Welcome to pacificplayland, a communtiy for all things related to the kickass movie Zombieland. We welcome movie reviews, news, fanfiction, icons, discussion - anything you can think of that has to do with brains, twinkies, or ears in danger of having hair tucked behind them. If it's Zombieland related, we're good to go. All content is allowed here, regardless of rating or pairing (although we do ask that you be mature and warn your prospective audiences before they jump in feet first and then promptly find those feet in a bear trap).
For more information such as rules and suggested posting guidelines for fic, etc., please check the USERINFO.
The community's introduction post/awesome friending meme is located HERE.
Surviving Zombieland - The Rules
1) Cardio 2) Double Tap 3) Beware of Bathrooms 4) Seatbelts 5) Common Sense - Use your brain if you want to keep it. 6) No Uglies - Harassment, trolling, etc. 7) Travel Light 8) Tag Appropriately - If there's not an appropriate tag, follow the trend. 9) Source Your Sources 10) Enact the LJ Cut - Pictures, fic, icons. Be nice to our FList. 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Don't (or Do?) be a hero 18) Limber Up 19) 20) 21) 22) When in doubt, know your way out 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) Always check the back seat 32) Enjoy the little things
All About Names-
No names, no ties. So, what do we call you? Where you were born, where you live, where you're going, a random place you like. Doesn't matter. Your first name's a city and your last name a state. Or city and province. Or whatever wacky organizational system your government subscribes to.
How Ratings Work-
Ratings in ZLand are a little different, you can thank Taco Bell for that. There are three different flavors avaliable to you-
Mild– This has like, I don’t know, maybe a baby swear word and a peck on the cheek, perhaps a slap on the ass. Nothing really overly gory, violent, or sexual. IE- Hand holding, shooting, damn.
Hot– Here there be tongue. This is the rating for heavy duty swearing, heavy petting, and heavy violence. IE- He touched me in a bad place, beat him to death with a baseball bat, spit-fuck.
Fire– Chances are there’s some dicks here. Probably grey matter. Quite possibly words that you’ve never even heard before and that make you feel a bit queasy. IE- EXPLICIT CONTENT JESUS CHRIST
Formatting, or, Being Anal Retentive with Columbus-
Please at least try to use these simple formats, it will make everyone’s life amazing and filled with puppies and fireflies and manwiches. We’re not going to kick your ass if you don’t, but it certainly makes our lives easier. We love tags, please use tags. Tags are your friends forever and ever and they watch your back when you’ve got to pee.
For Fanfiction/Fanart-
Title: (THE TITLE IT’S NOT THAT HARD GOD GUYS) Author/Artist: (Pick one, then your chosen city name goes here) Rating: (Mild/Hot/Fire) Characters/Pairings: (Really guys, you don’t need an explanation for this) Warnings: (Kinks, character death, ect) Word Count: (Use this only for fanfiction) Summary/Preview: (Pick one- where you describe what happens in a clever and captivating way or give a delicious sneak-peek)
For Graphics/Icons/Ect-
Creator: (Chosen city name) Characters/Pairings: (dur) Preview: (hurdydur)
For Picspam/Interviews/Ect-
Please include a title of some sort, any warnings you may need (talking about you skinny dipping pictures) and a preview. Block of text and wall of pics sort of clutter up the front page, so a cut would be better than any snowball ever.
Title: The Consistency Author: Everett Rating: Hot Characters/Pairings: Mountain Dew Code Red/Los Submarinos Warnings: Foodporn Word Count: 12,000,005 Summary: MOUNTAIN DEW CODE RED LIKES TWINKIES BUT DOESN’T KNOW HOW TO TELL THEM. HOW WILL HE LEARN TO SPREAD HIS LIQUID LOVE TO SOMEONE WHO MIGHT NOT GIVE A CREAM FILLING ABOUT HIM?