Cenk TAN
Doctor of Philosophy - Associate Professor of English & Cinema. Interdisciplinary studies in Cinema, Science Fiction, Gothic Fiction and the Environmental Humanities.
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Papers by Cenk TAN
awaited as one of the major box office releases in 2023. With a staggering budget of 200 million dollars, the renowned director Ridley Scott, collaborating with screenwriter David Scarpa, and featuring the acting skills of Joaquin Phoenix alongside Vanessa Kirby, set exceptionally high expectations. This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Scott’s Napoleon using the classical narrative cinema technique by offering both a historical context and a detailed critique of the film’s characterization, acting, screenplay, and historical accuracy, revealing the extent of its fidelity to historical events.
awaited as one of the major box office releases in 2023. With a staggering budget of 200 million dollars, the renowned director Ridley Scott, collaborating with screenwriter David Scarpa, and featuring the acting skills of Joaquin Phoenix alongside Vanessa Kirby, set exceptionally high expectations. This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Scott’s Napoleon using the classical narrative cinema technique by offering both a historical context and a detailed critique of the film’s characterization, acting, screenplay, and historical accuracy, revealing the extent of its fidelity to historical events.
Mitchell ultimately manages to create a unified whole; a grand story conveying a general message out of these six different narratives.
Chapter one presents Marxist literary theory in detail with its most
prominent theorists and philosophers such as Marx, Gramsci, Althusser and Terry Eagleton. Closely connected to Marxism, this chapter also scrutinizes consumerism from a Marxist perspective by referring to texts and theories from philosophers Jean Baudrillard and Zygmunt Bauman. Chapter two contains a detailed analysis of semiotics as a study and approach to literary texts. The study of semiotics is presented with the founding philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce and his successors
Charles Morris, Ferdinand de Saussure and finally the contemporary author Umberto Eco. The third and last chapter begins with a general semiotic analysis of Cloud Atlas through which the connection between its semiotic structure and its general themes and ideology is revealed. In the same chapter, the specific semiotic signs that help contribute to the novel’s Marxist-consumerist ideology are exposed.
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the semiotic characteristics in David Mitchell’s Cloud Atlas in terms of Marxist literary theory, mainly within the scope of the theme of oppression and struggle for change. To that end, this study aims to expose the specific semiotic signs that are embedded within the novel.
Prof. Dr. Hasine Şen Karadeniz
İstanbul Üniversitesi