lessons being vital for and adaptable in other disadvantaged areas. The results and company descriptions
provided in the article are based on in-depth interviews, online data collection and statistical analyses.
In the Mediterranean, within only four full years of operation – season 2011/’12 to 2015/’16, the numbers of cruise vessels present annually in the Mediterranean region, number of main embarkation ports, cruise trips (calls), sailing routes within itineraries, different sailing routes, total days in which the cruise vessels are present in the Mediterranean region, and average length of cruise decreased. Overall results testify the change of focus from the entire Mediterranean basin in 2012 to Western Mediterranean sub region in 2016.
goals and as a result various financial programs were prepared and conducted in order to support development of tourism. Despite of some positive changes, the results in general are not satisfying.
Based on scientific literature and statistical data, the paper is critically examining the role of tourism in rural areas on the example of rural municipalities in selected EU NUT S-2 regions in Poland and Croatia. The role of tourism is researched through the change of the tourist density ratio and the tourist intensity rate indexes, which are calculated for every single municipality of the researched area for 2004 and 2013. Despite significant governmental and local initiatives, minor positive changes of measured tourist indexes that occurred in rural areas made the author argue how the potential socio-economic role of tourism in rural areas is fairly overestimated.
The purpose of this paper is to provoke scientific discussion on artificial developing of tourism in rural areas which are not pre-determined for tourism.
and credit, is discussed in this paper. Since broad spectrum of key players in society associate economic development with entrepreneurship, the perception of individuals and entrepreneurs on latter within Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia is researched. Source data on entrepreneurial attitudes, perceptions, activities and
entrepreneurship framework conditions are taken from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2014, in order to conduct comparative analysis of mentioned four countries between themselves and in comparison with the EU averages. This analysis shows the overall economic climate for entrepreneurship on the country level.
provided in the article are based on in-depth interviews, online data collection and statistical analyses.
The objective of this paper is to measure the existing potential deferred demand for cruise tourism in European and Asian countries. The effective international outbound tourism demand and expenditures of the countries in which outbound cruise tourism has the highest penetration in a total population has been analyzed. The results are brought in correlation with international outbound tourism data of all European and Asian countries. Furthermore, social-economic determinants important in the theory of tourism demand are analyzed and discussed for selected countries.
World between 1991 and 2010. Special focus is on European and Asian
countries which were producing over 3 quadrillion Btu (British thermal
units) yearly at least once in the stated period. There are 20 countries
which satisfy criteria, 7 in Europe (Norway, United Kingdom, France,
Germany, Ukraine, Emirates, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Iraq, Japan,
Malaysia). Production of primary Netherlands, Poland), and 13 in Asia
(China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, Iran, Indonesia, United Arab energy
from renewable resources of those countries is taken into research by resource’s
groups. Commentary from geographical point of view is given for
chosen countries.