University of Otago
The Chrystalls Beach Complex is interpreted as an accretionary me´lange within the Otago Schist on the South Island of New Zealand. Its stratigraphic position within the New Zealand Mesozoic accretionary prism is not well constrained, and... more
On the north side of the Mulock Glacier and at Cape Teall in southern Victoria Land, Antarctica, deformed greenschist facies Skelton Group metasediments are intruded by the post-kinematic A-type Mulock Granite. Geochemical data indicate... more
The Fontaine Pluton is a previously undescribed mafic intrusion outcropping at Fontaine Bluff on the south side of the Carlyon Glacier in southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. It is the southern‐most member of a laterally extensive mafic... more
The Marguerite Amphibolite and associated rocks in northern Fiordland, New Zealand, contain evidence for retention of Carboniferous metamorphic assemblages through Cretaceous collision of an arc, emplacement of large volumes of mafic... more
Previous U-Pb zircon dating of the Pomona Island Granite (PIG) pluton (South Island, New Zealand) yielded either Permo-Carboniferous or Late Jurassic ages for five samples essentially indistinguishable in their field, petrographic, and... more
The Marguerite Amphibolite and associated rocks in northern Fiordland, New Zealand, contain evidence for retention of Carboniferous metamorphic assemblages through Cretaceous collision of an arc, emplacement of large volumes of mafic... more
Scheelite (CaWO4) is a widespread accessory mineral associated with hydrothermal veins in the Archcan gold deposits of the Kalgoorlie-Norseman region of Western Australia. Rare earth element (REE) and other trace element abundances in... more
Coupled O and Hf isotopic compositions of zircons from Early Cretaceous (113-124 Ma) granitoids of the Separation Point Suite (SPS), New Zealand, obtained by cathodoluminescence imaging-guided micro-beam methods (SIMS, LA-ICPMS), are used... more
ELA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon geochronology has been used to show that the porphyritic intrusions related to the formation of the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu–Au deposit, NW Argentina, are cogenetic with stratigraphically well-constrained... more
The late Cretaceous A-type Karaçayır pluton in Central Anatolia, Turkey, intrudes and entrains xenoliths of Palaeozoic limestone. Carbonatitic magmatic rocks within the syenite have been previously interpreted (Schuiling in Nature,... more
A massive pulse of granitic magma was rapidly emplaced into the once contiguous West Antarctic and New Zealand segments of the palaeo-Pacific margin of the Gondwana supercontinent at~371 Ma. In New Zealand, these Late Devonian S-type... more
The petrography of sandstones and neodymium (Nd) isotope compositions of mudstones from the central Appalachians indicate changing provenances during the late Neoproterozoic through Pennsylvanian evolution of eastern North America. In... more
The feasibility of in-situ 5uorination of sulfide minerals for sulfur isotope analyses has been demonstrated. Laser fluorination of powdered samples, previously analyzed by conventional bulk SOz or BrFs methods, verities that comparable... more
This paper reports on aspects of the production and trade of nineteenth century Chinese opium pipe bowls based on an examination of an assemblage from a Chinese goldfields settlement in New Zealand. Using energy dispersive X-ray... more
"Two fossil baleen whale (Mysticeti) dentaries from the Upper Miocene (10–12 Ma) Santa Margarita Sandstone of Central California preserve several distinct features similar to the enigmatic herpetocetine whale Herpetocetus. These features... more
"The Miocene to Pliocene Purisima Formation crops out in multiple transform fault bounded structural blocks in central California. As a result of poor exposure, strike slip fault offset, and uncertain intraformational correlations, some... more
Background A number of aberrant walruses (Odobenidae) have been described from the Neogene of the North Pacific, including specialized suction-feeding and generalist fish-eating taxa. At least one of these fossil walruses has been... more