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Electric fish produce weak electric fields to image their world in darkness and to communicate with potential mates and rivals. Eavesdropping by electroreceptive predators exerts selective pressure on electric fish to shift their signals... more
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      BioscienceBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesElectroreception
Electric organ discharge Alpha melanocyte stimulating hormone Melanocortin Corticotropin-releasing factor Thyrotropin-releasing hormone Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis Hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal axis
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      Corticotropin Releasing HormoneElectricityBiological SciencesSocial behavior
Weakly electric gymnotiform fish specialize in the regulation and modulation of the action potentials that make up their multi-purpose electric signals. To produce communication signals, gymnotiform fish modulate the waveforms of their... more
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      Animal BehaviorPhenotypic PlasticityAnimal communicationComparative Physiology
Serotonin (5-HT) is an indirect modulator of the electric organ discharge (EOD) in the weakly electric gymnotiform fish, Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus. Injections of 5-HT enhance EOD waveform "masculinity", increasing both waveform... more
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      Social InteractionAnimal communicationBiological SciencesSerotonin
The gymnotiform electric fish Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus communicates with a sexually dimorphic electric waveform, the electric organ discharge (EOD). Males display pronounced circadian rhythms in the amplitude and duration of their... more
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      Animal communicationSexual dimorphismBiological SciencesSerotonin
Sex steroids were initially defined by their actions shaping sexually dimorphic behavioral patterns. More recently scientists have begun exploring the role of steroids in determining sex differences in behavioral plasticity. We... more
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      CommunicationPlasticitySocial InteractionAnimal communication
Electric fish generate and sense electric fields for navigation and communication. These signals can be energetically costly to produce and can attract electroreceptive predators. To minimize costs, some nocturnally active electric fish... more
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      ModulationIon ChannelsBiological SciencesSocial behavior
Weakly electric fish have long been known to express day-night oscillations in their discharge rates, and in the amplitude and duration of individual electric organ discharges (EODs). Because these oscillations are altered by social... more
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      Animal BehaviorNonparametric StatisticsCircadian RhythmsAnimal communication
This article describes the construction and operation of a simple interface to control external devices via the IBM PC/XT/AT’s parallel printer port. The interface is relatively inexpensive and easy to build. It is potentially useful for... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceBehavior Methods
This study investigated the role of maternal attention in evoking and maintaining jealous behavior in four 11-14 month-old twin infant pairs. One infant from each twin pair completed a BA design with shaping while the other twin... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceClinical Sciences
Two experiments were conducted to investigate whether infant vocalizations can be conditioned by using contingent maternal-imitation and contingent motheresespeech to reinforce the infant's vocalizations. The effects of these two... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceClinical Sciences
have argued that alcoholics show a differential tolerance for punishment relative to nonalcoholics. However, the studies purporting to support this assertion failed to control for the effects of social factors on alcoholics' tolerance of... more
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      PsychologyBehavior Therapy
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    • Psychology
Three experiments were conducted to investigate stimulus relations that might emerge when college students are taught relations between compound sample stimuli and unitary comparison stimuli using match-to-sample procedures. In Experiment... more
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      BioinformaticsPsychologyCognitive ScienceLife Sciences
Two studies investigated the transfer of respondent elicitation through equivalence classes. In Experiment 1, match-to-sample procedures were used to teach 8 subjects two four-member equivalence classes. One member of one class was then... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceClassical ConditioningSkin conductance
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAlcohol ConsumptionBehavior Methods
This experiment investigated whether directly trained covarying functions are necessary for stimulus class formation and transfer of function in humans. Initial class training was designed to establish two respondent-based stimulus... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMotivationClassical Conditioning
We report here that melanocortin peptides appear to serve as the mechanism by which weakly electric fish couple socially regulated and stress-regulated brain pathways to unique changes in the intrinsic excitability and action potential... more
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      NeuroscienceAnimal communicationAdrenocorticotropic HormoneAction potential
This study investigated the efficacy of Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (GCBT) in the treatment of a heterogeneous set of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents using a partially nonconcurrent multiple-baseline across groups... more
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      PsychologyBehavior TherapyCognitive behavior therapyAnxiety Disorder
We describe an operant conditioning apparatus that uses computerized touch-screen technology and is designed for the versatile and highly controlled testing of rats in a potentially wide variety of behavioral paradigms. Although... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceTouch ScreenThe Experimental Analysis of Behavior