Marcelo Rioseco
Marcelo Rioseco received his Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Cincinnati in 2008. He joined the faculty of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma in August 2009. His primary areas of interest are 20th-century poetry and narrative from the Latin American Southern Cone. His first single-author book Maquinarias deconstructivas. Poesía y juego en Juan Luis Martínez, Diego Maquieira y Rodrigo Lira was published in June of 2013. This book explores how the elements of playfulness function in the poetic expression of these Chilean poets. The works of these artists were characterized by highly experimental and transgressive rhetorical devices, and Professor Rioseco examines their ludic elements through the application of Game Theory. This book is currently nominated for the Altazor Prize 2014 in Chile.
Professor Rioseco is co-editor, along with Professor Braulio Fernández Biggs, of "TRES POETAS CHILENOS". Martínez Total is the last volume of the Tres Poetas Chilenos (Three Chilean Poets) collection, which also includes the two other published volumes: Anguita 20/20, published in 2012, and Teillier Crítico, published in 2014. Anguita 20/20 is a critical study of the poet Eduardo Anguita, and Teillier Crítico is a study of the works of the Chilean poet Jorge Teillier. TRES POETAS CHILENOS brings together 50 academic articles written by the most important specialists in Chilean and Latin American poetry.
His latest book, Martínez Total (Editorial Universitaria, May 2016), involves more than 23 researchers, literary critics, essayists, and authors from Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Spain, Puerto Rico, and the United States, employed at the following universities: Universidad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Pontificia Universidad Católica (Santiago, Chile), University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan), Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Venezuela), Universidad de Santiago (Santiago, Chile), University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas, Spain), Colorado State University (Fort Collins, Colorado), and Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA) (Santiago, Chile), among others.
Juan Luis Martínez is currently considered the most important figure of the Chilean Post-vanguard movement that took place in the seventies and eighties during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Texts from Martínez’s oeuvre, involve what have been called “rhetorical and political strategies,” designed to break with traditional writing forms and traditional discourses. Martínez Total incorporates scholars’ contributions as well as visual arts theories, encompassing the many innovations and contributions of one of Latin America’s most experimental authors.
Address: Norman, Oklahoma, United States
Professor Rioseco is co-editor, along with Professor Braulio Fernández Biggs, of "TRES POETAS CHILENOS". Martínez Total is the last volume of the Tres Poetas Chilenos (Three Chilean Poets) collection, which also includes the two other published volumes: Anguita 20/20, published in 2012, and Teillier Crítico, published in 2014. Anguita 20/20 is a critical study of the poet Eduardo Anguita, and Teillier Crítico is a study of the works of the Chilean poet Jorge Teillier. TRES POETAS CHILENOS brings together 50 academic articles written by the most important specialists in Chilean and Latin American poetry.
His latest book, Martínez Total (Editorial Universitaria, May 2016), involves more than 23 researchers, literary critics, essayists, and authors from Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Spain, Puerto Rico, and the United States, employed at the following universities: Universidad de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Pontificia Universidad Católica (Santiago, Chile), University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, Michigan), Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Venezuela), Universidad de Santiago (Santiago, Chile), University of Wisconsin (Madison, WI), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas, Spain), Colorado State University (Fort Collins, Colorado), and Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA) (Santiago, Chile), among others.
Juan Luis Martínez is currently considered the most important figure of the Chilean Post-vanguard movement that took place in the seventies and eighties during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Texts from Martínez’s oeuvre, involve what have been called “rhetorical and political strategies,” designed to break with traditional writing forms and traditional discourses. Martínez Total incorporates scholars’ contributions as well as visual arts theories, encompassing the many innovations and contributions of one of Latin America’s most experimental authors.
Address: Norman, Oklahoma, United States
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Books by Marcelo Rioseco
Martínez Total explora la obra completa del poeta chileno, abordando estas y otras acuciantes cuestiones, y registra, a través del trabajo de investigadores y académicos de Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, España y Estados Unidos, las últimas investigaciones sobre su obra.
Papers by Marcelo Rioseco
Book Reviews by Marcelo Rioseco
Martínez Total explora la obra completa del poeta chileno, abordando estas y otras acuciantes cuestiones, y registra, a través del trabajo de investigadores y académicos de Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, España y Estados Unidos, las últimas investigaciones sobre su obra.