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This paper was initially presented as part of a GSA panel on Adaptation. It is a draft and should not be cited. You MAY however cite the revised article published in the proceedings of a Conference on Adaptations held at the University of... more
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      German StudiesFilm AdaptationFilm and Media StudiesGerman Film
Although artist Daniel Spoerri –once a member of Nouveau Realisme—never directly quoted or cited Walter Benjamin in his numerous texts, his highly philosophical –and witty—approach to the classical and Neo-Avant-garde bears strong... more
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      Walter Benjamin20th century Avant-GardeDaniel SpoerriArt and Food In European History
This paper discusses the presence of the Russian Avant-Garde in Benjamin's short text "Borsch", in which the narrator speaks of the experience of eating the red beet soup. The paper unpacks the crystallized presence of other texts by... more
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      German StudiesWalter BenjaminGerman Literature and CultureAvant-Garde
A short analysis of Thomas Meinecke's novel "Tomboy" that revisits and revises the notion of "pop" literature common in the nineties in Germany. I look at how temporality is at work in the novel, not at gender as it may appear from the... more
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      20th Century German LiteratureJudith ButlerPop ArtPopular Literature
This abstract was prepared for a paper to be presented at the MLA in 2014 as part of a panel on Global Pirandello, organized by the American Pirandello Society (Prof. Jana O'Keefe Bazzoni). Pirandello went to Berlin in 1928 with the... more
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      German StudiesItalian StudiesItalian CinemaFilm History
Animals have been entwined from their beginning with photography and the cinema, constituting the subject, medium and challenge for the new technologies intent in capturing –halting-- and reproducing motion: the breathing of life or the... more
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      Film StudiesAnimal Studies
Essay published in Creative Imitations and Appropriations: From Cinematic Adaptations to Re-makes. Select Refereed Proceedings of Research Colloquium, edited by Erica Todd, Clément Da Gama and Hilary Radner. Dunedin, NZ: Cultures,... more
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      German StudiesFilm StudiesGerman FilmGilles Deleuze and Literature
Paper presented at the Film and History Association Meeting in 2008. Published in the Proceedings in 2009.
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      German StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm AnalysisCultural Studies and Literatures
The essay considers the work of New Zealand-based artist Sally Ann McIntyre, in particular her mini-FM radio station for programme-based and site-specific art transmission, i.e., Radio Cegeste. The article focuses on a series of radio... more
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      ArtNew Zealand StudiesHuman-Animal StudiesRadio Art
An examination of the functions and meanings food takes in the Eat Art and Fluxus movements. This essay was written for the Arts & Foods catalogue of the Art Exhibition accompanying the EXPO 2015 in Milan. The catalogue is edited by... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryModernism (Art History)Consumption and Material Culture
An essay that examines the production of art with food and edible materials by the Catalan artist Antoni Miralda, with focus on the years between the 1960s and the 1990s.
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      Visual CultureAvant-Garde20th century Avant-GardeNeo-Avant-Garde
An essay that analyses contemporary German literature --both popular texts and literary ones, including from the former German Democratic Republic-- about traveling to Italy in the contemporary age. How if at all is the Goethian journey... more
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      European StudiesComparative LiteratureGerman LiteratureTravel Writing
German Studies Review, Vol 38: 3 (October 2015), pp. 491-508 This essay identifies key themes in Kleist’s “The Beggarwoman of Locarno,” such as the contrast between meaning and noise, perception and reason, and human and animal. All of... more
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      German LiteratureAnimal StudiesEnlightenmentDogs
"Bear Images: Human Performativity and Animal Touch in Grizzly Man", in Animal Life and the Moving Image, edited by Michael Lawrence and Laura McMahon (London: BFI, Dec 2015), CH 14. In Grizzly Man (2005) Werner Herzog edits and... more
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      Animal StudiesPerformance and performativityGerman CinemaEnvironmental Humanities
Discussing an aspect of the European avant-garde that has often been neglected-its relationship to the embodied experience of food, its sensation, and its consumption-Cecilia Novero exposes the surprisingly key roles that food plays in... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean StudiesComparative LiteratureVisual Culture
“Noah’s Ark” was the title of a 2014 exhibition held in Dortmund and devoted to animals in contemporary art. The red-thread connecting the multi-media works on view was a critical gaze on the uses and abuses of animals, in the... more
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      Museum StudiesHistory of Natural HistoryAnimal Studies20th Century German Literature
This issue of Antennae marks the celebration of the journal’s ten years of activity. From the very start, Antennae has provided a platform for new voices—it has outlined an academic space marked by a certain fluidity of content and... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtPosthumanism
Butler's notion of vulnerability helps to isolate those moments in the film that, , function as potential sites of emergence of a collective body politics, within the failed instances of recognition that the film also underscores. My... more
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      Cultural StudiesJudith ButlerAffect (Cultural Theory)German Film
GSAA: “Kosmopolitische Gedankenwelten im deutschsprachigen Raum” 30th November – 2nd December, 2016 – Canberra ([email protected]) Dr. Gabriele Schmidt und Dr. Katie Sutton, Australian National University, Canberra PANEL TITLE “On... more
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      Film AnalysisCosmopolitanismRisk and VulnerabilityJudith Butler
Phantasmagorias and Awakenings in Borderland Europe Christoph Hochhäusler’s This Very Moment The film This Very Moment (2003) is modeled on the fairytale “Hansel and Gretel,” of which director Christoph Hochhäusler highlights the most... more
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      European StudiesFilm StudiesPost-Socialist SocietiesBorders and Borderlands