Internet-based sexually explicit materials (iSEMs) continue to attract millions of viewers around the globe on a daily basis. The types of websites visited and the content viewed provide a window into the erotic souls of millions of...
moreInternet-based sexually explicit materials (iSEMs) continue to attract millions of viewers around the globe on a daily basis. The types of websites visited and the content viewed provide a window into the erotic souls of millions of people worldwide. There have been few studies of what these millions of viewers are seeking and why they are seeking iSEM. These websites cater to individuals seeking erotic entertainment for many reasons, such as: curiosity; to vicariously fulfil sexual fantasies otherwise unattainable, including novel behaviors, novel partners, and harem fantasies; to participate in a virtual form of voyeurism and exhibitionism; to facilitate arousal and sexual release; to reduce boredom; to enhance or incite foreplay between intimates; a source of sexual information; and others. This paper examines the popularity, content, and viewer demographics of three of the most popular websites featuring iSEMs,,, and Two hundred and sixty videos are analyzed based on sex acts, number and gender of the participants, geographic region of origin, theme /plot, location of the scene (outdoors, office, bedroom, et cetera), and whether or not a condom was used. The total number of views of these videos exceeds 1.7 Billion. In addition, the total number of views of free videos alone on these sites exceeds 110 Billion! Though viewers peruse these websites from diverse regions of the globe, the videos they upload and watch reveal sexual behaviors and erotic desires which are common to humanity, but also have regional distinctions. Based upon data obtained from these videos, a comparison is made with previous research conducted a decade ago, which explored the evolutionary motivations for sexual arousal. The results of this present study are statistically significant and in distinct contradiction to those found in the previous study, which have significant impacts upon contemporary perspectives of evolved sexual desire.