|  The eyes of the king are upon Ye!
All Fae Dae (September 24th, "to be celebrated the Sunday before, which is September 21st this year)
"Isn't it about time for the magical to have an "over the top" holiday, one of good intent? We, the Indigo, Shaman, Fae, Pagan, Spiritually inspired artist, need A Calendar Hallmark Moment each and every year, one worthy of handmade greeting cards and not the cheesy store bought kind, for our special people. This holiday must never go commercial.
We must aspire to do for others on this day, through the works of our own hands, words of love, wisdom and encouragement, moments of great affection (Just ask before you grab.)."
These are some of the suggestions of The Faery King in addition to these.
(And yes, the 24th of September is his birthday.)
It is also the time of Harvest, of Mabon. Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah, Autumnal Equinox. Call it what you like but make this a great day, one of amnesty for transgressions through the atonement of making people feel better about themselves, creating together. Just create it, call it and make it happen.)
Let the festivities begin around noon and continue through the night. (Until it's called.)
(You might want to plan to go to work late on Monday, if at all. Sunday is everyone's day, by the way. That is why it is to be celebrated on Sunday.)
Healing through art.
Little prayer boats of flowers, candles, lanterns and floating sage and incense for water.
Glow sticks, works of art and little lights floating too.
(Lakes, swimming pool, bath tubs are big cauldrons, no? An elemental altar.
Sand castles and paintings.
An altar of cream, sweet cakes and sparkles for the Fae.
Chalk mandala in peet moss.
Altars of good intent constructed by guests.
Planned and spontaneous performance.
Drum, dance and other instruments.
An alchemic feast, where food is prepared by the community together, with a drum or three.
Flower petals.
Build with blocks together.
Erector sets.
Make an instrument.
Play cards, it is Sunday for Goddess sake.
Mead and Ale for those who do and nectar for those who don't drink.
Toast Queen Mab.
Toast the Goddess, The ancestors and the elders, as well.
Public expressions of gratitude to others, Mad hugging of people and trees, (Say Hi to Thor if it's an Oak)
As a tribute to Pan, take bits of food and chalices of beverage; feed and beverage your friends from your own hand. Do not let them lift a finger for awhile, until they are satisfied Keep a never ending story book, where each guest contributes one word to the book that tells our story, a chain of wish beads, contributed one by one for your community.
Sacred geometry.
Shakers and rattles to go with the beats.
Prayer flags.
Singing bowls.
Sand painting.
Water sharing.
Touching the elements with song and poems, Draw, paint, sew, create, design.
Touch the Divine! All magical instruments, (HANG it, if you got it!) Plenty of sage and incense.
Masks and finery.
(sky clad and body paint where you can) A bardic effort.
Incantation and chant.
The host must bless the crowd at midnight.
A huge OM at dusk. "Good bye the Sun, thank you for making our day." Keep your dreams and imagination on this, adding or subtracting to the list.
Make it your day!
The inspiration for the Faery King's proclamation of this holiday comes from many places, but the better part of it came from Sacred Soulfire, an amazing magical experience, July 4th weekend 2008, through the efforts of Shaman mz imani and the magick that she brings to the world, as she helps others to co-create, build community, as we help ourselves and others bring peace to the world in our lifetime. Sacred Soulfire is the place of great change!
http://www.consciouscollaborations.com or http://mzimani.byregion.net
This year the Phaerex is in a state of celebration for 48 years of a very magical life of ups, downs and lessons, sometimes given at the hands of The Fae, a life in which he envies noone, living or dead. It is gonna be a big party, hopefully in many places.
The house will be a rockin, as the wizardly are working it and talking!
NAMASTE, The Gossamer Court Http://www. myspace. com/yust_the_faery_king Http://www. myspace. com/the_gossamer_court
| IMBOLC - (Candlemas February 2nd) I'm going to be cleaning my house and room and purifying my sacred places. There are a few rituals and spells that I am plan on using during Imbolc. I'll be brightening my my alter with the colors of Imbolc. What are your plans? |
| The name I have chosen for myself is Lilith Shadows. Lilith; imperfect, earth-bound monster parody of woman. Shadows; hidden, deceiving, cold. I am not completely bound to this name, as names do not really bind. It is a picture of me and yet at the same time it could never be me.
Contradictory, I suppose, is a good way to describe me.
I have been interested in Wiccan since seventh grade and am now in eleventh. You may do the math yourself. Despite my interest I only studied off and on when I got the chance, which, sadly, was not very often. I've studied Christianity, LaVeyan Satanism, general paths of Wicca and some indepth about a few paths, and Greek mythology.
I am not the most social of people, but when someone is able to get past my walls... I will be there for them through thick and thin. Of course, I do have limitations. I can not stand my someone who has betrayed my trust, no matter how sorry they are. The doors of my heart will be closed and my friendly-nature will be shallow and fleeting towards that person. There are a few more scenarios that cause me to close my heart to someone but I won't start talking about them now. I was born the third child of my mother and my birthday is the 23rd of April. The undetailed account of my life, under the cut, is a rather sad memior. I am simply me, twisted by fate, in all my complexities. It is a pleasure to meet you all. Blessed be, from Lilth Shadows. - Mood:thoughtful

| And the fire is slowly dying.
Can we revive the flames?
Merry Meet, I am Lilith Shadows. |
| I hope everyone had a great Samhain this year. - Mood:chipper

| Of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World the Pyramids are all that is left. Now they are voting on the new 7 wonders. You can let your voice be heard, so go, vote for the New Wonders! Be heard!Cross posted, sorry for duplicates. |
| I thought it might be interesting to see what books everyone has. I just created my own list of books today, and to be honest, I haven't read all of them. Most of them I got from my dad after her found Christianity. ( My books.Collapse ) |
| merry meet
I just joined this community, so I should give you people my intro.
My name is Megs and I have been a wiccan for almost 1 year. I have studied very hard to understand some things and I have had the help of a very kind friend who has been pagan for 7 years.
I would like to learn more if I can. That's it
Brightest Blessings |
| Purple Ribbon Day
All practitioners of Earth religions, Wicca, Shamanism, Druidry etc, are being encouraged to wear a purple ribbon as a way of promoting religious tolerance and to potentially raise awareness: On Sept. 21st to 22nd all Witches are going to wear little purple ribbons so everyone will know Who else is a witch/wiccan/ pagan/... . But no one can do this if they don't know about it, so pass the word along! This message goes to all Witches, Wiccans, Pagans from all sorts of traditions. We can make a day for Ourselves!! Actually, two days!!! You can buy a purple ribbon anywhere, Dollar Store, Wal-Mart, shoppers drug mart, anywhere... Wear it in your hair, or pin it up to your shirt. Make it public!!! |