Bubble Rage
Bubble! Pop! Crash! Get ready! The biggest booming bubble battle is blasting off! Rival champions of the bubble blowing brigading bandits, BubbleBoy and SusySoap are about to duke it out over the title of best badassest bubble blower! Supporters of each challenger have gathered to witness the bubble battle of a lifetime. Who's side are you on? Pick your bubble blowing battler and blast off!
Susie soap Press [A] -> SoapShakeUp! Press [S] -> SoapShakeDown! Hold [Shift] -> Blow Blow Blow!
BubbleBoy: Press [L] -> GumChompClose! Press [K] -> GumChompOpen! Hold [J] -> Blow Blow Blow!
BubbleBattleGame.exe 105 MB
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