Papers by TC Rıza Bayrak

The main target of this study is to estimate the determinants and their effect on incentives impl... more The main target of this study is to estimate the determinants and their effect on incentives implemented in the electrical energy sector in Turkey. The data of the study covers 60 quarters between 2005 and 2019. While the dependent variable is investment incentives, the independent variables of the study are separated, classified, and tested under three different models. The first model includes economic variables (GDP, interest rate, exchange rate, inflation, export, and import), the second model includes production and investment variables (tariff price, industrial production index, total installed power, gross fixed capital formation), and the third model contains the demand determinant variables (production of the incentive plants, electricity gross demand, peak sudden). Moreover, the dummy variable was included in the study for the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. The results of the ARDL Boundary Test showed that in the long run, GDP and Exchange Rate variables were seen to have the most significant impact on incentives, respectively, where these effects were positive in the case of GDP and negative for the Exchange Rate. These were followed by the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. It is recommended that policymakers should always consider the negative effect of the exchange rates on the incentive system in their long-term planning.

Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de elektrik enerjisi üretim sektöründe uygulanan yatırım teşviklerin... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'de elektrik enerjisi üretim sektöründe uygulanan yatırım teşviklerinin ekonomik büyümeye etkilerini analiz etmektir. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler 2005-2019 yılları arasındaki 60 çeyrek dönemi kapsamaktadır. Çalışmanın bağımlı değişkeni gayrisafi yurtiçi hâsıla, bağımsız değişkenleri ise istihdam oranı, gayrisafi sabit sermaye Oluşumu ve verilen teşvik miktarıdır. Verilerin analizinde zaman serileri analizi yöntemlerinden FMOLS, DOLS ve CCR uzun dönem tahmincileri kullanılmıştır. Analiz bulguları çerçevesinde; istihdam ve gayrisafi sabit sermaye oluşumunun büyüme üzerindeki etkisi pozitif yönde gözlenirken; teşviklerin ekonomik büyüme üzerindeki etkisinin ise negatif yönde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bunula birlikte istihdamın büyüme üzerindeki etkisi, teşviklere göre daha büyüktür. Bu noktada karar vericilere, özel sektör yatırımlarının dışlanmasını önlemek amacıyla, büyümeyi uyaran teşviklerin optimum değerinin tespit edilmesinin uygun olacağı tavsiye edilmiştir.

Erciyes Akademi, 2022
E-pazarlama yönelimi dijital çözümlerin pazarlama faaliyetlerine entegre olduğu yeni dönem pazarl... more E-pazarlama yönelimi dijital çözümlerin pazarlama faaliyetlerine entegre olduğu yeni dönem pazarlama anlayışıdır. Bu bütünleşik pazarlama anlayışı Covid-19 pandemi döneminde pek çok işletme için tercih edilen bir yaklaşım olmuştur. E-pazarlama aktivitelerinin maliyet avantajı ve erişim kolaylığı ile pandemi krizinde ortaya çıkan finansal daralmaya çözüm sunabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu amaçla çalışmada Ankara ili OSTİM Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde faaliyet gösteren 100 firmanın Covid-19 pandemi süreci ile birlikte epazarlama faaliyetlerine yönelimi incelenmiştir. Aynı zamanda e-pazarlama yöneliminin firmaların karlılığı üzerindeki etkisi ve firma cirolarının bu ilişkideki rolü araştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda firmalardan anket yöntemiyle kesitsel olarak veri toplanarak nicel analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre epazarlama yönelimi ve kârlılık arasında pozitif ve anlamlı bir ilişki görülürken; cironun bu ilişki üzerinde düzenleyicilik rolü olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Düşük ciroya sahip firmalarda e-pazarlama yöneliminin etkisi daha yüksek iken; yüksek cirolu firmalar da bu etki daha düşük seviyededir. Çalışma ile ortaya konan dikkat çekici sonuçların hem alan araştırmacıları hem de pazarlama yöneticilerine katkı sunması arzu edilmektedir.

Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi SBE Dergisi, Mar 16, 2021
This study aims to clarify whether there is an optimal government size and, if there is any, to d... more This study aims to clarify whether there is an optimal government size and, if there is any, to determine whether it changes according to the development level of the countries. Estimations in terms of these research questions were analyzed with the help of the Armey Curve. The economic growth rate was used as a dependent variable, and the annual public expenditure ratio in GDP, gross fixed capital formation, and the unemployment rate were used as independent variables. Additionally, a dummy variable was employed for the effects of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis. The data were obtained from the World Bank database. 21 countries' data for the period 1990-2019 were analyzed with AMG Panel Data Analysis. According to the findings of the study; the existence of optimal public expenditure value was confirmed in 18 countries except for Spain, Mexico, and Colombia. It was observed that the average optimal public size is 30.67% in developed countries and 25.43% in developing countries. These results are consistent with Wagner's (1882) argument and Keynesian view. As a result; it is possible to argue that as the development level of the countries increases, so does the public size within the economic structure.
The aim of this study was to determine some of the key factors affecting youth employment from 20... more The aim of this study was to determine some of the key factors affecting youth employment from 2000-2015. Youth unemployment rate (YU) was the dependent variable while consumer price index (INF), domestic gross savings (GS), labor productivity (LP) and economic growth rate (GR) were the independent variables. Data from 31 OECD countries were obtained from World Bank (WB) and OECD databases. Panel Data Analysis was used to analyze the data. The results show that growth, inflation, and savings affect youth unemployment negatively while labor productivity affects youth employment positively. It is therefore concluded that growth, inflation, savings and labor productivity are among the key determinants of youth unemployment.
Sosyoekonomi, 2022
In this study, the linkages between political dynamics and foreign direct investment inwards to 1... more In this study, the linkages between political dynamics and foreign direct investment inwards to 118 developed and developing countries over the 2002-2017 period were analysed by the System GMM Panel Model to avoid the potential endogeneity problem. Findings indicate that the most vital positive determinant of FDI inwards is trade liberalization or trade openness. Also, there is no statistically significant relationship between countries' democratization and freedom level and FDI inwards. However, terrorism hinders FDI directly, especially in developed countries. Therefore, the decision of foreign investors might mainly depend on economic dynamics, which are related to them and host countries rather than politics.

Uluslararası Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri ve Bilgisayar Bilimleri Dergisi, 2021
Teknolojide, yönetim biçimlerinde ve iletişim imkanlarında yaşanan olağanüstü gelişmeler; sektör ... more Teknolojide, yönetim biçimlerinde ve iletişim imkanlarında yaşanan olağanüstü gelişmeler; sektör yöneticilerinin, öğrencilerin ve akademisyenlerin bir üniversite müfredatından beklentilerini önemli ölçüde değiştirmiştir. Günümüzün iş dünyası ve akademisyenleri; yönetim bilişim sistemleri bölümü öğrencilerinin çalışmak istediği sektörü anlayan, kendi amaçlarını ve beklentilerini tanıyan, teknolojideki anlık değişimler açısından kendisini sürekli güncelleyebilen, sosyal ve iletişim becerileri yüksek mezunlar olmalarını beklemektedir. Bunun gerçekleşebilmesi için; öğrencilerin öğrenim gördükleri süre içinde, kendilerini tanımalarına imkân veren, akademisyenlerin öğrencinin akademik gelişimini dinamik olarak izleyebildiği, sektörün öğrenciyi kendi ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda şekillendirebildiği bilimsel ve dinamik müfredat sistemlerine ihtiyaç vardır. Bu uygulamalı araştırmada; OSTİM Teknik Üniversitesi Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Bölümü esas alınarak, AHP yöntemi ile dinamik bir müfredatın nasıl oluşturulabileceği tartışılmıştır. Araştırmanın; üniversitelerin yönetim bilişim sistemleri bölümleri başta olmak üzere, tüm yükseköğretim kurumları kapsamında yapılan müfredat iyileştirme çalışmalarına katkı sağlaması amaçlanmıştır.

