Papers by Dr. Tun Myat Aung

Digestive Surgery, 2000
B cell function 496 Bacteria 222 Bacterial translocation 222 Bariatric surgery 107 Barrett's esop... more B cell function 496 Bacteria 222 Bacterial translocation 222 Bariatric surgery 107 Barrett's esophagus 7, 180 Bile 209-duct anastomosis 102-obstruction 531 Biliary drainage 209-leak 102-structure 102-surgery 204 Bioabsorbable anastomosis ring 55 Botulinum toxin 515 Bouveret's syndrome 525 Bowel anastomosis 478 Brunner's gland 431 Bursting pressure 478 Bypass 169 C-reactive protein 39 Caecum 158 Carcinoid 145 Carcinoma, pancreatic 111 Carcinosarcoma 244 Cardiac output 117 Cardiotoxicity 80 Cathepsin B 16 Cervical esophagogastrostomy 379 Cholecystectomy 411, 471 Cholecystoduodenal fistula 525 Cholecystokinin 111 Choledocholithiasis 411 Cholelithiasis 411 Chronic liver disease 471-pancreatitis 130 Classification 276 Closed duodenal loop 16 Coagulation 486 Colon cancer 238-neoplasm 158, 441-pouch 363 Coloplasty 363 Colorectal cancer 45-neoplasm 161 Common bile duct 137, 204-stones 26 Complications 45-, wound 60 Conversion 45 Cystic artery 72 Cystoenterostomy 501 Cytokines 471
Chapman and Hall/CRC eBooks, Aug 9, 2022
<strong>Abstract. </strong>Рассматриваются принципы построения нелинейных генераторов... more <strong>Abstract. </strong>Рассматриваются принципы построения нелинейных генераторов ПСП максимальной длины, универсальных нелинейных генераторов ПСП, обеспечивающих любое наперед заданное значение предпериода (длины нестационарного участка) и периода формируемых последовательностей.Рассматриваются принципы построения нелинейных генераторов ПСП максимальной длины, универсальных нелинейных генераторов ПСП, обеспечивающих любое наперед заданное значение предпериода (длины нестационарного участка) и периода формируемых последовательностей.

<strong><em>Abstract.</em> </strong>Nowadays, any kinds of cyber-attacks ... more <strong><em>Abstract.</em> </strong>Nowadays, any kinds of cyber-attacks are firstly attacked to web site and the site contains information about business, government and other organizations. So, the role of web page security is becoming the essential part of cyber security. Most of the web pages are suffered from attacks such as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT). An APT is an extended campaign targeted at a specific organization to achieve a clear objective. Most of the web pages have much vulnerability due to insecure source codes. In this paper, it will be defined web page vulnerabilities on PHP source code. It will be collected the attacks from the scenarios. The result can be concluded the attack vectors via the source code. Each level of source code can be generated by the attributes of source code. These attributes can be measured in order to secure source codes and can be evaluated by measuring the vulnerabilities metrics.

Matematicheskie Voprosy Kriptografii [Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography], 2019
В основу статьи положен доклад, сделанный на конференции CTCrypt'2018 и содержащий обзор рабо... more В основу статьи положен доклад, сделанный на конференции CTCrypt'2018 и содержащий обзор работ автора, касающихся синтеза генераторов псевдослучайных последовательностей. В этих работах найден максимум $L_m(R)$ длин циклов в цикловых записях $m$-мерных полиномиальных подстановок над кольцом Галуа $R$, предложен алгоритм, строящий полиномиальные подстановки, в цикловой записи которых содержится цикл длины $L_m(R)$, а также получены оценки периодов, рангов и частот знаков на циклах выходных последовательностей самоуправляемых $2$-линейных регистров сдвига. В статье анонсирован новый результат о периодических свойствах полиномиальных регистров сдвига над кольцом Галуа, а именно утверждается, что над кольцом $R$ существуют полиномиальные регистры сдвига длины $m$, в графе переходов состояний которых содержится цикл длины $L_m(R)$.
Symbolic Computation and Cryptology, 2008
... Page 45. Author Index Afzal, Mehreen, 27 Aung, Tun Myat, 30 Gao, Xiao-Shan, 22 Gotaishi, Masa... more ... Page 45. Author Index Afzal, Mehreen, 27 Aung, Tun Myat, 30 Gao, Xiao-Shan, 22 Gotaishi, Masahito, 2 Gutierrez, Jaime, 1 Hla, Ni Ni, 30 Huang, Zhenyu, 22 Lai, Xuejia, 26 Luo, Yiyuan, 26 Masood, Ashraf, 27 Tsujii, Shigeo, 2

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology, 2015
Elliptic Curve Cryptography is generally are implemented over prime fields or binary fields. Arit... more Elliptic Curve Cryptography is generally are implemented over prime fields or binary fields. Arithmetic in binary fields can be classified according to the basis representation being used. Two of the most common basis used in binary fields are polynomial basis and normal basis. The optimal normal basis is especially known to be more efficient than polynomial basis because the inversion can be achieved by performing repeated multiplication using the method of Itoh and Tsujii, and squaring can be executed by performing only one cyclic shift operation. In previous research we have built algorithms and implementations on basis conversion between polynomial basis and normal basis. In this paper we will present implementation of arithmetic operation algorithms on both polynomial basis and optimal normal basis representation and the conversion method between them. We will also give comparison of time and space between implementation by using optimal basis representation with conversion and without conversion.
Handbook of Intelligent Computing and Optimization for Sustainable Development, 2022
Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, 2022

