Address: Osmaniye, Turkey
Address: Osmaniye, Turkey
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Papers by Ali DOĞANER
Children living in villages and rural areas find a suitable environment and play materials in nature. When children use nature as a play space and plants as play tools and materials, they become integrated with nature. Plants used in children's games and toy making provide information about the vegetation characteristics of that region. The plant presence of the place where the child lives has a significant impact on his play. Children produce games and toys according to the natural flora (flora) of the place where they live or the products grown.
Trees, flowers and herbs fulfill important functions in children's games and toys. Trees: It makes the space clear and has a center feature. The bark, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, fruit seeds, seeds of various trees and the wood produced from trees, garbage, sticks, sticks, wands, laths, plywood, are used as play and toy materials.
In their early periods, people practiced hunting and gathering. It can be thought that children also engaged in hunting and gathering activities on their own or with adults, or at least helped their elders in these activities. With industrialization, urbanization, migration from village to city, decrease in the population engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, and the transition from nomadic lifestyle to settled life, people have moved away from nature and started to spend more time in closed areas. Digital culture, television, radio and the internet have squeezed people into narrow spaces.
Plants in Osmaniye children's folklore; It is used in the production of toys, games and activity tools. Various plant names are used in children's play names, nursery rhymes and game contents. Various games are played with plants. Plants are used to decorate and make ornaments, and intention and fortune telling games are played with plants. Plants that are eaten, drunk, tasted and chewed have an important place in children's acquisition of nutritional habits. In preparing the article, a literature review was conducted, and observation and interview techniques were used in the field study. The subject is introduced by giving examples of various applications related to plants.
According to the results of the research, children's games and activities with plants have decreased from past to present. Migration from rural areas and villages to cities was effective in the emergence of this situation. Children living together with plants in rural and village environments could not find the same environment when they came to the city. It has become difficult to reach areas in the city center and surrounding areas (picnic areas, parks, forests) in a short time, easily and safely with groups of friends. Plant species and diversity have decreased in cities. In parallel with the absence of plants or the decrease in their species, games and toys related to plants have disappeared or their diversity has decreased.
Since there were no workshop or industrially produced toys that they could buy ready-made, children had to make their own toys to play with. Over time, children's handmade toys were replaced by wooden toys produced in workshops or factories, or play tools produced from various materials.
Plants are one of the tools that enable people to connect with the past. It reminds us of childhood, the games we played, the toys we made, and our playmates. It is important in terms of creating a common memory and memory. It becomes one of the main topics of conversation in later ages. Plants take people back to their childhood years and the common memories they shared with their friends at that time.
There are enough play materials in nature for children of families with various income levels. Procuring materials is easy and free. There is no sadness or boredom when something breaks during the game or does not turn out as desired; A new one is immediately found and rebuilt. Vegetable waste does not pollute the environment like other play materials.
Producing toys from a wide variety of plants and playing a variety of games with plants shows the richness of children's imaginations. Toys made from plants are toys that he designed himself, produced himself, produced for himself, and played with himself. Therefore, it has its own characteristics. Efforts are made to add features that are different from similar ones. During its construction, mental activities and manual skills develop; Because he works hard, he takes more ownership of the toy.
Children engage in physical activity by climbing trees, hanging from trees, and bending tree branches. In this way, their muscles develop, they overcome their fear of heights, and they learn to balance. Children who use plants for decoration develop their aesthetic sense. Love for nature, trees and flowers are formed. They become conscious about protecting nature and plants in nature.
Recognize various properties of plants (names, flexibility, durability, colors, smell, structure, heavy/light, hard/soft, taste, adhesion, foaming in water, etc.). By sharing this information with other children, it ensures that it is passed on to future generations. In addition, they get the opportunity to get to know other creatures in nature while playing with plants. He sees that plants are important for all living things.
Children learn through experience that plants are an important source of food. They gain the habit of natural nutrition. They learn to share their food and make sacrifices. They can continue the eating habits they acquired with their friends during childhood in later ages.
The protection of nature and plants in nature will also determine the existence of games related to them. In order for these games to continue, nature and plants must be protected first. It is not possible to play these games in areas where everything is covered with concrete. Children who have the opportunity to play games related to plants are away from the closed environment and digital games.