Bu calismanin amaci; savunma harcamalari ile buyume arasinda “ters U” seklinde bir iliskinin olup... more Bu calismanin amaci; savunma harcamalari ile buyume arasinda “ters U” seklinde bir iliskinin olup olmadigini, optimal savunma harcamasi oranin ne oldugunu ve Turkiye’nin 1990-2017 yillari arasindaki savunma harcamalarinin optimal olup olmadigini analiz etmektir. Calismada bagimli degisken olarak ekonomik buyume orani, bagimsiz degiskenler olarak da yillik savunma harcamalarinin milli gelir icindeki orani ile yillik issizlik oranlari kullanilmistir. Calismada, Turkiye’ye ait 1990-2017 donemin verileri zaman serisi analizi kullanilarak analiz edilmistir. Bu verilerden milli gelir buyume orani ile issizlik verileri Dunya Bankasi veri tabanindan, savunma harcamalarinin milli gelir icindeki orani da SIPRI veri tabanindan alinmistir. Calisma neticesinde; Turkiye’de Armey Egrisi’nin gecerli oldugu, bir baska ifadeyle savunma harcamalari ile buyume arasinda “ters U” seklinde bir iliskinin oldugu gozlenmistir. Turkiye’de savunma harcamalarinin milli gelir icindeki optimal degeri ise %2,5 ola...
In this study, the effect of defense expenditure on growth has been examined. Employment, fixed c... more In this study, the effect of defense expenditure on growth has been examined. Employment, fixed capital investments, and defense expenditures of 26 NATO countries were used as independent variables, while GDP was as dependent variables.
Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2016
In this study, we have used youth unemployment rate (YUR) as dependent; producer price index (PPI... more In this study, we have used youth unemployment rate (YUR) as dependent; producer price index (PPI), higher education schooling rate (HESR) and economic growth rate (EGR) as independent variables in order to clarify the factors that affect youth unemployment according to data for the period of 1988-2014. Data used in this study were obtained from database of World Bank (WB) and Turkish Statistical Institute. Augmented Dickey-Fuller test was conducted to identify if the series were stationary or not. Additionally, the co-integration test and ARDL bound test was conducted for short and long term analysis of series. According to findings of the study; long term relation was observed between the series. It was seen that PPI and HESR effect YUR negatively and also significantly; EGR effect YUR negatively but insignificantly in the long term.

Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 2018
In this study, we try to analyze the total factor productivity of OECD countries in terms of econ... more In this study, we try to analyze the total factor productivity of OECD countries in terms of economics perspective with the 2011-2015 years data. The number of arrivals, tourism expenditures, and logistic performance index were used as input variables; tourism receipt also as output variables in accordance with the data acquired from World Bank (WB). Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Indexes were applied to data with output-oriented models. According to research findings; all OECD countries seem to have different fluctuated efficiency values in all kinds of efficiencies for those five years. Chech Republic was the only country that experienced efficiency loss for five years; while the UK is the only one that experienced increases in all type of efficiencies. Moreover; USA, Japan, Turkey and New Zealand were the ones that never experienced any loss in all kinds of efficiencies for the five years. In other words, the efficiency values of those countries were either stable or increased during that period.

Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi, 2017
In this study we aim to analyze the efficiency of tourism potential of OECD countries in terms of... more In this study we aim to analyze the efficiency of tourism potential of OECD countries in terms of economics perspective with the data of 2011-2015 years. Number of arrivals (NoA), tourism expenditures (TE) and logistic performance index (LPI) were used as input variables; while tourism revenues (TR) as output variables in accordance with the data acquired from World Bank (WB). Both statical and dynamic DEA were conducted with output oriented models. Considering the results of both the CCR ad BCC models as a whole; USA, Australia, Spain, Luxembourg, Portugal, Turkey and New Zealand were efficient countries in all years. Taking into account the required improvements of the variables of the inefficient countries, it is possible to say that tourism expenditure of the inefficient countries should be decreased approximately 2%. Moreover, it could be put forwarded that tourism revenues should be increased approximately 92%. As a result of a dynamic analysis, eight countries (USA, Australia, Spain, Luxembourg, Portugal, Turkey, New Zealand and Greece) were observed to be efficient DMUs according to both the CCR and BCC models.
Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 2018
The aim of this study was to examine the role of attachment style, self-concept, and coping strat... more The aim of this study was to examine the role of attachment style, self-concept, and coping strategies, in order to explain the differences in perceived stress factors and stress symptoms, in a mediation model. Participants were 515 university students (302 female and 213 male) aged 17-28 years. The assessment instruments were: Social Comparison Scale, Ways of Coping Scale, Experiences in Close Relationships Scale-II, Brief Symptom Inventory and University Students Stress Factors Scale. The results indicated that the effect of anxious attachment on perceived stress factors and stress symptoms was partially mediated by self-concept and coping styles. Our findings revealed that the level of anxious attachment is an important factor to explain perceived stress and stress-related variables.

Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2020
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the efficiency and total factor productivity (MTFP) ... more The main purpose of this study is to analyze the efficiency and total factor productivity (MTFP) of the 12 defense industries in NATO and the EUROZONE with the data of the 2013-2017 period. GDP, defense expenditures, import for the defense industry and logistics performance index were used as input variables; while total sales and export values of defense industry were used as output variables in accordance with the data acquired from World Bank (WB) and SIPRI. Static DEA and MTFP were applied to data. According to findings of the CCR models; the USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Netherland were observed as efficient DMUs in all years; whereas the other six countries were inefficient ones. Additionally, according to BCC model, only Turkey and Canada were observed as inefficient ones for five years. MTFP analysis revealed that Turkey and Germany were the two countries experiencing TFP in all periods.

Does the Optimal Size of Defense Expenditure Exist? An Empirical Study on Turkey, 2019
The purpose of this study was to analyze whether an "inverted U" shape relationship between econo... more The purpose of this study was to analyze whether an "inverted U" shape relationship between economic growth and defense expenditure or not, what the optimal ratio of defense expenditure for Turkey is, and whether Turkey's defense expenditure in the period of 1990-2017 was optimal. The dependent variable of the study was the ratio of yearly economic growth, and independent variables were the ratio of defense expenditure in GDP and yearly unemployment rate respectively. Data which covered 1990-2017 period regarding Turkey was analyzed by using Time Series Analysis with FMOLS method. Economic growth and unemployment series were acquired from the Worldbank, while defense expenditure was from SIPRI data bank. According to the results; we have concluded that there is an "inverted U" shape the relationship between economic growth and defense expenditure. In other words, Armey Curve exists for Turkey. Also, we have observed the ratio of defense expenditure as 2.5% of the GDP. The defense expenditure of Turkey from 2010 is under this value of 2.5%. Considering this point; it can be put forward that Turkey may increase its defense expenditure up to 2.5% of the GDP to provide economic growth. Taking into account of the leading position and also the importance of the defense industry in the manufacturing industry, this evaluation is supported not only with the first law of Kaldor but also studies which propose that defense expenditure has positive effects on the economic growth as well.
The Determinants of Youth Unemployment: A Panel Data Analysis of OECD Countries, 2018
The aim of this study was to determine some of the key factors affecting youth employment from 20... more The aim of this study was to determine some of the key factors affecting youth employment from 2000-2015. Youth unemployment rate (YU) was the dependent variable while consumer price index (INF), domestic gross savings (GS), labor productivity (LP) and economic growth rate (GR) were the independent variables. Data from 31 OECD countries were obtained from World Bank (WB) and OECD databases. Panel Data Analysis was used to analyze the data. The results show that growth, inflation, and savings affect youth unemployment negatively while labor productivity affects youth employment positively. It is therefore concluded that growth, inflation, savings and labor productivity are among the key determinants of youth unemployment. JEL classification: C33, E21, E23, E31, F43, O40.

