Papers by Mohammed Nadir Naimi
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen

Revue de Paléobiologie, 2023
La série du Jurassique supérieur (Kimméridgien-Tithonien) des monts de Chellala (NW Algérie) a fa... more La série du Jurassique supérieur (Kimméridgien-Tithonien) des monts de Chellala (NW Algérie) a fait l'objet d'une étude lithostratigraphique et sédimentologique reposant sur quatre coupes géologiques levées dans la partie orientale de la chaîne. La succession étudiée est formée de deux formations litho-stratigraphiques formelles: (i) la Formation des Marno-Calcaires de Harraza (Kimméridgien inférieur); et (ii) la Formation des Carbonates de Hammam Serghine (Kimméridgien supérieur à Tithonien). Chacune des formations est subdivisée en deux unités lithostratigraphiques informelles. L'étude sédimentologique révèle la présence de huit faciès regroupés en quatre associations de faciès (AF1 à AF4) correspondant, respectivement à (i) un environnement intertidal soumis à l'action de conditions énergétiques fortes, (ii) un environnement subtidal de faible énergie à calme (iii) un édifice récifal, caractérisé par une prolifération remarquable des algues rouges, et (iv) un environnement intertidal à supratidal qui caractérise le sommet de la deuxième formation. Cette évolution environnementale est liée principalement à des variations eustatiques.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 2023
Microfacies studies conducted on carbonate deposits of the Theniet Et-Temar Formation (Upper Jura... more Microfacies studies conducted on carbonate deposits of the Theniet Et-Temar Formation (Upper Jurassic, Middle Oxfordian) from the Central Saharan Atlas in Algeria revealed low-diversity microfossil assemblages dominated by the large benthic foraminifer Alveosepta jaccardi. The species is an index taxon for the Middle-Upper Oxfordian-Lower Kimmeridgian time interval. It has been recorded previously from Lower Kimmeridgian strata of neighbouring areas. In our study area, a Middle Oxfordian age has been attributed to the foraminifera-bearing deposits based on brachiopod faunas. This constitutes the oldest record of this species from the North African Tethys margin in Algeria. Microfacies analysis suggests a deposition in a shallow, sheltered and moderately eutrophic inner platform environment with low-to medium-energy conditions.

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 2022
An ammonite biostratigraphy for Oxfordian in the Tlemcenian domain (northwestern Algeria) belongi... more An ammonite biostratigraphy for Oxfordian in the Tlemcenian domain (northwestern Algeria) belonging to the south Tethyan margin is presented. It is based on the study of many sections located near Takhemaret and Frenda cities (Province of Tiaret). From bottom to top, the following biozones and subzones are distinguished: (i) Liosphinctes plicatilis Zone subdivided into the Car dioceras vertebrale (including the Otosphinctes arkelli Horizon) and Dichotomosphinctes antecedens subzone (including the Dichotomosphinctes antecedens Horizon); (ii) Gregoryceras transversarium Zone subdivided into four subzones: Perisphinctes parandieri, Dichotomosphinctes luciaeformis (its presence is doubtful), Larcheria schilli and Dichotomoceras rotoides subzones; (iii) Dichotomo ceras bifurcatus Zone subdivided into two subzones: Dichotomoceras stenocycloides Subzone including the Dichotomoceras bifurcatoides Horizon, and the Dichotomoceras grossouvrei Subzone. The obtained results are compared and completed with those of Bou Rheddou and Bechtout (northern Tiaret city). The recorded biozones are very similar to the standard biozonation of the Upper Jurassic recognized throughout the Mediterranean region.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen

Geologia Croatica
Shallow marine deposits characterize the upper Albian – lower Cenomanian deposits of Northern Alg... more Shallow marine deposits characterize the upper Albian – lower Cenomanian deposits of Northern Algeria. In Djebel Azzeddine (Ouled Nail Mounts), the corresponding sediments have been subdivided into three distinctive units A to C. The first discovered ammonite fauna from the Bou Saada area allowed the attribution of a part of the mid-Cretaceous post-Continental Intercalaire deposits to the upper Albian. The ammonite-bearing level indicates a maximum flooding surface and could be correlated with similar levels from Northern Algeria. The studied succession is characterized by a low ichnodiversity containing eight ichnotaxa with abundant Thalassinoides, common Skolithos, and rare Gyrolithes, Oichnus, Planolites and cf. Tisoa. This ichnoassemblage is dominated by domichnion, fodinichnion and praedichnion trace fossils, and is attributed to the Skolithos and Glossifungites ichnofacies. These traces are produced mainly by decapod crustaceans, polychaetes and naticid gastropods. The sedimen...
International Journal of Earth Sciences

Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 2021
The Rhodolith beds constitute one of the main components of the Messinian carbonate platforms of ... more The Rhodolith beds constitute one of the main components of the Messinian carbonate platforms of the Mediterranean marginal basins. In the northwestern Algeria, they are widely distributed on the Tessala – Beni Chougrane carbonate platform, which occupies the southern edge of the Lower Chelif basin. The Rhodolith beds of the Tafraoui region are here studied with respect to their ichnological content. Four ichnotaxa are reported: Balanoglossites isp., Caulostrepsis cf. taeniola, Sulcichnus isp. and Trypanites isp. All these trace fossils are produced by polychaete annelids. Depending on the degree of lithification, polychaetes were able to burrow firmgrounds (Glossifungites ichnofacies), as evidenced by the presence of Balanoglossites isp., and to bioerode hardgrounds (Trypanites ichnofacies), e.g., Caulostrepsis cf. taeniola, Sulcichnus isp. and Trypanites isp. Also, Balanoglossites-bearing levels can be interpreted as omission surfaces which are considered as discontinuity surfaces. However, the development of an unconformity indicates changes in the sediment characteristics from softground through firmground to hardground.

Historical Biology, 2021
Forty-three ichnospecies belonging to 30 ichnogenera are described from the Upper Jurassic Argile... more Forty-three ichnospecies belonging to 30 ichnogenera are described from the Upper Jurassic Argiles de Saïda Formation (north-western Algeria), which consists of mixed shallow marine siliciclastic-carbonate sediments. The ichnological analysis reveals that the majority of the ichnoassemblages are represented by non-graphoglyptid traces dominated by Bergaueria isp., Ophiomorpha isp., O. rudis, Neonereites biserialis, N. triserialis. Furthermore, Chondrites isp., Palaeophycus isp., Phycosiphon isp., Planolites isp., Protovirgularia isp., Scolicia isp. and Thalassinoides isp. are common ichnotaxa. Ancorichnus isp., Archaeonassa isp., Gordia isp., Helminthoidichnites isp., Helminthopsis isp., Nereites isp., Ophiomorpha annulta, Oravaichnium isp., Oravaichnium hrabei, Protovirgularia dichotoma, Rutichnus rutis, Thalassinoides suevicus are rare, whereas, Chondrites targionii, Nereites irregularis, Neonereites uniserialis, Ptychoplasma excelsum, Spongeliomorpha isp., Taenidium isp., Taenidium serpentinum, ?Tubulichnium isp. and Zoophycos isp. are rare to scarce ichnotaxa. The graphoglyptid assemblage has very low diversity with only three ichnotaxa which are Megagrapton isp., Megagrapton submontanum and Scolicia strozzii. The described ichnoassemblages are assigned to the Cruziana to Cruziana-Nereites ichnofacies transition.
Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 2021
Abundant Trypanites isp. associated with Gastrochaenolites isp. and Petroxestes pera are evidence... more Abundant Trypanites isp. associated with Gastrochaenolites isp. and Petroxestes pera are evidenced in the first found hardground of the late Albian marine transgressive series, overlying the Continental Intercalaire in the Ouled Nail Range, eastern Saharan Atlas. This hardground is encrusted by oyster shells belonging to Ostrea falco Coquand. The studied hardground developed in warm environment and displays a lateral extension of at least 6 km. It is interpreted as an erosional transgressive surface. The ichnogenus Petroxestes is reported for the first time from Africa. This ichnoassemblage is attributed to the Trypanites ichnofacies.
Geologia Croatica, 2021
Abundant Cardioichnus planus SMITH & CRIMES, 1983 have been reported for the first time from Afri... more Abundant Cardioichnus planus SMITH & CRIMES, 1983 have been reported for the first time from Africa. They occur in lower Miocene deep-marine deposits near Tiaret in northwestern Algeria. Morphological features of the trace, coupled with the spatial interrelationships between Cardioichnus and the echinoids documented in this area, provide evidence that the endemic spatangoid Echinocardium nummuliticum PÉRON & GAUTHIER, 1885 represents the tracemaker of the studied C. planus. Cardioichnus is known from the upper Jurassic to the Pleistocene and it has a wide geographic and environmental distribution.

