Papers by Francisco Bosch-Puche
In Di Cerbo, C. and R. Jasnow, On the Path to the Place of Rest: Demotic Graffiti Relating to the Ibis and Falcon Cult from the Spanish Mission at Dra Abu el-NagaꜤ (TT 11, TT 12, Tomb –399–, and Environs) (Atlanta, GA, 2021), 2021
In Connor, S. and D. Laboury (eds), Tutankhamun: Discovering the Forgotten Pharaoh. Exhibition organized at the Europa Expo space TGV train station “Les Guillemins”, Liège, 14th December 2019 – 30th August 2020 (Aegyptiaca Leodiensia 12; Liège, 2020), 2020
In Connor, S. and D. Laboury (eds), Toutankhamon. À la découverte du pharaon oublié. Exposition organisée à l’espace Europa expo à la gare TGV des Guillemins, Liège, 14 décembre 2019 – 31 mai 2020 (Aegyptiaca Leodiensia 12; Liège, 2019), 2019

Trabajos de Egiptología – Papers on Ancient Egypt [= Molinero Polo, M.Á., A. Pérez Largacha, and J.R. Pérez-Accino (eds), Dando agua a los pájaros: homenaje a Covadonga Sevilla Cueva / Giving water to the birds: an homage to Covadonga Sevilla Cueva], 2017
Este artículo está dedicado al Egipto de las Dinastías Argéada y Ptolemaica, concretamente a los ... more Este artículo está dedicado al Egipto de las Dinastías Argéada y Ptolemaica, concretamente a los efectos que tres siglos de dominación greco-macedónica provocaron en el país del Nilo a nivel político, económico y social. Después de un repaso histórico del periodo, se analizan las características definitorias de la realeza ptolemaica, haciendo especial hincapié en la doble faceta de rey helenístico (βασιλεύς) y faraón que los soberanos Lágidas encarnaron, así como en la colaboración que se estableció entre éstos y la clase sacerdotal egipcia. A continuación se examina la organización administrativa y fiscal del territorio, junto con los patrones de tenencia de tierra, el papel económico de los templos y el sistema legal del reino. Por último se describe la composición étnica y estructura social del Egipto ptolemaico, ahondando en la interacción entre sus dos etnias mayoritarias, a saber, la población nativa y la élite greco-macedonia.
This paper is devoted to Egypt under the Argead and Ptolemaic Dynasties, specifically to the political, economic, and social effects that three centuries of Graeco-Macedonian domination had on the Nile country. After an historical overview of the period, the defining features of Ptolemaic kingship are discussed, with particular emphasis on the double role of Hellenistic king (βασιλεύς) and pharaoh that the Lagid rulers embodied, as well as on their relationship with the Egyptian priesthood. Next, the kingdom’s administrative and fiscal organisation is analysed, along with land tenure patterns, the economic role of the temples, and the legal system. Finally, the ethnic composition and social structure of Ptolemaic Egypt is assessed, exploring the interaction between its two major ethnic groups, namely, the native population and the Graeco-Macedonian elite.
JEA, 2015
Analysis of the Demotic variant writings in which Alexander the Great's name occurs in the whole ... more Analysis of the Demotic variant writings in which Alexander the Great's name occurs in the whole body of available contemporary documentation.
CdE, 2015
Examination of the Egyptian titularies of the Roman emperors shows that, some novelties notwithst... more Examination of the Egyptian titularies of the Roman emperors shows that, some novelties notwithstanding, they retain numerous epithets and expressions already present in the protocols of previous rulers. In this respect, it is possible to establish a number of connections with the Ptolemies, as well as notable links with Alexander the Great. This paper aims to analyse all of these borrowings in order to determine their precise meaning and scope. The verbal connections evoking the Macedonian king in Octavian Augustus’ titulary are interpreted here as an Egyptian example of the comparatio Alexandri, while those in the Egyptian names of the remaining emperors are evaluated within the framework of the imitatio (or comparatio) Augusti.
JEA, 2014
This is the second half of the paper on the Pharaonic titulary of Alexander the Great, the first ... more This is the second half of the paper on the Pharaonic titulary of Alexander the Great, the first one of which appeared in the previous issue of this journal. The remaining element of the protocol of the king — his Personal name — is analysed here, as is the occasional use of empty cartouches. A final section with the concluding remarks is also included, together with an appendix collecting the bibliographical references in which the attestations discussed in the two parts of the paper can be found.
