Papers by Shaik abdul mazeed

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
Growth of a nation does not refer to the development of infrastructure, innovations and technolog... more Growth of a nation does not refer to the development of infrastructure, innovations and technology. In fact it is truly associated with the development of all citizens in terms of their standard of living. A country travels in development path if all the people are caught up in the process of growth and enjoy quality of living by accessing to basic facilities of life such as food, clothing, housing, health, clean water, education, employment and good natural and social environment. It all happens when economy is sound and have consistent growth rate. In our country the economic growth rate is directly depends on the development of rural areas as it is the backbone to the economy. Providing financial support to rural people is a Hercules task as they do not maintain any formal and necessary documents, failing which banks or any other financial institutions do not grant even a single penny. In this connection, Microfinance and Microcredit institutions helps the people in rural areas w...

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
Every company needs money or capital not only for its establishment but also for day to day opera... more Every company needs money or capital not only for its establishment but also for day to day operations. In order to acquire the money or capital a company will have its own variety sources that can be elucidated by capital structure. There are two ways or sources for financing a firm i.e. debt finance and equity finance also known as debt and equity capital. Debt Capital comes from bonds, debentures, long term notes payable etc. whereas equity capital comes from stock/shares may be equity or preference, retained earnings etc. Working capital is also a part of capital structure. Each category has its own pros and cons. Decisions related to finance is the integral element of any company. In this connection, the finance manager plays a vital role in arriving at a decision. He is always in dilemma that which proportion of capital leads to optimum utilization of funds. The widely accepted solution is a combination of equity capital and debt capital. Generally capital structure is formula...

International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019
Social media marketing has become an inseparable part of human life. It allows customers and pros... more Social media marketing has become an inseparable part of human life. It allows customers and prospects to communicate directly about various products/services with their friends. This is just a replacement of word of mouth, which place a vital role and cheapest way of promoting product in traditional marketing. The other important and unique feature of social media marketing is immediacy, which allows the customers to approach directly with the business people. Indeed it is helpful to both business people and customers as they can get the solutions with in no time unless it is a big damage. With the process, business people can maintain a sound relationship with the customers very easily as they are responding to their queries instantly. It is nothing but customer relationship management. It is another pivotal element in marketing. All these features will influence the customers a lot in making their purchase or buying decisions. Customer behavior is the study of when, why, how, and...

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
The present situation of Indian economy is worse. The GDP growth rate is 5% which is very low com... more The present situation of Indian economy is worse. The GDP growth rate is 5% which is very low compared to last five years trend. After a record fell down of short-term interest rates of commercial banks (below one percent), the Reserve bank of India has turned to quantitative easing (QE) to hold up economic growth. It is used by the government to amplify the supply of money in the economy. It leads to an increase in lending by commercial banks and spending by customers subsequently. On the other hand, these policies will boomerang greatly on economy and leads to extraordinarily high levels of inflation. If commercial banks fail to afford excess reserves, it may direct to unhinge in the money market. Simply it jeopardizes the entire economic system. To come out from this, Reserve Bank of India injects a fixed quantity of money into the economy by massive and unprecedented purchasing of financial assets from commercial banks and private entities. This leads to an increase in banks res...

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
Stress is a not a new word to the organizations. It is been a boiling subject from years ago as i... more Stress is a not a new word to the organizations. It is been a boiling subject from years ago as it is spread across the globe. To evade this, organizations tries to improve their employee’s satisfaction levels at job, so that a positive attitude can be inculcated among workforce. The other tool to abstain from mocking execution and deriding performance of an organization is employee’s engagement. It is a key which prompts hierarchical achievement and furthermore a fundamental factor to be considered while assessing stress. Stress cannot be eliminated from any organization but can be handled with utmost care to get good results. If stress is not managed well, it generates a negative behavior in workforce which destroys the end results or an organization fails to achieve its goals. If it continues for a long period of time, the result could be closure of an organization because over stress will reduce the employee performance. This research paper is expected to comprehend the reasons ...

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
Banking industry has grown quickly all over the world, at the same time insurance industry has al... more Banking industry has grown quickly all over the world, at the same time insurance industry has also grown rapidly in the same cut throat economic environment. With the entry into non core products or services like insurance and securities markets, these days banks have increased their businesses. The integration of financial markets, emergence of new technologies and expansion of non-banking activities has a great impact on baking operations. Thus it results in opening doors for the business of non core products like insurance and securities (bancassurance) by banks. The only intention behind this diversification of business by the banks is to provide ample investment alternatives to the common people who do not have access to various financial products and securities so that they can maximize the returns on their investment. The increasing popularity of bancassurance has widened the scope of research in this area. In this study an attempt is made to know the impact of bancassurance...

