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Year medical students in their first year of clinical training doing their surgical attachment. Previously, the authors have argued that medical curricula constitute normalising technologies of self that aim to create a certain kind of... more
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    • Communities of practice
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    • Student Learning
of general practice as an easy field of medicine but did not outweigh them.
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      Medical EducationDiscourseQualitative ResearchWorkforce Development
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      Medical EducationClinical teaching
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      Hidden CurriculumHidden Curriculum in Higher Education
Experiencing the death of a patient can be one of the most challenging aspects of clinical medicine for medical students. Exploring what student's learn from this difficult experience may contribute to our understanding of how medical... more
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      Medical EducationNarrative and interpretationWorkplace BullyingNarrative Methods
AIM: Development of proficient procedural skills is vital to the training of young doctors. The aim of this project was to investigate the prevalence of different ways that medical students practise clinical procedures and the... more
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    • Mixed Methods Research
Background: Student bullying in clinical practice persists, and poor outcomes continue: for learning, academic achievement and career goals, for their mental and physical health and potentially affecting all staff and patients in a... more
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      Medical EducationWorkplace BullyingBullying
Purpose: In order to foster positive student experiences in the clinical learning environment, we wanted to better understand which teaching practices they regard highly. Methods: In 2016, the authors undertook a paper 'exemplar' survey... more
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    • Medical Education
Background: Student bullying in the clinical environment continues to have a substantial impact, despite numerous attempts to rectify the situation. However, there are significant gaps in the literature about interventions to help... more
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      Medical EducationBullying
Professional identity formation, the process of transformation from lay person to doctor, is at the heart of medical education. Medical student cohorts can include students who enter medicine from a previous career, i.e. with developed... more
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    • Professional Identity Formation
You can access the journal article here (just copy and paste the URL below in your browser):;dn=562923250696356;res=IELHEA Research looking at the general practice workforce shortage has been... more
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    • General Practice
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    • General Practice
Student bullying in clinical practice remains a concern, and evidence regarding what works to specifically help the student appears rather piecemeal. At the same time, emergent literature indicates that some bullying interventions can be... more
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    • Medical and Health Sciences
Background: Student bullying in clinical practice persists, and poor outcomes continue: for learning, academic achievement and career goals, for their mental and physical health and potentially affecting all staff and patients in a... more
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      PsychologyMedical EducationWorkplace BullyingBullying
In order to foster positive student experiences in the clinical learning environment, we wanted to better understand which teaching practices they regard highly. Methods: In 2016, the authors undertook a paper 'exemplar' survey (ES) of... more
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      Medical EducationPublic health systems and services researchCurriculum and Pedagogy
Background: Student bullying in the clinical environment continues to have a substantial impact, despite numerous attempts to rectify the situation. However, there are significant gaps in the literature about interventions to help... more
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      PsychologyMedical EducationBullyingMedicine
Honesty and integrity are key characteristics expected of a doctor, although academic misconduct among medical students is not new. 1 A survey of 428 American students in 1980 found that 58% reported cheating during medical school. 2 We... more
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      BMJPaediatrics and reproductive medicine
Objectives: This study aimed to determine attitudinal and self reported behavioural variations between medical students in different years to scenarios involving academic misconduct. Design: A cross-sectional study where students were... more
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      Applied EthicsMedical EthicsMedical StudentsUndergraduate medical education