Papers by Thi Thuy Minh Nguyen
Insights into teaching and learning writing
Oxford Bibiliographies in Linguistics
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics
TEFLIN Journal
This study investigates email pragmatic instruction in four sets of international English textboo... more This study investigates email pragmatic instruction in four sets of international English textbooks. The prevalence of email communication in today's technology-mediated world necessitates its inclusion in second language classroom instruction. However, our analysis of the books reveals inadequate attention to the sociocultural aspects of email writing. The analysis also indicates limited opportunities for learners to notice form-function-context connections, engage in output practice, and reflect on their pragmatic performance. These findings underscore the gap between research recommendations and current teaching practices, highlighting the urgent need for textbook writers to integrate research findings for enhanced pragmatic instruction. The findings also provide recommendations for teaching email communication in the second language classroom.

The present study evaluates how upper-secondary school English language textbooks in Vietnam teac... more The present study evaluates how upper-secondary school English language textbooks in Vietnam teach disagreement, a speech act that is central to classroom discourse but has received limited attention in textbook evaluation studies. The study employs an analytical framework derived from previous pragmatics research to analyse three textbooks and their accompanying audio files. The quantitative and qualitative analysis focused on the distribution of three key features: disagreement forms, contextual and metapragmatic information, and types of instructional activities aimed at enhancing students' pragmatic awareness. The study found a mismatch between the textbook input and authentic language use reported in previous pragmatics research, with textbooks featuring more instances of strong disagreement compared to disagreement prefaced with agreement. In addition, the textbooks presented a limited range of interactional resources for managing disagreement, thus restricting students' exposure to pragmatic input. Finally, while the textbooks exposed students to disagreement in interactive situations, they lacked explicit instruction to guide students to notice how disagreement is performed in context. The study highlights the need for more attention to be given to pragmatic competence in English language teaching materials, particularly with regard to the teaching of disagreement, and provides recommendations for improving the quality of EFL textbooks.

Language Teaching Research Quarterly
The learning effects of task-based interaction is an emerging topic in the field of instructed pr... more The learning effects of task-based interaction is an emerging topic in the field of instructed pragmatics for ESL learners. Specifically, researchers are exploring the impact of different task features on pragmatics learning. This article reports a review of the extant research. First, the review aimed to identify specific task design and implementation characteristics that appeared to enhance learners' use of pragmatic features during task performance. Inter alia, the review indicated greater benefits from tasks which learners completed collaboratively versus individually and tasks which presented learners with relatively complex versus relatively simple cognitive demands. Secondly, the review aimed to assess evidence of learning across this body of research. The review could not establish whether the enhanced pragmatic language use observed during task performance equated with long-term learning as very few studies included delayed post-tests, an obvious lacuna in the body of research to date.

Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), 2018
This article reports an eight-month investigation into the long-term impact of explicit instructi... more This article reports an eight-month investigation into the long-term impact of explicit instruction on the learnability of different aspects of email requests by a group of Vietnamese university students. Two intact classes were randomly assigned to the treatment (N = 13) and control conditions (N = 19). Over a four-week period, the treatment group received six hours of instruction which comprised consciousness-raising, meta-pragmatic explanation, repeated output practice and teacher feedback. The control group, on the other hand, only followed the usual syllabus. Results of the study indicate that the treatment group obtained significantly greater pre-to-posttest gains than the control group, and that their improvement was retained by the time of the eight-month delayed post-test. Despite the learners’ overall progress, however, it was also found that different aspects of their performance appeared to respond differently to instruction. The article supports the need for instruction...

Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), 2013
This study examines requests in Vietnamese, a much under-researched language, with a view to expa... more This study examines requests in Vietnamese, a much under-researched language, with a view to expanding the range of languages under inquiry. Open role-plays in six scenarios with differing social power and perceived imposition levels were used to elicit requests from nine Vietnamese native speakers. Data were analyzed with reference to the categorization of Blum-Kulka, House and Kasper (1989) for level of directness, choice of request strategy and use of modification. The findings suggested that unlike requests in some European languages reported in the literature, requests in Vietnamese as a native language were realized predominantly by means of imperatives in equal power situations and query preparatories in low-to-high power situations, regardless of imposition levels. Requests were modified preferably by means of supportive moves such as steers and grounders, and lexical means such as address terms, honorifics, modal particles, and appealers. These findings are discussed with i...
This study examines the acquisition of request modifiers by learners of L2 Vietnamese, with a vie... more This study examines the acquisition of request modifiers by learners of L2 Vietnamese, with a view to expanding the range of target languages under inquiry and contributing to the field of L2 pragmatics acquisition. Data were collected from nine Vietnamese native speakers and 18 learners from various language backgrounds, using open role-plays in six scenarios with differing social power and imposition levels. An analysis was made of the learners' use of request modifiers in relation to their proficiency levels in Vietnamese and their lengths of residency in the target language environment. Findings supported claims in the literature that learning pragmatics is particularly challenging for low-proficiency learners, and provided some evidence of pragmatic development in the case of highproficiency learners who had stayed in the target language culture for an extended period.
Papers by Thi Thuy Minh Nguyen
EDITORS: Le Van Canh (ULIS, Vietnam), Hoa Thi Mai Nguyen (UNSW, Australia), Thi Thuy Minh Nguyen (NIE, Singapore)
TENTATIVE PUBLISHER: Springer or Routledge