Well his term in office has started so well with his Press Secretary acting like some sort of troll on steroids with the Press gallery and then that strange woman with her "alternative truths" excuse. It sounds chillingly Orwellian and she does strike me as the most evil looking creature.
But then with the Trumpster, I'm not sure that he knows when he is lying because he does so much of it. He does seem to be in some altered reality state that is very frightening if you consider that he has the codes for nuclear armageddon in his possession. As for his staff I wonder how long they will last in his employ in that they have to maintain the same level of deceit and keep it up in public.
But then with the Trumpster, I'm not sure that he knows when he is lying because he does so much of it. He does seem to be in some altered reality state that is very frightening if you consider that he has the codes for nuclear armageddon in his possession. As for his staff I wonder how long they will last in his employ in that they have to maintain the same level of deceit and keep it up in public.