? ?
Journal created:
on 9 April 2010 (#26934473)
on 26 March 2012
Posting Access:
All Members
Dedicated to The Pretty Reckless, a rock band fronted by Taylor Momsen.
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the pretty reckless

Welcome to p_reckless, a community dedicated to rock band The Pretty Reckless, fronted by Taylor Momsen. They are signed to Interscope Records.

Follow @TaylorMomsen on Twitter!


Everything posted here must be about The Pretty Reckless (interviews, pictures, videos, icons, etc). This is not a Gossip Girl community.

Icons of Jenny from Gossip Girl are not allowed, but icons of Taylor and/or her band performing (or photoshoots, etc) are welcomed. All teasers posted here should be related to the band.

Feel free to post fan stuff. If you've met the band or want to write a gig review or anything, share!


affiliates: taylormomsenfan jennyhumphreys xhereweare edwestwickworld
Layout header: overstreets. Profile header: sheepy_hollow.

Comment here if you wish to affiliate.

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