Short and long term analysis of some factors effecting youth unemployment in Turkey, 2016
In this study, we have used youth unemployment rate (YUR) as dependent; producer price index (PPI... more In this study, we have used youth unemployment rate (YUR) as dependent; producer price index (PPI), higher education schooling rate (HESR) and economic growth rate (EGR) as independent variables in order to clarify the factors that affect youth unemployment according to data for the period of 1988-2014. Data used in this study were obtained from database of World Bank (WB) and Turkish Statistical Institute. Augmented Dickey-Fuller test was conducted to identify if the series were stationary or not. Additionally, the co-integration test and ARDL bound test was conducted for short and long term analysis of series. According to findings of the study; long term relation was observed between the series. It was seen that PPI and HESR effect YUR negatively and also significantly; EGR effect YUR negatively but insignificantly in the long term.

Total Factor Productivity of Tourism Sector of OECD Countries, 2018
In this study, we try to analyze the total factor productivity of OECD countries in terms of econ... more In this study, we try to analyze the total factor productivity of OECD countries in terms of economics perspective with the 2011-2015 years data. The number of arrivals, tourism expenditures, and logistic performance index were used as input variables; tourism receipt also as output variables in accordance with the data acquired from World Bank (WB). Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Indexes were applied to data with output-oriented models. According to research findings; all OECD countries seem to have different fluctuated efficiency values in all kinds of efficiencies for those five years. Chech Republic was the only country that experienced efficiency loss for five years; while the UK is the only one that experienced increases in all type of efficiencies. Moreover; USA, Japan, Turkey and New Zealand were the ones that never experienced any loss in all kinds of efficiencies for the five years. In other words, the efficiency values of those countries were either stable or increased during that period.

In this study, we try to analyze the total factor productivity of OECD countries in terms of econ... more In this study, we try to analyze the total factor productivity of OECD countries in terms of economics perspective with the 2011-2015 years data. The number of arrivals, tourism expenditures, and logistic performance index were used as input variables; tourism receipt also as output variables in accordance with the data acquired from World Bank (WB). Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Indexes were applied to data with output-oriented models. According to research findings; all OECD countries seem to have different fluctuated efficiency values in all kinds of efficiencies for those five years. Chech Republic was the only country that experienced efficiency loss for five years; while the UK is the only one that experienced increases in all type of efficiencies. Moreover; USA, Japan, Turkey and New Zealand were the ones that never experienced any loss in all kinds of efficiencies for the five years. In other words, the efficiency values of those countries were either stable or increased during that period.
Conference Presentations by TC Rıza Bayrak

COVID-19 Outbreak, which threatens world health with its global effect, draws attention to its un... more COVID-19 Outbreak, which threatens world health with its global effect, draws attention to its uncertainty on economies. As the biggest one since World War II, this situation is both a health crisis and an economic crisis, which has occurred simultaneously while affecting many countries. For this reason, it is predicted by many international institutions that the epidemic may cause serious contractions on some variables such as foreign trade, investment decisions, income, and employment. In this basic framework, the possible economic effects of the epidemic on economies are tried to be analyzed. First of all, the negative effects that may be experienced in macroeconomic balances are addressed, and thereafter some predictions are made for possible structural changes in the future. Within the scope of the study, based on the fact that the reflections of the contraction process can take two years, state interventions and protectionist policies may increase worldwide. Accordingly, it can be judged that economies may get closed inward compared to former periods, and therefore the globalization process can be questioned as well. In other words; as the most meaningful and effective model of the future, the economic structure takes place, where the public share gets increased rather than the market and capital-oriented structure. In that model, the protection and continuation of life is the main driving force; the income is distributed fairly and equally among economic actors. On the other hand, the digitalization process, minimizing the amount of labor in the production process, would be deeper in the world. Therefore, governments should improve their investments and policies in accordance with these technological and structural changes.
Papers by TC Rıza Bayrak
Conference Presentations by TC Rıza Bayrak