2019 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2019
Network security is a general idea to ensure information transmission over PC and portable system... more Network security is a general idea to ensure information transmission over PC and portable systems. Elliptic curve cryptosystems are nowadays widely used in public communication channels for network security. Their security relies upon the complexity of clarifying the elliptic curve discrete alogarithm issue. But, there are several general attacks in them. Elliptic bend number juggling is actualized over complex fields to enhance the security of elliptic curve cryptosystems. This paper starts with the qualities of elliptic curve cryptosystems and their security administrations. At that point we talk about limited field number-crunching and its properties, prime field number-crunching, twofold field math and complex number-crunching, and elliptic bend number-crunching over prime field and parallel field. This paper proposes how to execute the unpredictable number of math under prime field and double field utilizing java BigInteger class. also, we actualize elliptic bend math and elliptic bend cryptosystems utilizing complex numbers over prime field and double field and talk about our trials that got from the usage.

2020 International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT-1441), 2020
Machine learning methods, including Deep learnings are popular for data processing. Deep learning... more Machine learning methods, including Deep learnings are popular for data processing. Deep learning methods have shown great promise in applied in natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Text classification is a supervised machine learning task that involves labelled documents to train classifier. Previous works involving machine learning and deep learning methods for text classification have been tested with relatively small- sized data instances. In this paper, we compared the performance of the machine leaning and deep learning algorithms in text classification task. This paper also studied, explored and compared the scalability of these methods with respect to bigger data instances. We used support vector machines (SVM), Logistic regression, Random forest and Naïve Bayes Machine leaning algorithms and convolutional neural network (CNN) deep learning method. The task involved a multi-class classification problem involving six (6) classes consisting of six thousand (6,000) data instances with an average of 20 sentences in each data instance. The CNN deep leaning algorithm outperformed all the machine learning algorithms, achieving an accuracy of over 85%. This is because the filter weights are leaning are updated in backward propagation in each epoch, hence, this result in better result compared to the traditional methods.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2017
The security of elliptic curve cryptosystems depends on the difficulty of solving the Elliptic Cu... more The security of elliptic curve cryptosystems depends on the difficulty of solving the Elliptic Curve Discrete Log Problem (ECDLP). Elliptic curves with large group order are used for elliptic curve cryptosystems not to solve ECDLP. We implement elliptic curve arithmetic operations by using java BigInteger class to study and analyze any elliptic curve cryptographic protocol under large integer for prime field and binary field.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2017
This paper begins by describing basic properties of finite field and elliptic curve cryptography ... more This paper begins by describing basic properties of finite field and elliptic curve cryptography over prime field and binary field. Then we discuss the discrete logarithm problem for elliptic curves and its properties. We study the general common attacks on elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem such as the Baby Step, Giant Step method, Pollard's rho method and Pohlig-Hellman method, and describe in detail experiments of these attacks over prime field and binary field. The paper finishes by describing expected running time of the attacks and suggesting strong elliptic curves that are not susceptible to these attacks.

2019 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)
The rapid development of electronic exchange of digital information increases the importance of i... more The rapid development of electronic exchange of digital information increases the importance of information security in storage and transmission of data on public communication network. Cryptography has emerged as a solution that plays a key role in the security of information against malicious attacks. There are various cipher techniques in cryptography, such as monoalphabetic cipher, polyalphabetic cipher, etc. to support data confidentiality as security mechanisms. They are methods of enveloping plain text message into cipher text protecting it from adversaries. The process of encryption of alphabets is the converting original message into non readable form. The Vigenère cipher is one of the most common basic cipher techniques. It is a polyalphabetic cipher technique which uses the Vigenère table for the process of enveloping English alphabets. But Vigenère cipher is longer vulnerable to Kasiski and Friedman attacks based on letter frequency analysis. Thus, in this paper we propose a polyalphabetic cipher that is a new encryption and decryption technique with diffusion and confusion properties based on the concept of the complex cipher used by combining of Vigenère cipher with Affine cipher for the increase of data security in data storage and transmission on public communication networks. Then, our proposed technique is extended by designing based on Myanmar alphabet characters for the increase of data security for Myanmar language. This cipher technique transforms the plain text message in Myanmar alphabet characters into the cipher text in Myanmar alphabet characters using the key in Myanmar alphabet characters.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Sep 28, 2018
2020 International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT-1441), 2020
This paper studies the integration of modular arithmetic, matrix algebra and complex number arith... more This paper studies the integration of modular arithmetic, matrix algebra and complex number arithmetic. It describes implementation strategies of matrix transformations for residue matrices over complex plane that can be applied in the computer science fields which deal with cryptographic applications for more secure. Their mathematical properties over complex plane are analyzed to apply in cryptographic matrix transformation techniques. A new implementation approach to Hill cipher is proposed using the residue matrices over complex plane.
Advances in Cybersecurity Management
ASAIO …, 2000
Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maint... more Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. ... Skip Navigation Links Home > ...
Papers by Dr. Tun Myat Aung