Journal of African Earth Sciences
A paper entitled "Lithostratigraphy and evolution of the Lower Cretaceous Basins, in Western Saha... more A paper entitled "Lithostratigraphy and evolution of the Lower Cretaceous Basins, in Western Saharan Atlas, Algeria", was recently published by Azil and Ait Ouali (2021). Authors describe the lithology and give the thickness and the palaeoenvironments of the different facies in the lower Cretaceous series of the Ksour Mounts which occupy the western part of the Saharan Atlas in the northwestern Algeria.
The aim of this paper is to present and respond to our disaccord points with Azil and Ait Ouali (2021) which are: (1) Authors have not respected the lithostratigraphic chart of the Ksour Basin established by the previous authors and they have given a new lithostratigraphic subdivision which is not in accordance with the recommendations of International Stratigraphic Guide (ISG); (2) New ages of the lower Cretaceous series have been proposed without any biostratigraphic arguments; (3) Azil and Ait Ouali (2021) indicated that the series have been affected by an upper Jurassic tectonic event without any structural investigation.
Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 2021
The coral associates in the Messinian reefs of Algeria include both epi- and endobionts. The epib... more The coral associates in the Messinian reefs of Algeria include both epi- and endobionts. The epibionts were represented by serpulid worms and vermetid gastropods. Endobionts included serpulids, bivalves and boring sponges (Entobia). Endobotic serpulids presumably inhabited living corals and represent the first record of serpulid-coral symbiosis from the Miocene of Algeria. The orientation of serpulids in corals is similar to the life position of Spirobranchus corniuculatus in the skeleton of modern Porites lutea at coral reefs in Okinawa. The fauna of reef coral associates was similar to the modern tropical reefs in the Messinian of Algeria.

Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2021
The Messinian shallow marine diatomaceous deposits (Tripoli Diatomite Formation) of the Lower Che... more The Messinian shallow marine diatomaceous deposits (Tripoli Diatomite Formation) of the Lower Chelif basin (northwestern Algeria) display a moderate diversity and high abundance of decapod crustacean trace fossils, preserved mainly as endichnia, epichnia and hypichnia. These deposits consist of diatomites intercalated by diatomaceous marls and rarely micritic limestones, containing nine ichnospecies from seven ichnogenera, dominated by domichnion trace fossils (Diplocraterion isp., Ophiomorpha isp., O. nodosa, Palaeophycus isp., Planolites isp., cf. Skolithos isp., Spongeliomorpha isp., Thalassinoides isp. and T. suevicus). Two ichnofabrics have been identified, represented by the Ophiomorpha ichnofabric which characterises the diatomaceous deposits of the Djebel Murdjadjo carbonate platform, and the Thalassinoides ichnofabric in the Tessala–Beni Chougrane carbonate platform. The ichnological, palaeontological and sedimentological data confirm that the trace fossil bearing diatomaceous beds were deposited in a nearshore shallow sea under moderate-to high-energy conditions constituting a part of the Skolithos ichnofacies in the Djebel Murdjadjo carbonate platform, and the Cruziana ichnofacies in the Tessala–Beni Chougrane carbonate platform. The comparison between shallow- and deep-marine diatomites indicates a regressive sequence in the deep diatomites, with abundant Chondrites and Zoophycos at the base of the succession grading downward into Thalassinoides-dominated trace fossil assemblage in the uppermost part, which is similar to the shallow-tier trace fossils of the two carbonate platforms, represented by Ophiomorpha-dominated ichnoassemblage in the Djebel Murdjadjo carbonate platform, and by Thalassinoides-dominated ichnoassemblage in the Tessala–Beni Chougrane carbonate platform.

Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2021
The Berriasian–Valanginian succession cropping out in the Ouarsenis Range (northwestern Algeria) ... more The Berriasian–Valanginian succession cropping out in the Ouarsenis Range (northwestern Algeria) consists of ammonite-bearing, marlstone-limestone alternations, herein divided into four informal units (A to D) at the Aïn El Hadjela section. These lithostratigraphic units encompass five standard Mediterranean ammonite zones of late Berriasian to late Valanginian age. In this study nine ichnotaxa are documented: Chondrites intricatus, Palaeophycus isp., Planolites isp., Rhizocorallium commune, Thalassinoides isp.; Thalassinoides suevicus, Tisoa siphonalis, Zoophycos isp. and Zoophycos brianteus, reported for the first time from the early Cretaceous of Algeria. These traces are characteristics of the Zoophycos ichnofacies, representing deep and oxygen-restricted environments. This ichno-association together with litho-biofacies contents are suggesting deepening from deeper part of platform to the basin environment as identified in previous studies of the same time interval through the Mediterranean region.
Carnets de Géologie, 2021
Bioerosional trace fossils (borings) are reported for the first time in Algeria. Three ichnotaxa ... more Bioerosional trace fossils (borings) are reported for the first time in Algeria. Three ichnotaxa observed in the shells of Ostrea lamellosa from the lower Messinian (upper Miocene) deposits of the Tafna basin (NW Algeria) are described. The ichnotaxa are Entobia cf. geometrica, Gastrochaenolites cf. torpedo and Trypanites isp.. Ostrea lamellosa shells are encrusted by balanid barnacles which are bored by Trypanites isp.. The ichnoassemblage is assigned to the Trypanites ichnofacies. Besides the bioerosion and encrustation described herein, specimens permitted the identification of the different phases of the Messinian transgression across the Souk el Khemis shoal.
International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2021
More than 240 hot springs are located in Algeria. The most important one consists of Hammam Chell... more More than 240 hot springs are located in Algeria. The most important one consists of Hammam Chellala, previously called Hammam Meskhoutine, which is considered as the hottest African hot spring and the second over the world. This geosite (ca. 36°27′09′′ N 07°16′00′′ E) is located in Hammam Debagh, 19 km to the west of Guelma city in northeastern Algeria. Hammam Chellala was developed as bathing place named Aquae Tibilitnae during roman times, used for medical purposes due to its therapeutic proprieties, in particular to treat rheumatism (Cote 2000)..

Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2021
In this research study, 27 ichnospecies belonging to 18 ichnogenera are described for the first t... more In this research study, 27 ichnospecies belonging to 18 ichnogenera are described for the first time from the lower Miocene Tiaret Marl Formation (north-western Algeria), which consists of thin-to medium bedded sandstones and marlstones, representing deep-sea fan facies. The sandstones contain the following ichnotaxa: Cardioichnus isp., cf. Chondrites isp., Ophiomorpha isp., Ophiomorpha annulata, Ophiomorpha rudis, Palaeophycus isp., cf. Planolites isp., Planolites montanus, Zoophycos isp., Tisoa siphonalis, Helminthorhaphe isp., Scolicia isp., Scolicia prisca, Scolicia vertebralis, Cosmorhaphe isp., Desmograpton isp., Gordia isp., Helminthopsis isp., Nereites isp., Tubulichnium cf. incertum, Urohelminthoida appendiculata, cf. Megagrapton isp., Paleodictyon minimum, P. strozzii, P. majus, P. (Glenedictyum) miocenicum and P. maximum. The given ichnoassemblage is recorded for the first time from the Miocene of Algeria and assigned to the Nereites ichnofacies, which is typical of marine bathyal depth.

