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Language processing involves the rapid interaction of multiple brain regions. The study of its neurophysiological bases would therefore benefit from neuroimaging techniques combining both good spatial and good temporal resolution. Here we... more
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      SemanticsAdolescentMultidisciplinaryLanguage Processing
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    • New
New parents' Facebook use was examined from a social capital perspective. Surveys regarding Facebook use and parenting satisfaction, parenting self-efficacy, and parenting stress were completed by 154 mothers and 150 fathers as part of a... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkSocial NetworksSocial Networking
Language processing involves the rapid interaction of multiple brain regions. The study of its neurophysiological bases would therefore benefit from neuroimaging techniques combining both good spatial and good temporal resolution. Here we... more
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      SemanticsAdolescentMultidisciplinaryLanguage Processing
Understanding and predicting faculty intent to leave is important to the development of improved conceptual frameworks of faculty success as well as the implementation of effective retention strategies for academic leaders and... more
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      Higher EducationEducation SystemsConceptual FrameworkResearch productivity
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Purpose – Due in large part to the proprietary nature of costs, there is a dearth of academic literature investigating the factors influencing the costs for sport marketing investments, such as sponsorship. Therefore, the purpose of this... more
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      Sports ManagementSport MarketingSponsorshipSport Management
In recent years, fundraising has been a major challenge for nonprofit organizations (NPOs) due to lack of support from state and federal governments, the recent economic downturn, and fierce competition among increasing numbers of... more
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Over the past decade, broadcast rights fees have been the source of much of the growth in revenues in the intercollegiate athletics industry. However, given that the industry is dominated by public and non-profit organizations such as the... more
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      BusinessMarketingResource Based ViewIntercollegiate Athletics
Given the importance and relative financial investments institutions formulate regarding student-athletes, intercollegiate coaches and administrators must make strategic decisions in recruiting and retaining them. A lack of... more
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Viewing firm resources as a potential source of competitive advantage has been a foundation of the strategic management literature for more than 3 decades. Among the most influential theories that
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      BusinessMarketingMarketing ManagementCompetitive advantage
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto 7 Grapholita molesta: caracterización de una cría artificial Tomo XXXVIII • N° 1 • 2006 RESUMEN Grapholita molesta (Busck) es considerada plaga... more
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Sport is a central achievement context through which participants’ direct competence-related behavior to achieve desired outcomes. Achievement goal theory provides a framework for understanding self-directed behavior in achievement... more
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      PsychologyAnimal ScienceRECREATIONAmateur Sport
A continued debate persists over the place of sport within institutions of higher education. Proponents of sport champion its ability to contribute to a holistic notion of education and develop an array of competencies touted in... more
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      PsychologyAnimal ScienceEmotional intelligenceAmateur Sport
The Division I Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) within the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) continues to grow in popularity. However, the current system of selecting teams to play for the national championship remains a... more
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    • Engineering
The purpose of this study was to explore the influence of gender on levels of moral reasoning for intercollegiate athletes and college students. Moral reasoning for this research was defined through the insight and application of... more
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    • Psychology
This project examined the level of gambling exhibited by a convenience sample of 155 college students at a large Midwestern university and compared it to previously completed work. The researchers found most college student gamblers... more
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      PsychologyAttribution TheoryBehavior changeIncidence
The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of internships on students’ career-related affect and intentions. Data were gathered from 138 upper-level undergraduate sport management students (71 interns, 67 noninterns). A doubly... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyStructural Equation ModelingSport
Grounded in the dichotomous achievement goal framework, this study examined the utility of achievement goal orientations to predict sport involvement and perceived benefits (social, intellectual, and fitness) associated with participation... more
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      PsychologyGoal Orientation