In Quiroga Puertas, A.J. (ed.), Texto, traducción, ¡acción! El legado clásico en el cine (Docencia; [El Ejido], 2014), 2014
Texto, traducción, ¡acción! El legado clásico en el c1ne
In Grieb, V., K. Nawotka, and A. Wojciechowska (eds), Alexander the Great and Egypt: History, Art, Tradition. Wrocław/Breslau 18./19. Nov. 2011 (Philippika 74; Wiesbaden, 2014), 2014
This article aims to complement the publication of the reliefs and inscriptions of the Barque Shr... more This article aims to complement the publication of the reliefs and inscriptions of the Barque Shrine at Luxor Temple [M. ABD EL-RAZIQ, Die Darstellungen und Texte des Sanktuars Alexanders des Grossen im Tempel von Luxor (AVDAIK 16; Mainz, 1984)] by providing a comprehensive presentation and a brief analysis of the onomastic data related to Alexander the Great that are to be found at the monument. A final appendix with several minor corrections to this previous work is also included.
JEA, 2013
This is the first of a two-part study of the pharaonic titulary of Alexander the Great. Analysing... more This is the first of a two-part study of the pharaonic titulary of Alexander the Great. Analysing all available contemporaneous documentation, including onomastic data newly published, the king’s names are presented, with particular attention to variants. The parallels and symbolic meaning of each name are discussed, as are the legitimating strategies that lay behind their selection. The present paper deals with the first four names of the royal protocol.

Aula orientalis, 2012
Uno de los efectos de la conquista de Egipto por parte de Alejandro Mango es la reactivación y vu... more Uno de los efectos de la conquista de Egipto por parte de Alejandro Mango es la reactivación y vuelta a la normalidad de los cultos a animales sagrados, paralizados durante buena parte del periodo de dominio persa inmediatamente precedente. En este artículo se analiza el conjunto de documentación que así lo atestigua: concretamente, una serie de inscripciones provenientes de la catacumba de las madres de Apis en la Necrópolis de Animales Sagrados de Saqqara norte, que nos informan del entierro de una vaca llamada Taesis bajo el reinado de Alejandro; una estela del Bukheum de Armant, testimonio del sepelio de un toro Bukhis en el mismo periodo; y, por último, una estatua real originaria de Mendes y hoy perdida, que puede ser interpretada como una muestra de piedad del monarca hacia el dios carnero Banebdjedet.
Amongst the effects of Alexander the Great’s conquest of Egypt are the reactivation and the normalization of the sacred animal cults, halted during the greater part of the directly preceding period of Persian domination. In this paper the collection of documentation bearing witness to these facts is analyzed: a series of inscriptions from the Mother of Apis Catacomb in the Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara reporting the burial of a cow named Taesis under Alexander’s reign, a stela from the Bukheum at Armant that acknowledges the interment of a Bukhis bull in the same period, and a royal statue from Mendes, currently lost, that can be regarded as a token of devotion to the ram god Banebdjedet.

BIFAO, 2008
Le but de cet article est de présenter un document en provenance du temple érigé au nom d’Alexand... more Le but de cet article est de présenter un document en provenance du temple érigé au nom d’Alexandre le Grand dans l’oasis de Bahariya et récemment retrouvé dans les collections du Musée égyptien du Caire. Il s’agit d’un piédestal en grès qui montre, sur la face antérieure, une inscription hiéroglyphique livrant le seul témoignage connu de l’existence d’un protocole complet du monarque macédonien et, sur la face latérale gauche, un texte grec contenant une dédicace du souverain au dieu Ammon.
This paper aims to present a document coming from the temple erected in the name of Alexander the Great at Bahariya Oasis and recently rediscovered at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It is a sandstone stand featuring a hieroglyphic inscription on the front side that provides the only known attestation of the existence of a complete protocol for the Macedonian ruler. The left side of the object bears a Greek text with a dedication of the king to the god Ammon.

Trabajos de Egiptología – Papers on Ancient Egypt [= Molinero Polo, M.Á. and C. Sevilla Cueva (eds), Actas del III Congreso Ibérico de Egiptología (La Laguna, Tenerife, 11–14 de septiembre de 2006)], 2009
El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un documento procedente del templo erigido en nombre de... more El objetivo de este artículo es presentar un documento procedente del templo erigido en nombre de Alejandro Magno en el oasis de Bahariya y que nunca había sido publicado en detalle con anterioridad. Se trata de un altar de granito rojo cuya inscripción recoge el único testimonio conocido de la existencia de un protocolo onomástico completo para el monarca macedonio. Incluye los cinco nombres que conformaban la titulatura canónica de todo soberano de Egipto.
