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Background: The past decade has seen increasing patient acuity and shortening lengths of stays in acute care hospitals, which has implications for how nursing staff organise and provide care to patients. Objective: The aim of this study... more
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      NursingAustraliaRegistered NurseLength of Stay
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Title. Critical incident technique: a user's guide for nurse researchers Aim. This paper is a description of the development and processes of the critical incident technique and its applicability to nursing research, using a... more
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      NursingAustraliaQualitative ResearchAdvanced Nursing Practice
Background: The past decade has seen increasing patient acuity and shortening lengths of stays in acute care hospitals, which has implications for how nursing staff organise and provide care to patients. Objective: The aim of this study... more
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      NursingAustraliaRegistered NurseLength of Stay
The past decade has seen increased patient acuity and shortened lengths of stays in acute care hospitals resulting in an intensification of the work undertaken by nursing staff in hospitals. This has ultimately led to a reconsideration of... more
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      NursingAustraliaQualitative ResearchTime Management
Increasingly eLearning, and multimedia resources are blending with other forms of clinical education to provide experiences that maximise both foundational learning for Health Professionals, and learning-readiness for the application of... more
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      Instructional DesignBest practiceFlexible DeliveryHealth Professionals
Title. Critical incident technique: a user's guide for nurse researchers Aim. This paper is a description of the development and processes of the critical incident technique and its applicability to nursing research, using a... more
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      NursingAdvanced Nursing PracticeCritical Incident Technique
Background Telehealth is broadly defined as the delivery of health-related services at a distance. Recent advancements in Telehealth applications are challenging the assumption that physical presence is necessary in some healthcare... more
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Long-term conditions and their concomitant management place considerable pressure on patients, communities, and health care systems worldwide. International clinical guidelines on the majority of long-term conditions recommend the... more
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      Cell PhonesSelf CareTelemedicineDiabetes mellitus
In a recent editorial, we examined the research outputs of 150 Australian nursing and midwifery professors (McKenna et al., 2018) identifying publication metrics on par with, and sometimes above those of professors in the UK (Watson,... more
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      NursingAdvanced Nursing Practice
Background: There is unprecedented increase in use of simulation-based education in healthcare settings. The key driver is improving quality and safety in healthcare. To date, there is limited understanding of the degree to which this... more
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    • Nursing
There is no shortage of innovation in eLearning. Committed educators globally are developing individual courses to meet the needs of students and particular subject matter. However, the more challenging task is to sustain, maintain and... more
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    • Medicine
A catastrophic earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale struck the Christchurch, New Zealand Central Business District on February 22, 2012, abruptly disrupting the business of teaching and learning at Christchurch Polytechnic... more
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This study describes the impact of a sudden, traumatic natural disaster on a bachelor of nursing programme, and the capacity and processes required to minimise disruption to programme delivery and student learning. This descriptive case... more
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      Public RelationsMedicinePreparednessBachelor
Supplemental material, Supplemental_material_Table_3 for An Evidence-Based Checklist for Improving Scoping Review Quality by Simon Cooper, Robyn Cant, Michelle Kelly, Tracy Levett-Jones, Lisa McKenna, Philippa Seaton and Fiona Bogossian... more
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      Literature ReviewReportingKnowledge synthesis
Background and objective: Clinical Educators frequently use in-situ simulation-based experiences (SBE) to improve the skill and competency of healthcare professionals. The aim of the experience is to improve the quality of patient care... more
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      PsychologyMedical EducationQualitative ResearchDebriefing
Introduction: The Rural Inter-Professional Simulation Course (RiSC) in New Zealand is a 3-day immersive course that brings rural doctors and nurses together to practise emergency and trauma skills using workshops and a simulation-enhanced... more
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Simulation is a teaching and learning strategy that is increasingly used in nursing education to prepare students for the clinical workplace. The Collaboration in Clinical Simulation project addressed the need in New Zealand undergraduate... more
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      PsychologyClinical Practice
ngā māramatanga hē hei hīkoi tuatahi mō te akoranga whakawhiti mōhiotanga, me te whakapiki i te whakawhitinga kōrero me te mahi hei tira. Ngā kupu matua: pāhekoheko, whakawhiti kōrero, akoranga whakawhiti umanga, ngā ākonga tākuta, ngā... more
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      NeuroscienceSociologyPsychologySocial Psychology
Disentangling the relative roles of males, females and their interactive effects on competitive fertilization success remains a challenge in sperm competition. In this study, we apply a novel experimental framework to an ideally suited... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyFisheriesEvolutionAquaculture