Articles by Eileen A Horansky
The Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) supports research and education in the archi... more The Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) supports research and education in the archival field. This paper describes highlights from the the eighth annual meeting, which was hosted by the School of Library and Information Science at Kent State University, Kent, Ohio.
Book Sections by Eileen A Horansky
The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820
.” The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820
The Cambridge Guide to the Eighteenth-Century Novel, 1660-1820
Conference Presentations by Eileen A Horansky
International Congress on Medieval Studies, 2023
Migrations of the Book, 2021
Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing
Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing, 2019
Aphra Behn and Fanny Burney Societies Joint Meeting, 2017
Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2016
Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2016
British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2015
Cultural Rhetorics, 2014
Following on the heels of the libertinism so pervasive and renowned in the court of Charles II in... more Following on the heels of the libertinism so pervasive and renowned in the court of Charles II in the late seventeenth century, the eighteenth century ushered in a new era of social changes, particularly in the conception of private (especially sexual) life and public exhibition.
Thesis by Eileen A Horansky

Recent studies of eighteenth-century women writers have focused on the role of women as developer... more Recent studies of eighteenth-century women writers have focused on the role of women as developers and proponents of the secret history. The secret history, recently defined by scholars such as Rebecca Bullard, Melinda Alliker Rabb, Ros Ballaster, Marta Kvande, and Rachel Carnell, among others, occupies space within several genres, including political satire and historiography. The genre’s secretive nature and reliance on gossip and anecdotal evidence creates a new space for women writers that allows them to enter political discourse and offer a distinctly gendered social commentary. As public became private and private became secret, secret historians sought to expose the private lives of individuals in power. In this paper, I examine the role of women writers and secret historians, particularly Delarivier Manley and Eliza Haywood, and what I read as their response to male counterparts as they established and developed a gendered response both to the political climate of the early to mid-eighteenth century and the divergence of male and female social roles within the domestic sphere. In examining the narratorial structure and narratological techniques of both male and female secret historians over a period stretching from 1674 to 1736, I trace the development of female gender roles and attitudes towards women within the genre of the secret history, revealing through these works a narration of male and female attitudes towards women in the public and private spheres.
Articles by Eileen A Horansky
Book Sections by Eileen A Horansky
Conference Presentations by Eileen A Horansky
Thesis by Eileen A Horansky