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Journal created:
on 19 July 2001 (#259092)
on 28 July 2008
Users Over 40
United States
Posting Access:
All Members , Moderated
A place for LJ users who are over 40 years old to "hang out" and talk about stuff that it seems only we know about.

45's, air force, amateur radio, amc, apollo, archie bunker, army, art, autographs, barbecue, baseball, big wheels, bird watching, business, camping, candles, carter, cartoons, cats, cb, chevrolet, chevy vans, circus, classic rock, classical music, coffee, coins, coke, comedy, computers, cookbooks, cooking, corvettes, country music, crooners, disco, dogs, doobies, drive-in theatres, drive-ins, drugs, ecology, economy cars, eighties, elo, elton john, exploring, fine dining, fireplaces, flashing neon signs, ford, forensic science, fortysomething, friends, gardening, gourmet food, grilling, guitar, ham radio, history, home repair, hoppies, hot tubs, ibm, jazz, jigsaw puzzles, jimi hendrix, johnny carson, kung fu, laughter, learning, led zeppelin, literature, love songs, lp, make love not war, making love, making money, marajuana, marines, marriage, mid life crisis, midwest, mini skirts, money, motorcycles, motown, mountains, movies, muscle cars, music, nasa, nature, navy, new york, nixon, paint by numbers, peace, pets, pinups, platform shoes, popular music, punk rock, quaaludes, reading, reagan, rock and roll, rocketry, rocky, roller skating, roses, san francisco, santa claus, science fiction, seventies, sex, silver spoons, sitcoms, sixties, snl, soft rock, space program, spirituality, spirograph, sports, studio 54, sunrises, sunsets, super bowl, swimming, swinging, synthesizers, tattoos, the beatles, the big one, the eighties, the fifties, the olympics, the rolling stones, the seventies, the sixties, thigh high boots, traveling, tv, video games, vietnam, walking, water, waterfalls, world series
