Papers by Emek Deniz Yıldız

Gelecekte Covid 19 değil de Covid 229 benzeri bir pandemi salgını daha gelirse, Edremit Körfezi otelleri buna ne kadar hazır? Yine aynı şeyleri yaşar mıyız? sorusundan yola çıkarak hazırladığım bir yüksek lisans tezi. Günün birinde birinin işine yarar diye buraya da upload ediyorum., 2024
Değişen ve gelişen dünyamızda, Türkiye gibi önemli bir ülkenin bacasız sanayisi olarak görüle... more Değişen ve gelişen dünyamızda, Türkiye gibi önemli bir ülkenin bacasız sanayisi olarak görülen turizm sektörü ekonomimizin can damarlarından biridir. Bu noktadan hareketle 2020'de başlayan Covid 19 pandemisi tüm dünyayı sarmış ve birçok sektörde derin etkiler bırakmıştır. Turizm, insanların birbirleriyle etkileşimleri ile gelişen bir sektör olduğundan, bu krizden ciddi biçimde zarar görmüştür. Bu zararı en aza indirmek, etkilerini hafifletmek ve yine de sektörün gelişmesini sürdürmek amacı ile bu dönemde birçok önlem alınmıştır. Bu önlemlerin bir kısmı zamanla trend haline gelmiş, hem işletmelerin hem de turistlerin beklenti ve davranışlarında birtakım değişiklikler gerçekleşmiştir. Bu çalışmada Edremit Körfezi'nde bulunan 3, 4 ve 5 yıldızlı otellerin pandemi dönemi sırasında aldığı önlemleri, pandemi sonrasında yaptığı faaliyetleri, oluşan yeni trendleri gözlemlemek ve literatüre kazandırmak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda Covid 19 salgınından sonra otel ve konaklama işletmelerinde yeni faaliyetlerin uygulandığı ve yeni trendlerin oluştuğu, böylece sektörel gelişimlerin yaşandığı ve farkındalığın arttığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
In our changing and developing world, the tourism sector, which is seen as the smokeless industry of an important country like Turkey, is one of the lifeblood of our economy. Starting from this point, the Covid 19 pandemic, which started in 2020, has surrounded the whole world and left a deep impact on many sectors. Since tourism is a sector that develops through people's interactions with each other, it has been seriously damaged by this crisis. Many measures were taken during this period in order to minimize this damage, mitigate its effects and still continue the development of the sector. Some of these measures have become trends over time, and some changes have occurred in the expectations and behaviors of both businesses and tourists. In this study, it is aimed to observe the precautions taken by 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Edremit Bay during the pandemic period, the activities carried out after the pandemic, and the new trends and to introduce them to the literature. As a result of the research, it was concluded that after the Covid 19 epidemic, new activities were implemented in hotel and accommodation businesses and new trends were formed, thus sectoral developments were experienced and awareness increased.
Emek Deniz Yıldız Konstantinopolis Deniz Surları.doc, 2008
İstanbul ve bu tarihi kentin deniz surları hakkında 2008 yılında yayınlanmış bitirme tezi.
Magnesia Artemis Leukophryene (Beyaz Kaşlı) Tapınağı hakkında üniversite yıllarımda yazdığım bir ... more Magnesia Artemis Leukophryene (Beyaz Kaşlı) Tapınağı hakkında üniversite yıllarımda yazdığım bir makale
Emek Deniz Yıldız Konstantinopolis Kara Surları
İstanbul ve bu tarihi kentin kara surları hakkında 2008 yılında yayınlanmış bitirme tezi.
Papers by Emek Deniz Yıldız
In our changing and developing world, the tourism sector, which is seen as the smokeless industry of an important country like Turkey, is one of the lifeblood of our economy. Starting from this point, the Covid 19 pandemic, which started in 2020, has surrounded the whole world and left a deep impact on many sectors. Since tourism is a sector that develops through people's interactions with each other, it has been seriously damaged by this crisis. Many measures were taken during this period in order to minimize this damage, mitigate its effects and still continue the development of the sector. Some of these measures have become trends over time, and some changes have occurred in the expectations and behaviors of both businesses and tourists. In this study, it is aimed to observe the precautions taken by 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Edremit Bay during the pandemic period, the activities carried out after the pandemic, and the new trends and to introduce them to the literature. As a result of the research, it was concluded that after the Covid 19 epidemic, new activities were implemented in hotel and accommodation businesses and new trends were formed, thus sectoral developments were experienced and awareness increased.
In our changing and developing world, the tourism sector, which is seen as the smokeless industry of an important country like Turkey, is one of the lifeblood of our economy. Starting from this point, the Covid 19 pandemic, which started in 2020, has surrounded the whole world and left a deep impact on many sectors. Since tourism is a sector that develops through people's interactions with each other, it has been seriously damaged by this crisis. Many measures were taken during this period in order to minimize this damage, mitigate its effects and still continue the development of the sector. Some of these measures have become trends over time, and some changes have occurred in the expectations and behaviors of both businesses and tourists. In this study, it is aimed to observe the precautions taken by 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Edremit Bay during the pandemic period, the activities carried out after the pandemic, and the new trends and to introduce them to the literature. As a result of the research, it was concluded that after the Covid 19 epidemic, new activities were implemented in hotel and accommodation businesses and new trends were formed, thus sectoral developments were experienced and awareness increased.