Papers by Liberatus Terentius Rugumisa

This study focused on addressing the Role of Microfinance Institutions on growth of SMEs, Mbeya c... more This study focused on addressing the Role of Microfinance Institutions on growth of SMEs, Mbeya city was used as a case study. The study had three specific objectives which were; to identify services offered by ECLOF that lead to growth of clients enterprises; to examine the relationship between microfinance services offered by ECLOF and growth of SMEs and; to assess the challenges facing SMEs in accessing ECLOF financial services. A sample of 56 respondents from Mbeya city was covered. SME growth was a dependent variable while microfinance services of loan, training and savings were set as independent variables. Multiple linear regression model and descriptive statistics were used in this study whereby simple percentage, graphs and charts were applied in data presentation and analysis. The study found microfinance services have great impact on growth of SMEs. However the well appreciated service was loan which was supported by 93% of respondents to have resulted to profit increase,...

This study focused on addressing the Role of Microfinance Institutions on growth of SMEs, Mbeya c... more This study focused on addressing the Role of Microfinance Institutions on growth of SMEs, Mbeya city was used as a case study. The study had three specific objectives which were; to identify services offered by ECLOF that lead to growth of clients enterprises; to examine the relationship between microfinance services offered by ECLOF and growth of SMEs and; to assess the challenges facing SMEs in accessing ECLOF financial services. Descriptive and multiple linear regression model were used in this study. A sample of 56 respondents from Mbeya city was covered. SME growth was a dependent variable while microfinance services of loan, training and savings were set as independent variables. Data were analyzed using excel and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).
The study found microfinance services have great impact on growth of SMEs. However the well appreciated service was loan which was voted by 93% of respondents to have resulted to profit increase, followed by training which was accepted by 42% of respondents and lastly only 12% voted for savings. The study recommends that still the outreach of microfinances is low, as demand for services is higher compared to supply, therefore microfinance institutions should ensure they reach uncovered markets. It was further revealed that the saving product of microfinance institution is not well known to members as about 30.1% are not aware of the product. It was recommended that microfinance service be extended to unreached areas and increase emphasis on training and savings.
Papers by Liberatus Terentius Rugumisa
The study found microfinance services have great impact on growth of SMEs. However the well appreciated service was loan which was voted by 93% of respondents to have resulted to profit increase, followed by training which was accepted by 42% of respondents and lastly only 12% voted for savings. The study recommends that still the outreach of microfinances is low, as demand for services is higher compared to supply, therefore microfinance institutions should ensure they reach uncovered markets. It was further revealed that the saving product of microfinance institution is not well known to members as about 30.1% are not aware of the product. It was recommended that microfinance service be extended to unreached areas and increase emphasis on training and savings.
The study found microfinance services have great impact on growth of SMEs. However the well appreciated service was loan which was voted by 93% of respondents to have resulted to profit increase, followed by training which was accepted by 42% of respondents and lastly only 12% voted for savings. The study recommends that still the outreach of microfinances is low, as demand for services is higher compared to supply, therefore microfinance institutions should ensure they reach uncovered markets. It was further revealed that the saving product of microfinance institution is not well known to members as about 30.1% are not aware of the product. It was recommended that microfinance service be extended to unreached areas and increase emphasis on training and savings.