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The implementation of marine protected areas, such as marine reserves and customary fishing areas, is considered an important step toward advancing ecosystem-based management (EBM), but has proven difficult due to resistance from... more
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      Applied EconomicsFisheries SciencesMarine Resource Economics
i Acknowledgements iv Table of contents v List of tables vi List of figures viii Abbreviations ix Glossary of Māori terms x Chapter 1 General introduction 1 Chapter 2 Towards marine spatial allocation and ecosystem-based management: A... more
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    • Environmental Science
There is considerable interest in New Zealand in establishing "Customary Management Areas" (taiāpure and mātaitai) and Marine Reserves to support Māori cultural practices and restore declining biodiversity and fish stocks. Allocation of... more
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      FisheriesPublic GoodResourcesChoice Experiment
The implementation of marine protected areas, such as marine reserves and customary fishing areas, is considered an important step toward advancing ecosystem-based management (EBM), but has proven difficult due to resistance from... more
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Ecosystem-based management (EBM) is a holistic approach that is most reliable for achieving sustainability of complex, coupled social-ecological systems. An EBM approach to marine fisheries can be put in practice by implementing marine... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceCoastal ManagementEcosystem Services
There is considerable interest in New Zealand in establishing "Customary Management Areas" (taiāpure and mātaitai) and Marine Reserves to support Māori cultural practices and restore declining biodiversity and fish stocks. Allocation of... more
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      GeographyFisheriesPublic GoodEnvironmental Resource Management