Children living in villages and rural areas find a suitable environment and play materials in nature. When children use nature as a play space and plants as play tools and materials, they become integrated with nature. Plants used in children's games and toy making provide information about the vegetation characteristics of that region. The plant presence of the place where the child lives has a significant impact on his play. Children produce games and toys according to the natural flora (flora) of the place where they live or the products grown.
Trees, flowers and herbs fulfill important functions in children's games and toys. Trees: It makes the space clear and has a center feature. The bark, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, fruit seeds, seeds of various trees and the wood produced from trees, garbage, sticks, sticks, wands, laths, plywood, are used as play and toy materials.
In their early periods, people practiced hunting and gathering. It can be thought that children also engaged in hunting and gathering activities on their own or with adults, or at least helped their elders in these activities. With industrialization, urbanization, migration from village to city, decrease in the population engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry, and the transition from nomadic lifestyle to settled life, people have moved away from nature and started to spend more time in closed areas. Digital culture, television, radio and the internet have squeezed people into narrow spaces.
Plants in Osmaniye children's folklore; It is used in the production of toys, games and activity tools. Various plant names are used in children's play names, nursery rhymes and game contents. Various games are played with plants. Plants are used to decorate and make ornaments, and intention and fortune telling games are played with plants. Plants that are eaten, drunk, tasted and chewed have an important place in children's acquisition of nutritional habits. In preparing the article, a literature review was conducted, and observation and interview techniques were used in the field study. The subject is introduced by giving examples of various applications related to plants.
According to the results of the research, children's games and activities with plants have decreased from past to present. Migration from rural areas and villages to cities was effective in the emergence of this situation. Children living together with plants in rural and village environments could not find the same environment when they came to the city. It has become difficult to reach areas in the city center and surrounding areas (picnic areas, parks, forests) in a short time, easily and safely with groups of friends. Plant species and diversity have decreased in cities. In parallel with the absence of plants or the decrease in their species, games and toys related to plants have disappeared or their diversity has decreased.
Since there were no workshop or industrially produced toys that they could buy ready-made, children had to make their own toys to play with. Over time, children's handmade toys were replaced by wooden toys produced in workshops or factories, or play tools produced from various materials.
Plants are one of the tools that enable people to connect with the past. It reminds us of childhood, the games we played, the toys we made, and our playmates. It is important in terms of creating a common memory and memory. It becomes one of the main topics of conversation in later ages. Plants take people back to their childhood years and the common memories they shared with their friends at that time.
There are enough play materials in nature for children of families with various income levels. Procuring materials is easy and free. There is no sadness or boredom when something breaks during the game or does not turn out as desired; A new one is immediately found and rebuilt. Vegetable waste does not pollute the environment like other play materials.
Producing toys from a wide variety of plants and playing a variety of games with plants shows the richness of children's imaginations. Toys made from plants are toys that he designed himself, produced himself, produced for himself, and played with himself. Therefore, it has its own characteristics. Efforts are made to add features that are different from similar ones. During its construction, mental activities and manual skills develop; Because he works hard, he takes more ownership of the toy.
Children engage in physical activity by climbing trees, hanging from trees, and bending tree branches. In this way, their muscles develop, they overcome their fear of heights, and they learn to balance. Children who use plants for decoration develop their aesthetic sense. Love for nature, trees and flowers are formed. They become conscious about protecting nature and plants in nature.
Recognize various properties of plants (names, flexibility, durability, colors, smell, structure, heavy/light, hard/soft, taste, adhesion, foaming in water, etc.). By sharing this information with other children, it ensures that it is passed on to future generations. In addition, they get the opportunity to get to know other creatures in nature while playing with plants. He sees that plants are important for all living things.
Children learn through experience that plants are an important source of food. They gain the habit of natural nutrition. They learn to share their food and make sacrifices. They can continue the eating habits they acquired with their friends during childhood in later ages.
The protection of nature and plants in nature will also determine the existence of games related to them. In order for these games to continue, nature and plants must be protected first. It is not possible to play these games in areas where everything is covered with concrete. Children who have the opportunity to play games related to plants are away from the closed environment and digital games.