? ?

Amelia al Cska?

Clamorosa indiscrezione di mercato rimbalza da Mosca. Il portiere del Palermo, Marco Amelia sarebbe nel mirino del Cska.
Costato circa 4 milioni al presidente Zamparani che lo prelevò dal Livorno, Amelia rientra nel clan azzurro essendo il vice Buffon. Secondo quanto riporta il sito  il Cska avrebbe offerto  una buonissima contropartita economica al club siciliano e un ricco contratto al giocatore che sarebbe tentato dall'esperienza estera. Marco Amelia ha un contratto quadriennale con il Palermo.

Moris in Sweet Years

Bobo and Paolo thank you, Moris, for buying their hideous clothing, and do not point out how much your expression makes you look like Marco Materazzi.

Not so worksafe, since his girlfriend is wearing very little.Collapse )


Yes, I Took a Picture of My TV

Amelia was on Domenica Sportiva last night after the match.

O. M. G.Collapse )

That is all.

Green is the new Pink

They might not be Pink any more, but that doesn't mean I have stopped stalking them. Zac and Drea seem to be settling in quite nicely at Wolfsburg. Andrea's back in training after knee surgery, and the pair of them had a press conference the other day.

There are pictures. Plus some training onesCollapse )

Pre-season training, week 1

So, they started their pre-season training on Monday; and, if you're anything like me, you'll have been bursting with excitement. I'm planning on doing a weekly round-up of the photos for your right-clicking pleasure: you'll probably all have seen them all already, but this way you don't have to fanny about screencapping and cropping them!

(Túlio de Melo's presentation)

(They're on their way)

(First week's training)

Palermo jerseys

North American Palermo fans: Fox Soccer Shop now has the new home and away Palermo jerseys!

It's been difficult - if not impossible at times - to find Palermo merchandise in the US, and last time they offered Palermo merchandise, they ran out of stock pretty fast, so if you are interested, don't hesitate.

For fans in the UK or Europe, Kitbag also recently added Palermo home, away, 3rd, and training shirts.

I think both the black third shirt and the training shirt are really sharp.

Dec. 2nd, 2007

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Derby di Sicilia live reactions post

(If anyone is interested...)


Palermo players
Pretties in pink from Palermo!

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December 2011


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