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
Social media has become an inseparable part of human life. It allows customers and prospects to c... more Social media has become an inseparable part of human life. It allows customers and prospects to communicate directly about various products/services with their friends. This is just a replacement of word of mouth, which place a vital role and cheapest way of promoting product in traditional marketing. The other important and unique feature of social media is immediacy, which allows the customers to approach directly with the business people. Indeed it is helpful to both business people and customers as they can get the solutions with in no time unless it is a big damage. With the process, business people can maintain a sound relationship with the customers very easily as they are responding to their queries instantly. It is nothing but customer relationship management. It is another pivotal element in marketing. All these features will influence the customers a lot in making their purchase or buying decisions. Consumer behavior is the study of when, why, how, and where people do or ...

COVID-19 pandemic has disturbed organizations and made HR personnel to think differently by consi... more COVID-19 pandemic has disturbed organizations and made HR personnel to think differently by considering new normal norms like social distancing, new work conditions that they may never have envisioned. To stop the spread of the coronavirus, organizations have changed to a Work from Home Model (WFHM), Remote Connections (RC) at a rate and scale, monitored and controlled by email and video conferencing. Sum and substance, HR Managers role has become more crucial and need to accomplish troublesome work under these unprecedented conditions. HR is worried about employee’s wellbeing and prosperity during the pandemic; they are under the strain of handling the deskwork and giving comfort to the large number of labourers simultaneously. HR has consistently been the front liner for workers and the HR's job in observing and keeping up has gotten significantly. Traditional HR is being supplanted with a comprehensive methodology utilizing trend setting innovations and being human driven too...

The International Journal of Management, 2021
Colossal expansion in the monetary market tasks, unusual expands in the awareness levels of the c... more Colossal expansion in the monetary market tasks, unusual expands in the awareness levels of the clients about the monetary items and the dangers related with them, mounting up of the quantity of monetary fakes, strategies that the organizations use to procure benefits, and numerous different components become the test for the endurance of the monetary and capital business sectors all around. A need emerged for the monetary controllers to present the idea of Investor Protection and Investor Education to shield their wellbeing. The monetary emergency likewise had underlined on the conspicuousness of the monetary mindfulness and security to cradle financial backers from the market disturbances. Indian economy is perceived as the most dependable one for interests in various roads because of its solid legal executive framework. Financial backer assurance is significant for any venture. Something else, no market can support and develop. Protections and Exchange Board of India is a market ...

Social Media has become an inseparable part of human life. It allows customers and prospects to c... more Social Media has become an inseparable part of human life. It allows customers and prospects to communicate directly about various products/services with their friends. This is just a replacement of word of mouth, which place a vital role and cheapest way of promoting product in traditional marketing. The other important and unique feature of social media marketing is immediacy, which allows the customers to approach directly with the business people. Indeed it is helpful to both business people and customers as they can get the solutions with in no time unless it is a big damage. With the process, business people can maintain a sound relationship with the customers very easily as they are responding to their queries instantly. It is nothing but customer relationship management. It is another pivotal element in marketing. All these features will influence the customers a lot in making their purchase or buying decisions. Customer behavior is the study of when, why, how, and where peo...

In the early days the main banking function of the goldsmiths was to keep in custody other people... more In the early days the main banking function of the goldsmiths was to keep in custody other people’s money and lending a part of it. Gradually, these functions were extended, and others were added. As a result, the dependence of commerce upon banking has become so great that in the modern money economy, the cessation, even for a day or two, of the banker’s activities would completely paralyze the economic life of a nation. Now-a-days, the bankers have to deal with many matters. They serve as custodians of stocks and shares and other valuables. Imports into and exports out of a country are financed by banks and documents relating to the goods so imported and exported, at one time or another, pass through the hands of the bankers. Quality has become a part of our daily lives. It has received high attention by many firms and customers. While customers keep looking and expressing their desires for quality products or services, firms consider quality as a key strategy to develop products ...

International Journal of Management and Humanities, 2021
Price sensitivity was consistently a matter of worry for retailers when planning pricing strategi... more Price sensitivity was consistently a matter of worry for retailers when planning pricing strategies. The expectant reaction towards changing price is high felt among the middleclass purchasers and impact more on their purchasing decisions in India. This research plans to decide, regardless of whether the estimating special technique for the key-esteem classification, acquires a huge change in the offer of key-esteem things or not. The examination is decisive and applied the quantitative method to approve the proposed speculation. An organized poll comprising 21 inquiries was utilized to gather information through an online review. The Snowball inspecting strategy was utilized to gather information from respondents, including youthful workers, homemakers, and entrepreneurs, and gathered reactions towards the incessant value limits offered by driving hypermarkets chains and general stores in the country. The straight relapse is directed utilizing SPSS programming. Discoveries of the e...
Papers by Shaik abdul mazeed