Craig Jenkins
Craig Jenkins, Professor of Sociology, Political Science and Environmental Science at Ohio State University. My research focuses on contentious politics, conflict and disaster early warning models, social movements, nonprofit advocacy, conflict models and integrated water resource management. I am currently running funded projects on online/offline political activism, community water management in Bangladesh, the political economy of rentier states and methods of constructing political event data.
Supervisors: PhD advisor: Charles Perrow, Yale University.
Supervisors: PhD advisor: Charles Perrow, Yale University.
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Papers by Craig Jenkins
This book is a Technical Report on the logic of, and methodology for, creating a multi-year multi-country database needed for comparative research on political protest. It concerns both the selection and ex-post harmonization of survey information and the manner in which the multilevel structured data can be used in substantive analyses.
The database we created contains information on more than two million people from 142 countries or territories, interviewed between the 1960s and 2013. It stores individual-level variables from 1,721 national surveys stemming from 22 well-known international survey projects, including the European Social Survey, the International Social Survey Programme, and the World Values Survey. We constructed comparable measures of peoples’ participation in demonstrations and signing petitions, their democratic values and socio-demographic characteristics. We complemented the harmonized individual-level data with macro-level measures of democracy, economic performance, and income inequality gathered from external sources. In the process, we pulled together three strands of survey methodology – on data quality, ex-post harmonization, and multilevel modeling.
This book is funded by the (Polish) National Science Center under a three-year international cooperation grant for the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN), and The Ohio State University (OSU) Mershon Center for International Security Studies (grant number: Harmonia-2012/06/M/HS6/00322).