About Open Source

OS-Climate, an umbrella project of The Linux Foundation, applies the “community-based” governance, collaboration rules, licensing, and standard-setting that have revolutionized innovation in Tech and Life Sciences – including the COVID-19 vaccine development, the Human Genome Project, the Linux operating system, and large portions of the Internet of Things. These systems, perfected through 300+ global projects involving 1,400+ member companies and 249,000+ individuals, make LF a powerful force multiplier by coordinating large numbers of companies and individuals in jointly tackling complex challenges.
Rapidly producing high quality, transparent, accessible data and tools required for widespread climate transition by asset owners, asset managers, and banks can only happen through well structured, fully transparent technical collaboration among financial sector firms and institutions, research institutions, NGOs, “real economy” companies, commercial data providers, academia, and governments. Such collaboration is only possible in a well structured Open Source environment.
LF projects serve as a “Switzerland” where competitors can work together on the “pre-competitive” layer of technology and standards they all need. This prevents “wheel re-invention” and frees up resources to accelerate innovation. The LF method is specifically suited to markets in early development, when patterns of competition can impede market progress by sowing confusion and slowing crucial standards development – exactly the current situation with climate-aligned finance, investing, and business.