Papers by Karolina Werens

During the Final Eneolithic the Corded Ware Complex (CWC) emerges, chiefly identified by its spec... more During the Final Eneolithic the Corded Ware Complex (CWC) emerges, chiefly identified by its specific burial rites. This complex spanned most of central Europe and exhibits demographic and cultural associations to the Yamnaya culture. To study the genetic structure and kin relations in CWC communities, we sequenced the genomes of 19 individuals located in the heartland of the CWC complex region, southeastern Poland. Whole genome sequence and strontium isotope data allowed us to investigate genetic ancestry, admixture, kinship and mobility. The analysis showed a unique pattern, not detected in other parts of poland; maternally the individuals are linked to earlier neolithic lineages, whereas on the paternal side a Steppe ancestry is clearly visible. We identified three cases of kinship. Of these two were between individuals buried in double graves. Interestingly, we identified kinship between a local and a non-local individual thus discovering a novel, previously unknown burial custom. The Neolithic Stone Age of continental Europe saw important demographic changes and population events which in recent years have been demonstrated by numerous archaeogenomic studies 1-6. The genetic ancestry, affinity and admixture processes between human groups have been traced by analyses of individuals from different time periods and geographical contexts which contextually are associated to cultural complexes with differing lifeways, burial customs and material culture expressions. The identification of the demographic event and successive development associated with the Neolithization of Europe demonstrated the importance of mobility and migration in the process of population turnover and transition towards changed lifeways (e.g. 7-9). The process took different paths in different areas of Europe which is evident in the admixture patterns between the hunter-gatherer (HG) and the farming groups but also between farming and pastoralist groups, depending on the time period. The significant transitional process around 3000 cal BCE and the appearance of the (Pontic Steppe) Yamnaya cultural complex in eastern Europe is associated with a wave of migration from East that had marked impact on the demographic (a Steppe ancestry component), cultural and social as well as linguistic development in the third Millennium BCE 1,10 .
Baltic-Pontic Studies , 2018
The presented study was based on isotopic analysis of δ13C and δ15N
in human bone collagen sample... more The presented study was based on isotopic analysis of δ13C and δ15N
in human bone collagen samples from graves of the Corded Ware culture in Święte, south-east Poland. Isotopic values demonstrate a relatively narrow variation, ranging from -20.4‰ to -19.8‰ and 10.6‰
to 12.0‰ for δ13C and δ15N values, respectively. The diet was likely
C3 plant-based with a substantial animal protein component, including predominantly terrestrial and possibly riverine resources.

PLoS ONE, 2018
We present the first comprehensive multi-isotopic data on human and animal remains from the Final... more We present the first comprehensive multi-isotopic data on human and animal remains from the Final Neolithic Corded Ware culture (ca. 2900-2300 cal. BC) in southeastern Poland. The study focused on communities of two settlement areas located in the Małopolska Upland and in the Subcarpathian region. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes of bone collagen were investigated to obtain insights into human dietary preferences, whereas the strontium isotope composition of human tooth enamel was used to trace the mobility and provenance of individuals. Sr isotope data point to a non-local origin of at least one-quarter of the investigated individuals in the Subcarpathian region, consistent with associated allochthonous grave inventories of eastern or western origins. In contrast, all investigated individuals in the Małopolska Upland were of local origin. Furthermore, our study shows an example that the use of fauna for the assessment of the local 87Sr/86Sr range of an archaeological site can lead to incorrect conclusions and suggests that a detailed Sr isotopic survey of the geological background and its hydrologic elements is necessary to provide conclusive constraints for the identification of local and non-local individuals in prehistoric communities. Carbon and nitrogen isotope composition of bone collagen indicate an omnivorous diet that included C3-based terrestrial plant and animal resources, in which plant food dominated. In both regions, there were no significant sex differences in dietary intakes. Higher δ15Ncoll values of younger infants presumably reflect the effect of weaning.
Nekropolie ludności kultury ceramiki sznurowej z III tysiąclecia przed Chr. w Mirocinie na Wysoczyźnie Kańczuckiej, Via Archaeologica Ressoviensia., 2019
tłumaczenie na język angielski J. Kopacz, A. Szczepanek oraz autorzy poszczególnych opracowań © w... more tłumaczenie na język angielski J. Kopacz, A. Szczepanek oraz autorzy poszczególnych opracowań © wydawnictwo uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego © copyright by Fundacja Rzeszowskiego ośrodka archeologicznego © copyright by oficyna wydawnicza zimowit isBn 978-83-7996-687-5 skład, druk i oprawa: oficyna wydawnicza "zimowit" sp. z o.o. 35-105 Rzeszów,
Dobkowice, stanowiska 37 i 39, woj. podkarpackie. Osady kultury mierzanowickiej na Podgórzu Rzeszowskim, 2018
Stable isotopic analysis of δ13C and δ15N confirmed that the diet of the individuals from the Mie... more Stable isotopic analysis of δ13C and δ15N confirmed that the diet of the individuals from the Mierzanowice culture in Rzeszów Foothills was based on C3 plants with the inclusion of terrestrial animal protein. The studied sample did not include sufficient male specimens to study the correlation between diet and sex. Further investigation into associations between inhumation practice and dietary consumption was inconclusive. When compared with contemporary early Bronze Age Unetice culture sites in Germany and southern Poland, direct parallels can be drawn between the „menus”on offer in each instance, while environmental idiosyncrasies appear to have contributed to distinct isotopic signatures for each geographic population.
Conference Presentations by Karolina Werens
20th Annual Conference of the British Association of Biological Anthorpology and Osteoarchaeology, 2018
Papers by Karolina Werens
in human bone collagen samples from graves of the Corded Ware culture in Święte, south-east Poland. Isotopic values demonstrate a relatively narrow variation, ranging from -20.4‰ to -19.8‰ and 10.6‰
to 12.0‰ for δ13C and δ15N values, respectively. The diet was likely
C3 plant-based with a substantial animal protein component, including predominantly terrestrial and possibly riverine resources.
Conference Presentations by Karolina Werens
in human bone collagen samples from graves of the Corded Ware culture in Święte, south-east Poland. Isotopic values demonstrate a relatively narrow variation, ranging from -20.4‰ to -19.8‰ and 10.6‰
to 12.0‰ for δ13C and δ15N values, respectively. The diet was likely
C3 plant-based with a substantial animal protein component, including predominantly terrestrial and possibly riverine resources.