otaku buddies' Journal
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otaku buddies' LiveJournal:
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Sunday, September 9th, 2007 | 10:19 pm [sonozakishion]
I hope no one minds a lowly RP pimp liek me? D: 
Whatever happens when you die? Do you fall into oblivion, do you begin life anew, or does something completely different happen? Are you sorted into a paradise, a half-way home, or a pit of suffering based on your actions and merits? When it comes down to it; is it fight or flight?
Stand up tall and make your move, we don’t have all millennia.
Hereafter is a Mulifandom Roleplaying Game. I know, oh god, another. But wait, don’t run yet. Instead of throwing your character into a crazy and new situation without a paddle; here they have something to do. If they don’t help their team, there are consequences. For those who were once strong, they’ll have to fight to regain their powers. And for all you old school fans, we’ve even added in a few light touches of the original RPGs. But don’t worry, it’s nothing terribly central. All you new kids just need to read a few things and decide if you want your character to do job A or job B. So come on down and give us a try, we promise that you’ll at least be amused. |
profile code © by butterflybox |
| Saturday, January 13th, 2007 | 10:58 am [cfst]
| Monday, September 4th, 2006 | 11:47 pm [themoments] |
hello everyone :)
Hi, i'm new to this community. As a welcoming present, I present to all a website I go to daily that offers many anime ep, pics, mp3 to sample, and you can upload your own fan arts or view others. Hope you enjoy and I will see everyone again soon :) | Sunday, May 14th, 2006 | 5:07 pm [konkonchan]
| Friday, March 17th, 2006 | 1:47 pm [mopedronin]
The Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Stefan Nutz" To: <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 19:24:47 +0100 Subject: Glamorous Life of Sachiko Hanai
For all those who haven't seen Meike Mitsuru's outstanding GLAMOROUS LIFE OF SACHIKO HANAI, the film will be released on dvd WITH English subtitles in Japan.
Release date will be the 28th of April.
As running time we have 90min. listed, but i have no further information if any cuts have been made. If i am not wrong the director's cut has been exactly as long as the running time on the upcoming dvd.
best, StefanFor those of you not familiar with this movie, it was one of the two indies films I really wanted to see this past year (along with TOKYO ZOMBIE which is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!). Plot: a young woman named Sachiko Hanai accidentally gets involved in a plot to sell George Bush's finger to terrorist groups (it can activate codes to launch missles after all). Without spoiling it too much, Sachiko ends up with the finger. With which she decides to have... "relations" at one point. Truly one of the most talked about scenes in all of Japanese indies moviedom this year. What it makes up for in realism, it makes up in erotica and humor. This is definitely on my list for MUST-BUY DVDs. I'll help anyone who wants, obtain it. Just ask. Finger-lickin' good, Made in DNA | Thursday, March 2nd, 2006 | 3:28 pm [mopedronin]
| Friday, February 24th, 2006 | 6:13 pm [mopedronin]
Robotech Remastered.... Overmastered? Underdone?
I have been checking out ROBOTECH REMASTERED, and I can't say I really enjoy it. As a fan of the original ROBOTECH (I must have seen it nearly 3 full times from beginning to end in the mid to late 80s when it was on TV), I grooved on the hardcore BGM, which in my opinion was actually better than the originals' soundtrack in many ways. But the REMASTERED features some whack sound effects that are way too loud, killing much of the soundtrack, and seem extremely out of place. I thought the idea of remastering was to clean up, not drown out. I can't say I really like this new version of ROBOTECH, and I hope I haven't missed my chance to pick up the original series with the origin series tacked on. That's what I thought the REMASTERED series was. Imagine my disappointment when I switched to the second audio channel and was treated to Spanish instead of Japanese. =P Anyone else seen this travesty? Thoughts? Made in DNA | Tuesday, September 27th, 2005 | 5:35 pm [mopedronin]
NYC2123 Issue 2
For all of you who are eagerly awaiting the new PSP graphic novel from Chad and Paco Allen, it's up at: NYC 2123: DayenderDon't forget to hit the "Credits" section though for my name, as I provided all the Japanese/kanji and related assistance for this issue. ;) | Wednesday, July 20th, 2005 | 12:45 pm [mopedronin]
| Monday, July 11th, 2005 | 1:12 pm [mopedronin]
Anime/Manga Magazine Poll
What is/are your favorite anime and/or anime magazine(s)? (Online or offline answers welcome. Submit as many magazines as you like. Ranking not important.)
| Thursday, April 28th, 2005 | 9:43 pm [rurounivash]
Hello anime lovers alike! I'm new to this community but I just came to tell you all about my website and this forum I created. It's all kind of new but hopefully it will be huge so take a look a please register if you love anime as much as I do!  Bushido Main Page
 Bushido Forum | Sunday, December 26th, 2004 | 12:36 pm [angelthing]
| Sunday, December 5th, 2004 | 6:32 pm [i_pwn_you]
| Thursday, September 30th, 2004 | 1:29 pm [dark_shiva234]
Konnichiwa Mina-san!
Hi I just joined! My name is Ali, and I am a huge anime fan! Yu Yu Hakusho, InuYahsa, are two of my favs. I also like Jpop, and Final Fantasy games! I don't know what else to say ^_^; I look forward to posting here and I hope I meet lots of friends!!! Sayonara for now! ^_^ Current Mood: cheerful | Sunday, September 5th, 2004 | 12:32 pm [deadxdandelion] |
| Friday, September 3rd, 2004 | 3:37 pm [cassandramorgan]
| Sunday, August 8th, 2004 | 11:47 pm [bahia]
| Monday, July 19th, 2004 | 10:56 pm [mopedronin]
Plain Clothes Samurai On Patrol! -- Brand New, Original T-shirt! I hope you all don't mind me posting this here. I thought it was appropriate in as far as I thought the group might like it. If there is overwhelming objection, simply let me know politely and I'll be happy to remove. -- Made in DNAAn original Harajuku Hijack t-shirt for all you Japanophiles out here, this is an awesome parody of the signs you see in Japanese department stores around the country stating "Plain Clothes Police Officer On Patrol". In Japanese: Shifuku Samurai Junkai Chuu In English: Plain Clothes Samurai On Patrol Made of soft, yet sturdy, 100%, pre-shrunk cotton. Sizes M ~ XL. (see specifics under cut) Price: $16.50 Shipping: $5.50 Airmail worldwide (alternate shipping available -- please inquire) To Order: Email: Harajuku Hijack (also PayPal Address) Payment Methods: Cash/International Money Order/PayPal Email your name/mailing address, and payment, shipping and size preferences. Instructions on how to pay will be sent. Shirt design:
( Measurement SpecificsCollapse )
Get hijacked! Jack Amano | Tuesday, July 13th, 2004 | 5:58 pm [sokushinjobutsu]
| Thursday, June 10th, 2004 | 4:26 pm [bahia]
if anyone made it to Fanime Con in San Jose, California, then you should post pictures! |
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