Revue de Paléobiologie, 2020
Une description lithostratigraphique et une étude paléoenvironnementale des terrains messiniens a... more Une description lithostratigraphique et une étude paléoenvironnementale des terrains messiniens affleurant sur la bordure méridionale du bassin du Bas Chélif en Algérie nord-occidentale sont présentées. L’étude est basée sur l’analyse de deux coupes levées au niveau des limites méridionale et septentrionale du Djebel Aoud Sma dans la région de Sig. Trois formations ont été identifiées et interprétées sur le plan environnemental : (i) les Marnes grises, attribuées au Messinien et déposées dans un milieu de vasières profondes ; (ii) les Diatomites, caractérisées par des bancs diatomitiques et des diatomites marneuses à caractères infra- à circalittoraux ; (iii) les Calcaires, correspondant à des calcaires récifaux et péri-récifaux, dans lesquels cinq faciès ont été individualisés.
Le faciès calcaire à Halimeda enregistré dans la coupe de Haoudh el Matmar a été mis en évidence dans le présent papier. Ce faciès, connu dans tous les bassins marginaux de la Méditerranée occidentale, évoque des changements environnementaux importants. Ainsi, il constitue un niveau index permettant la corrélation avec toutes les autres plates-formes carbonatées péri-méditerranéennes.

International Journal of Geoheritage and Parks, 2021
Orania, located in northwestern Algeria, is characterized by a diversified and fascinate geology.... more Orania, located in northwestern Algeria, is characterized by a diversified and fascinate geology. Ten geosites, namely Nedroma granite, Souk el Khemis Messinian Reef, Tadmaya Plateau Basalt Columns, Sassel Beach Messinian Stromatolites, Tafraoui Canyon, Ouillis Quarry, Cedar Forest Numidian Flysch, Ain Ouarka Diapir, Ain Ouarka mid-Jurassic Reefs and Tiout Sandstones Rock Art, have been selected based to their scientific and additional values. These geosites have a relatively high scientific, geoeducational and pedagogical values, due to their uniqueness, rarity, representativeness of geological elements, exceptionality, scientific knowledge and geodiversity. Regarding geotouristic values, they have high aesthetic and moderate cultural values. This inventory shows the scientific importance of the area, which may be frequented by both native and foreign visitors, including undergraduate and graduate geology students. Some geosites are affected by a degradation risk and they are damaged by human activities. The main threat of this anthropogenic pressure is from vandalism, lack of care by local community and visitors, mineral extraction, urbanization and conflagrations. Finally, Management procedures, establishment of geoparks and organization of conferences and meetings must be planned and implemented in order to increase the sustainable use and geoconservation of the analyzed sites, which have all the potential to be recognized as a geoheritage sites and deserve to be declared as a National Geological Monuments.
Papers by Mohammed Nadir Naimi
The aim of this paper is to present and respond to our disaccord points with Azil and Ait Ouali (2021) which are: (1) Authors have not respected the lithostratigraphic chart of the Ksour Basin established by the previous authors and they have given a new lithostratigraphic subdivision which is not in accordance with the recommendations of International Stratigraphic Guide (ISG); (2) New ages of the lower Cretaceous series have been proposed without any biostratigraphic arguments; (3) Azil and Ait Ouali (2021) indicated that the series have been affected by an upper Jurassic tectonic event without any structural investigation.
Le faciès calcaire à Halimeda enregistré dans la coupe de Haoudh el Matmar a été mis en évidence dans le présent papier. Ce faciès, connu dans tous les bassins marginaux de la Méditerranée occidentale, évoque des changements environnementaux importants. Ainsi, il constitue un niveau index permettant la corrélation avec toutes les autres plates-formes carbonatées péri-méditerranéennes.
The aim of this paper is to present and respond to our disaccord points with Azil and Ait Ouali (2021) which are: (1) Authors have not respected the lithostratigraphic chart of the Ksour Basin established by the previous authors and they have given a new lithostratigraphic subdivision which is not in accordance with the recommendations of International Stratigraphic Guide (ISG); (2) New ages of the lower Cretaceous series have been proposed without any biostratigraphic arguments; (3) Azil and Ait Ouali (2021) indicated that the series have been affected by an upper Jurassic tectonic event without any structural investigation.
Le faciès calcaire à Halimeda enregistré dans la coupe de Haoudh el Matmar a été mis en évidence dans le présent papier. Ce faciès, connu dans tous les bassins marginaux de la Méditerranée occidentale, évoque des changements environnementaux importants. Ainsi, il constitue un niveau index permettant la corrélation avec toutes les autres plates-formes carbonatées péri-méditerranéennes.