Tolga Kabaca
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tolga KABACA
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Şeref MİRASYEDİOĞLU and Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim YALIN
Phone: +90505218075
Address: Pamukkale University, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics Education
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Şeref MİRASYEDİOĞLU and Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim YALIN
Phone: +90505218075
Address: Pamukkale University, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics Education
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Papers by Tolga Kabaca
virtual and dynamic model of ellipse and hyperbola to reinvent the relationship between the parameters mentioned in the synthetic
definitions of the curves and the parameters of the formal equation”. It was explained that how the modeling task could help learners to
reinvent some interesting relationships between ellipse and hyperbola. This paper also presented how students studied on ellipse and
hyperbola in the proposed environment and reported their reflections.
virtual and dynamic model of ellipse and hyperbola to reinvent the relationship between the parameters mentioned in the synthetic
definitions of the curves and the parameters of the formal equation”. It was explained that how the modeling task could help learners to
reinvent some interesting relationships between ellipse and hyperbola. This paper also presented how students studied on ellipse and
hyperbola in the proposed environment and reported their reflections.
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