This paper presents a document which has never been published in detail before from the temple erected in the name of Alexander the Great at the Bahariya Oasis. It concerns a red granite altar whose inscription provides the sole known attestation of the existence of a complete onomastic protocol for the Macedonian king, with the five names that formed the canonical titulary of all Egyptian rulers.
Papers by Francisco Bosch-Puche
This paper is devoted to Egypt under the Argead and Ptolemaic Dynasties, specifically to the political, economic, and social effects that three centuries of Graeco-Macedonian domination had on the Nile country. After an historical overview of the period, the defining features of Ptolemaic kingship are discussed, with particular emphasis on the double role of Hellenistic king (βασιλεύς) and pharaoh that the Lagid rulers embodied, as well as on their relationship with the Egyptian priesthood. Next, the kingdom’s administrative and fiscal organisation is analysed, along with land tenure patterns, the economic role of the temples, and the legal system. Finally, the ethnic composition and social structure of Ptolemaic Egypt is assessed, exploring the interaction between its two major ethnic groups, namely, the native population and the Graeco-Macedonian elite.
Amongst the effects of Alexander the Great’s conquest of Egypt are the reactivation and the normalization of the sacred animal cults, halted during the greater part of the directly preceding period of Persian domination. In this paper the collection of documentation bearing witness to these facts is analyzed: a series of inscriptions from the Mother of Apis Catacomb in the Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara reporting the burial of a cow named Taesis under Alexander’s reign, a stela from the Bukheum at Armant that acknowledges the interment of a Bukhis bull in the same period, and a royal statue from Mendes, currently lost, that can be regarded as a token of devotion to the ram god Banebdjedet.
This paper aims to present a document coming from the temple erected in the name of Alexander the Great at Bahariya Oasis and recently rediscovered at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It is a sandstone stand featuring a hieroglyphic inscription on the front side that provides the only known attestation of the existence of a complete protocol for the Macedonian ruler. The left side of the object bears a Greek text with a dedication of the king to the god Ammon.
This paper presents a document which has never been published in detail before from the temple erected in the name of Alexander the Great at the Bahariya Oasis. It concerns a red granite altar whose inscription provides the sole known attestation of the existence of a complete onomastic protocol for the Macedonian king, with the five names that formed the canonical titulary of all Egyptian rulers.
This paper is devoted to Egypt under the Argead and Ptolemaic Dynasties, specifically to the political, economic, and social effects that three centuries of Graeco-Macedonian domination had on the Nile country. After an historical overview of the period, the defining features of Ptolemaic kingship are discussed, with particular emphasis on the double role of Hellenistic king (βασιλεύς) and pharaoh that the Lagid rulers embodied, as well as on their relationship with the Egyptian priesthood. Next, the kingdom’s administrative and fiscal organisation is analysed, along with land tenure patterns, the economic role of the temples, and the legal system. Finally, the ethnic composition and social structure of Ptolemaic Egypt is assessed, exploring the interaction between its two major ethnic groups, namely, the native population and the Graeco-Macedonian elite.
Amongst the effects of Alexander the Great’s conquest of Egypt are the reactivation and the normalization of the sacred animal cults, halted during the greater part of the directly preceding period of Persian domination. In this paper the collection of documentation bearing witness to these facts is analyzed: a series of inscriptions from the Mother of Apis Catacomb in the Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara reporting the burial of a cow named Taesis under Alexander’s reign, a stela from the Bukheum at Armant that acknowledges the interment of a Bukhis bull in the same period, and a royal statue from Mendes, currently lost, that can be regarded as a token of devotion to the ram god Banebdjedet.
This paper aims to present a document coming from the temple erected in the name of Alexander the Great at Bahariya Oasis and recently rediscovered at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It is a sandstone stand featuring a hieroglyphic inscription on the front side that provides the only known attestation of the existence of a complete protocol for the Macedonian ruler. The left side of the object bears a Greek text with a dedication of the king to the god Ammon.
This paper presents a document which has never been published in detail before from the temple erected in the name of Alexander the Great at the Bahariya Oasis. It concerns a red granite altar whose inscription provides the sole known attestation of the existence of a complete onomastic protocol for the Macedonian king, with the five names that formed the canonical titulary of all Egyptian rulers.