Welcome to outsidersfic, a community for Outsiders fanfiction! Tired of wading through all the crap at FanFiction.net looking for the good stuff? Ready to kill the next time you see "A new girl moves to Tulsa..." in a summary? Then this is the community for you.
Please feel free to post your Outsiders fic here, as long as it follows the guidelines below. If you want to reccomend a good fic, by all means, please do so! Link to good fic, post your own, and feel free to discuss aspects of the Outsiders fanfiction community.
Flames, short squee posts without linkage/etc, and character bashing are not permitted. Please note that discussing why you dislike a character is completely different from bashing.
Fanfiction posted in this community must follow these guidelines: 01.No Mary Sues. If you're looking for Johnny/OC fic, please head over to FFnet. There's plenty of crappy Mary Sue fic there. If you feel you wrote a very good OC into a fic, run it by a moderator first (leave a comment in our personal LJ, please) and if we think it surpasses the typical Mary Sue garbage, you may post it. Mary Sue/OC fics posted without permission will be deleted, no matter how good they are. Sorry. 02. Please take care to keep the characters from going too far out-of-character. Dallas does not have a sappy, romantic softie inside of him for the first "different" girl to come along and Ponyboy would never slash his wrists because he was depressed. He just wouldn't. These fics won't be deleted, but please be careful about writing OOC. 03.NO NC-17 MATERIAL is permitted, including R-rated fics rated for sexual content. Light slash is permitted, but please note it in the summary as a warning as some people (including some of the mods) dislike Outsiders slash. 04. Please post fics in the following format:
Title: "Untitled" is okay. :) Genre: General, Romance, Friendship, Angst, Humor, etc Rating: See below for rating system, as some people differ on this. Main Characters: Pairings: If any apply. Friendship "pairings" listed here, as well. Warnings: Language, slash, violence, death, romantic mush, suggested sexual content, etc. Short Summary: "Short" being two or three sentences or a short exerpt. <lj-cut text="Read more..."> Please place all fics under an lj-cut! However, do not place recs under a cut. Simply link it.
Rating System: G: Suitable for any age. No sexual activity beyond light kissing, no violence, no swearing, drug/alcohol use, slash or suggestive language. PG: Light language, heavier affection (i.e., making out), slash, light violence. Light drug/alcohol use, nothing heavy. PG-13: Heavy cursing, sexual suggestion, some violence. Heavy drug/alcohol use. R: Heavy or dirty language, graphic violence. NO SEX.
Your moderators are suzanami, aikochan, peacenstars, & ski_ming. We're here to make the community an ordered and fun place. Please come to us with any problems. :)
If you have an OC (original character) fic that you think is rather good (i.e., NOT like the usual Mary Sue), contact the mods in the above order.* Please don't submit unless you really believe it's not your average lame Mary Sue. Whichever mod you submit your request to has total and final authority to either approve or deny your fic and will give you any instructions you need. * (That is, try Suza first, then if you don't get a reply in 24 hours, try Aiko, then Peacenstars, etc.)
No introductory posts, please. Just say "Hi" when you post your fic or rec. :) And remember, if it doesn't involve fanfiction, it might be better posted at theoutsiders. Fanart can be posted at outsidersart. Fanart and racier fic can be posted at hintonverse (not exclusively The Outsiders fandom).